#christopher michael dixon


Requested?: No

Warnings?: None

Pairing: Chris and Reader

Okay, so I’m aware that this imagine is god awful. I just desperately wanted to get something out for you guys, as its been a month or two since I’ve posted anything. But please if you all could leave some comments or anything. it actually motivates me to write more.



Today is the day that one of my best friends isgettingmarried. Normally I would be all for these kinda of things, but not this time.

You see while Sierra was picking her bridal party, I was nothing more than an after thought. Which I guess makes since in a way, because we haven’t seen each otherin almost a year.

I guess that’s what I get for traveling to America for a few months for traveling.

I felt like I knew no one here. I mean I of course knew Sierra and her new husband, parts of the bridal party and of course her parents . Other than that though, I knew no one.

I’m currently standing by the bar, stirring the drink in my hand while watching people.

“Looks like you’re having about as much fun as I am.”

I’m startled by the person saying this. I wasn’t expecting anyone to talk to me.

“I’m deceiving you. I’m actually havingall kinds of fun.”

“Oh really?” He says setting his drink down “BecauseI’ve been watching you all night and I’ve only seen you over here.”

“Oh, so you’ve been watching me all night? That’s nice to know.”

“I didn’t mean that in a creepy way. I meant that I’ve been wanting to come over and talk to you all night because I think you’re really pretty.”

I let out a small laugh, turning to him “Trying you’re hardest not to make it anymore creepy?”

“I’m sorry. Let me start over.” He then turns to me smiling “Hi, I’m Chris and I just wanted to say that I think you are very pretty.”

I smile, setting my drink down “Hello Chris and thank you very much.”

“You’re very welcome….” he trails off

“Y/N. My name is Y/N.”

“Well you are very welcome Y/N.” He smiles “Now, I have question for you.”

I raise my eyebrows asking him silently what it is

“Do you think that anyone here would miss two people who have been stood in the back of the crowd all night?”

“That depends, where would these two people go?”

“Maybe off to a diner, then maybe a park.”

“In that case I don’t think those two people would be missed at all.”

“Shall we then?” He asks holding his hand out towards me

“We shall.” I say taking his hand

He then leads me out to what I’m guessing is his car.

After both of us are in, he begins to drive off.

“Now, I hope you are hungry, because I don’t want to be the only one eating here.” Chris says as he pulls into the parking lot of a 60s themed diner.

“Trust me. I’m definitely going to be eating. I forgot how much of a health freak Sierra was.”

“Not just her, I can confirm that Jackson is one ask well. So it only makes sense that all they had at their wedding was healthy stuff.”

Once seated we both immediately know what we ordering. Each of us ordering a burger with fries and a chocolate shake. Trying our hardest to get exactly the opposite of the food at the wedding. In which I think I can safely say we did.

Upon finishing our food, I go to grab my card out of my bag, but Chris is already pulling his out.

“I asked you to come here, so let me pay.”

He didn’t even give me a chance to respond before the lady at the register took his card.

As we exit the diner, I feel his hand grab ahold of mine, pulling me in the opposite direction of his car.

“Where are you taking me?” I ask as I struggle to keep up in my heels

“I mentioned something about going to a park as well, and the park isn’t to far a walk from here. Plus it’s a nice night and I’d like to enjoy it.”

“If we are going to walk the whole way there, then can we go slower, because I’m in heels and I cannot walk that fast.”

“I would love to slow down for you,” He says as he stops and turns to me “But seeing as we are here, I don’t think that will be necessary.”

“Oh I see. Well I’m that case, I’m going to sit down on a bench.”

I then begin to make my way over to a bench to sit down, but am stopped by his hand on my arm.

“I have one question before you do sit.”

“And that is?”

“I meant to ask you to dance before we left the wedding but I forgot. So will you have one dance with me?”

“Here?” I ask looking around “But there’s no music.”

“Ah, but that is something I can fix.” He says as he pulls out a pair of headphones and his phone from his pocket. “I’ve got just the perfect song.”

“Well I can’t say no to that.”

He smiles before handing me one of the ear pieces, keeping one for himself. We both place them in our ear as soft music begins to play through them.

Placing his hands gently on my waist, I place mine on his shoulders, we begin to sway to the music.

After two songs have went by, my head is now resting on his shoulder.

“You know, it’s getting pretty late. We should probably head back soon, that way you can get your car.” Chris says, still moving to the slow tempo of the music

I raise my head up from his shoulder, looking directly at him “I figured this wouldn’t last all night. Maybe we can get back before Jackson and Sierra leave.”

“To late for that. Got a message before we left the diner that they left.”

“Oh, well back to get my car then.”

The whole ride back to wedding venue was silent. Not the awkward kind of silence though, the peaceful kind. The kind where you just feel comfortable around the other person, which is something I liked.

Before we both drove off on our separate way, numbers were exchanged.  Also a promise to do this again was made. Something that I couldn’t wait to happen.

I have a feeling that this guy will be around for a while. At least I hope it’s like that.
