#chrismd imagine


A nonny wanted more sexting so as promised here it is. I missed Tobi out purely because i was running out of ideas and didn’t want to seem too repetitive so i’m really sorry for that :( But hey bonus Cal for all you hoes! Anyway i hope you enjoy <3

Josh: You need to fucking behave
You: What did I do? o:)
Josh: Don’t act all innocent
Josh: You know exactly what you was doing
You: What was that daddy?
Josh: Wearing that ridiculously short skirt, bending over, you know everyone could of seen you?
You: Maybe I wanted them too, why do you think didn’t wear panties today :)
Josh: You’re being a very naughty girl today, do you need a spanking?
You: I don’t know daddy, do I?
Josh: With how cheeky you’re being yes you do. Come upstairs, I want you bent over my nap 

You: Why am I stuck at uni when I could be in bed with you rn :( 
Simon: Because someone insisted on “studying” elsewhere
You: You could give me encouragement to actually work though :((
Simon: Like what?
You: Oh I don’t know, everytime I finish a chapter I get to give you a blowjob ;)
Simon: Now you’re just being a tease
You: And if I’m a really good girl and finish a full unit I’ll let you do anything you want to me  ;)
You: I even have a special something I want to show you…
Simon: I’ll pick you up in 10 minutes
You: ;))

JJ: I have a surprise for you when you get home
You: Yes?
JJ: You want me to tell you now and ruin the surprise?!
You: Jide come on, work is boring and I need something to look forward to :(
JJ: Okay okay
JJ: I bought you a collar
You: What?
JJ: Yep! A pretty pink lace collar with a matching leash, so now you really can be my pet  
You: And you can be my master?
JJ: Of course ;)
You: Fuck, you’re making me so wet just at the thought
JJ: My little kitten is already making a mess ;)
You: Stop it
JJ: Can’t wait for you to get home kitten ;)

You: I’m so wet rn
You: Just been thinking about all the things you could be doing to me
You: All the things I want to do with you
Ethan: Babe it’s 9am, can’t you at least wait till I’m more awake
You: But that would ruin the fun ;)
You: Are you already hard?
Ethan: Yeah
You: Good, I want you to touch yourself and send me a pic
Ethan: Who put you in charge?
You: o:)
Ethan: You need to stop getting so cheeky
You: What are you gonna do about it?
Ethan: Punish you if I have to
You: Guess I’ll keep being a bad girl then

You: I can’t wait for you to finish up editing, gonna make you come so fucking hard
Vik: Oie!
You: What o:)
Vik: Stop it
You: Noooo, I don’t want to. I’d rather tease you so your nice and hard for when I suck you off :)
Vik: The more you message me the longer this will take
You: Guess I’ll have to come to you then
Vik: Don’t you dare
You: Already coming! Hope you’re naked and ready for me ;)
You: I know I am
Vik: I guess I can stop editing for a while…
You: ;))))

You: Harry I need you
Harry: What’s up babe?
You: I need your cock deep inside me, my fingers aren’t good enough
Harry: You know I’m streaming, so shut it
You: Just a quick fuck? They won’t even notice
Harry: No
You: Fine, I’ll find something else to get myself off then
You: I’ll even do it right on the sofa where everyone can see :)
Harry: Gdi fine. You’ve already got me hard af anyway
You: I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist why sweet, sweet pussy ;)   

You: You know how close I was to sucking you off during that stream? xx
You: Very fucking close xx
Chris: Even with Harry there? X
You: Especially with Harry there ;) xx
Chris: You’re too kinky for me xx
You: Aw we could of had a threesome :( I’ve always wanted two cocks deep inside of me ;) xx
Chris: Maybe I don’t want to share you xx
You: But wouldn’t you love to watch someone else fuck me? ;) xx
Chris: No, the only person that can fuck you is me. No one else can have that tight pussy. It’s all mine xx
You: Mm I like you being protective xx
Chris: Good, because when you get home I’ll make sure everyone fucking knows you’re all mine xx

Callum: Yknow…
You: Hm?
Callum: I really can’t wait to get home and be with you
You: Aw babe, I can’t wait too xx
Callum: Just so I can spread your legs and eat that pretty pussy of yours ;)
You: Really Cal?
Callum: Aw  Don’t you want my tongue flicking over your clit?
Callum: Don’t you want to be squirming in pleasure?
You:  You’re an ass
Callum: I take that as a yes ;)
You: Fuck off Cal
Callum: ;))

Three Empty Words (Chrismd)

Requested?: Yes, thank you

Warnings?: Suggestive content, possible tears

Pairing: Chris and Reader



I don’t know what’s gotten into him lately. Well what’s gotten into the both of us really. It’s like we don’t love each other anymore.

I mean sure the two of us still go out and everything, but it’s not the same. It’s like we are forced to go. Like we are expected to go.

Chris still picks me up from work. Every night, at the same time and same place.

Asking me about how my day went, making small talk, just so the car won’t be filled with silence.

If we aren’t talking, there is music playing. Songs that we used to sing at the top of our lungs to. But now there is no singing, not even a hum to the song,

The worst part about this ‘relationship’ is when something goes wrong. Something that used to cause us to fight about. Nothing. No fighting. No mentioning of it. Just nothing. We just don’t care enough to fight.

He’s told me that he still loves me, but I know better. Those words are empty, no meaning to them anymore. Just words exchanged to make it seem like everything is okay.

Sitting on his couch, three feet between us. I can tell something is on his mind. He won’t tell me and I’m not sure if I want to ask. Mainly because I’m sure I’ve got the same thing on mine.

“I can’t do this anymore.” He finally says

“Can’t do what Chris?”

“Us.” He says turning to me “I can’t do us anymore.”

“Yeah, figured that much.”

“Oh what’s the supposed to mean?”

“You know what I meant Chris.”

“Actually I don’t. Please enlighten me.”

I roll my eyes “Our relationship. I figured you had enough of it. Since you haven’t been acting the same around me.”

“I’m not acting the same way?” He asks raising his voice a little “I’m not the only one to blame here. You’ve been acting different too.”

“Only because of how you’ve been acting. You act like you don’t want me around anymore.”

“Y/N, of course I want you around. I lo…”

I cut him off “Don’t say those words. Don’t say those words that have absolutely no meaning behind them anymore.”

“Fine, if that’s what you want then go. Just.Do.Not. Runaway from this. Making me have to tell your family what’s happened. Because I am not going to be the one to break the news to your brother. I still want to have a relationship with him because I’m his mentor.”

“Fine, whatever you want. Make my own brother hate me. Pretty sure he likes you more anyway.”

“Do not try and turn this around. Do not make me look like the bad guy. At least I kept trying with this.”

“If this is what you call trying, I would hate to see what not trying looks like.”

“I thought you were leaving?”

“I am.” I say getting up “Just gonna grab the few things I have here.”

I bite my lip, holding back the tears that are fighting to fall past my eyes, before I turn on my heal and head upstairs to grab my things.

I didn’t have much here, so it won’t take me long to grab my things. I just can’t believe that he really isn’t even willing to try and save this relationship. I mean sure we may not be the same couple anymore, but we could try and work it out.

As I’m turning to walk out of the room, I’m pushed back in. A pair of lips attaching to my own. It takes me a second to realize what is happening. Chris is kissing me, slowly walking me back towards the bed.

I know that I shouldn’t let this happen, but I don’t want to stop it.

Pushing me to lay down on the bed, with him on top of me. He gently tugs at my shirt, and I at his. Before long they are both off. The two of us now just in our underwear, lips not parting.

This night it felt as though all the emotions that we have been keeping inside and to ourselves, have come out. There wasn’t necessarily any love felt, but you could feel something. Almost like neither one of us wants to part ways.

Maybe this was what we needed to get back into our circle. What our friends would call 'Our Bubble of Love.’

I didn’t want this night to end. It was utterly perfect. Falling asleep in his arms again. Something that hasn’t happened in months. I felt as if I was home again. I loved it.

Im awoken in the morning by the sun shining through the small break in the curtains. Smiling to myself, I turn over to face Chris.

My smile fades, now seeing that he is not there.

Only to be met with a small note. Saying:

'I’msorry,but I can’t anymore.’

Those six words break my heart. I knew that it wouldn’t last, but I was hoping to at least have one more morning with him. One more morning to at least try and save the relationship.

Although my love for Chris is gone. I feel empty without him here. I’ve never had this feeling before. Well I have, but I’ve never went through it by myself. I always had him there to comfort me. To make me feel better. ]

Now I have no one, nothing. It makes my heart physically hurt.

I just know that I will have to heal from this. Move on from him. Learn to love another, like the way I used to love him.

In time I will. That’s what I have to keep telling myself.

Requested: Yes, thank you <3
Warnings: Just he ready for tears
Pairing: Chris and reader.

These kind of imagines are probably my favorite thing to write. I just love the emotion behind them.


Chris POV

I should have never went out with them. I knew that something like this could happen.

It’s my mistake and now I have to live with it. I just hope that she can understand and forgive me since I was drunk.

I know that I have to justhave to tell her, but it’s gonna break her heart.

I knew better than to make a bet with Cal, Simon and Will. Especially one that could put my relationship with Y/N on the line.

I’m so fucking stupid.

Okay, she’s coming home in two hours.

I have two hours to think of how I’m going to tell her.

‘Y/N, I cheated on you last night.’

No god that’s to straight forward

Maybe ‘So, uh last night when you were out at your friends I went out with the guys, and I ended up kinda cheating on you.’

No that sounds even worse.

Okay, I’m gonna go and buy her all her favorite things.

And hour later I’m finally back at the flat with everything.

I’ve got two bouquets of daisies, dark chocolate with caramel, fuzzy socks, her favorite movie and even some kettle corn.

I’m hoping that me getting together a lot of her favorite things will help, at least a little. I already know that she is gonna know something is up when she walks in and see all of this. I’m just hoping that she doesn’t completely blow up on me. That she will understand I was drunk and that didn’t know what I was doing.

Alright lie, I knew what I was doing. But I let my lower head take over my upper one. I knew what I was doing was wrong but I still did it.

She’s gonna think that I don’t love her, or that she’s not good enough for me.

None of that is true though. I love her more than words can describe. Y/N is my everything. I wouldn’t be who I am today without her. I couldn’t imagine a life without her.

Just as soon as I get everything set up and in place, I hear the front door open and close.

As she turns the corner she almost jumps out of her skin when she sees me.

I smile softly and motion her over.

“What is all this about Chris?” She asks sitting down on the couch beside me

“What a guy can’t spoil his girlfriend every now and then?”

“I mean yeah you can, but why tonight? You normally do it on weekends.”

“Felt like doing something a little different, so you wouldn’t expect it.”

She just shrugs and goes along with it. Pulling her feet up on the couch and leaning into me.

I want to savor these last moments with her, where she’s not completely pissed off at me.

So I grab the bowl of popcorn and press play on the movie.

About halfway though the movie I pause it.

“Chris, why did you pause it? It was just getting to the good part.”

“Because I can’t sit here and act like nothing is wrong.”

“What are you talking about?”

I take in a deep breath, alright he we go.

“Y/N, last night when you were at your parents house, I went of with some of the guys.”

“Chris, please don’t tell me this is going where I think it is.”

“We made a bet to see who could get this girls number first and I won. But that’s not what I want to tell you.”

She nods, as of telling me to continue

“I ended up calling her later on and I cheated on you. Woke up in her bed this morning.”

She sits up and moves slightly away from me.

“I swear to god I was drunk though. That I didn’t know what I was doing. You know I would never intentionally do something like that to you.”

“I know,” she shrugs “which is why I’m gonna forgive you.”

“You forgive me?”

“Like you said you were drunk and you probably weren’t thinking straight.”

I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Relieved that she forgave me.

“So how about you go out and get some pizza, and everything to make sundaes. I will stay here and make us a blanket fort and we can stay in there all night and just watch movies.”

“Sounds like a plan love.” I say kissing her cheek.

I then grab my keys and wallet heading out the door.

I still couldn’t believe that she forgave me that quickly. I wanted to question it, but I’m scared she will take it back. So I just left it.

Finally after finding everything that was needed to make sundaes, I quickly run in and pick up a pizza. One that I know she will like.

A Hawaiian one. Pineapple and all. (A/N: fight me on it.)

Upon coming back home I realize that her car is no longer in it’s usual spot. Maybe she just forgot where to park again. Wouldn’t be the first time.

When I enter the flat, it seems oddly quiet.

Maybe she just fell asleep. I mean she did have quite the drive back from her parents today.

When I set my keys down on the table, I notice hers are gone.

That sends me into a panic.

She’s left.

She didn’t forgive me at all.

She just wanted to get me out of the house so she could leave without telling me.

I run into our bedroom room and open the closet.

All of her clothes are gone. Shoes, bags.


When I enter the kitchen, to put away the stuff I bought, I notice a note on the counter.


I love you, so much. I’m guessing you didn’t feel the same way. Otherwise you wouldn’t have done what you did.
So I left. Took everything that was mine.
Don’t try and find me. I don’t want you to. Stay there.
Maybe call that girl again.
Seems like she can get more attention than me.
     Love, Y/N.

I hadn’t even noticed I was crying until a drop fell on the paper in front of me.

Not the first tears on it though. There were dried ones there too.

I hate the picture in my head of Y/N writing this note and crying. Breaks my heart even more.

I’m so stupid for cheating on her. Now I’ve lost the girl I wanted to marry.

Just days before I was going to propose to her.

I’ve lost her forever.

Stubborn (Chrismd)

Requested?: Yes, thank you

Warnings?: None

Pairing: Chris and Reader

I know this sucks. I’m sorry. Hope y'all don’t mind though.



Surgery. Defiantly not something that I was looking forward to having, but I knew it had to be done. If I didn’t do it now, I would probably never get my knee fixed.

Sometimes I regretted being a dancer. It really messed both of my knees up, more my right then my left. It was what I loved doing though, I couldn’t never give it up.

I was being sent home today. The doctors felt that I was ready. Already have taken a few steps, learning how to walk again. It was tough and it hurt like a bitch, but I pushed through it. I had to learn how to walk and get around myself. I didn’t want to rely on anyone through this.

I’m dreading who is coming to pick me up though. Chris, my boyfriend, can be a little over the top sometimes. If I’m even the slightest hurt, even if it’s just a scratch, he immediately goes into overprotective mode.

This includes; not allowing me to get anything for myself, no walking, no anything. He insists on me not doing anything.

It gets a little overwhelming sometimes. Especially when you are as independent as I am. I grew up that way. Always doing things by myself. My parents were hardly around, so I learned how to take care of myself.

It wasn’t until I met Chris, that I learned that I could depend on someone else to take care of me. I wasn’t to fond of it, and he knew that. It didn’t stop him though. Every chance he got, he was always doing something for me.

“You ready to go?” Chris says walking through my door

I nod my head “More than ready. I’m tired of seeing these walls and eating that food. I need real food.”

“Well then, on the way home we still stop at McDonalds and get you some real food.” He says, taking my hands in his and helping my stand up.

“Shouldn’t you be using a wheelchair? I mean you just had knee surgery two days ago.” He says as he helps keep my balance

“I’m fine. Been walking around the hallways. I can walk.” I say taking a few small steps “I just need to grab my bad and then I’ll be good to go.”

“No, you sit in that chair and let me get your bag.”

Before I can protest, Chris is already gathering my bad and the rest of my things. I let out a frustrated sigh.

Instead of doing what he said, I head for the door. Taking small steps in the process, no doubt in pain, but I’m doing it by myself.

“Y/N!” Chris exclaims “What are you doing? I told you to sit down.”

“And I told you that I am fine. I can do this.” I say, now opening the door and walking, limping, out, with the help of my crutches

I heard him let out a frustrated sigh, before following me out. He should know by now that I’m not going to be an easy person to take care of. I’m probably gonna have him getting mad at me a lot, and vice versa, but that is just how our relationship works. I do something he told me not to because I’m hurt, and he gets mad at me. It’s a never ending loop really.

Although I fee like this time he is going to be a lot worse, because this time it it’s time just a small injury, I had a major surgery.

When we arrive at our house, I am instructed to stay in the car. By instructed I mean, Chris has literally locked the doors so I can’t get out until he opens it from the outside. I swear this boy will do anything he can just to make sure he helps me.

Finally after what feels like forever we are inside.

Surprisingly he lets me go up the stairs by myself. Maybe he was finally okay with the fact that I was going to be independent on this. I know him better though.

I can already tell you that he is in the kitchen, preparing different snacks and stuff, that way I won’t have a reason to go down.

At this point I didn’t care, as long as I could get out of these sweat pants and into a pair of shorts. Which turns out to be quite difficult, as I cannot bend my right leg.

I’ve got them about halfway off, when they get stuck. By stuck, I mean I can’t get them any further due to my leg.

I hear a soft chuckle come from the doorway. I turn around and am met with Chris, shaking his head.

“Do you want me to help?”

I nod my head, sighing “ Just with this one thing,” I say slouching down onto the bed “It’s kinda hard to do.”

“You need help with more than just this one thing, but you’re too stubborn to say otherwise.”

He then bends down in front on me and gently helps me get the pants off, then helping me getting the shorts on.

“Now, I do believe that the doctor said to stay in bed and off of your leg for a few days.” He says, walking back to the door “So put together a basket with all of your favorite snacks, sweets, movies and books.”

Told you thats what he was doing.

“Chris, I’m allowed to get up and walk a little. I was walking at the hospital.”

“Yes, but you also had a pt there. So that means no standing until he is here.”

I sigh and lay back on the bed, groaning.

“Come on, it won’t be that bad. I’ll be here with you. I won’t leave until you absolutely want me to. Plus I don’t need you hurting yourself again. I need you back in goal for videos.”

I roll my eyes “Fine, can you put in one of the movies then?”

He nods, proceeding to enter ‘Beauty and The Beast’ into the player, before joining me on the bed.

Now normally I would be all for this movie, singing along to it, reciting the dialogue, but this time is different. Mainly because I just can’t get comfortable. I keep trying to readjust myself, but nothing is helping.

As if Chris is reading my thoughts, he speaks up, “Can’t get comfortable?”

“No, its kinda hard when one leg has to be straight the entire time.”

“Here, I have an idea.”

He then sits me up ever so slightly, before slotting himself behind me. Letting me rest my back agains his chest.

“If my girl can’t bend one of her legs, then I won’t either. I will lay in the same position she does. Although she will get a slightly more comfortable surface to lean against.”

I smile at his words, leaning back into him.

This may not be the most comfortable, but it is definitely an improvement. Maybe having him take care of me might not be such a bad thing. Who knows what I can get him to do.

Requested?: No

Warnings?: No

Pairing: Chris and Reader

This is short and I also haven’t written anything in almost 2 years. Which I’m sorry for, truly. But I hope to get back into it.

This is inspired by the song “Marry Me” By Thomas Rhett. Also because of the fact that I am going to be getting married soon myself.


Chris’s POV

I always dreamed of this day. The day Y/N would be getting married. Though I never dreamed that she would be marrying someone else. It breaks my heart to see this day come.

I always thought I would maybe have a chance someday. Maybe if this guy she was with didn’t work out. When I got the invitation in the mail I knew that was it. I was never gonna get my chance with her. I couldn’t ever tell her how truly feel about her. She’s been my best friend for as long as I can remember. I always wondered if she could ever possibly feel the same way as I do, but I guess not.

So here I am standing in the back of the space, in my black suit and black tie. Almost dressed like I’m going to a funeral. Which I guess in a way I am. Except the only thing that will die is my love for Y/N.

A small little country wedding, her favorite flowers, magnolias, everywhere. I see her granddaddy up at the front talking to her family. She always wanted him to preach the service. I’m sure the wedding is gonna be small for a reason though. She always hated the idea of making her dad pay for a big expensive wedding.

I have a small flask in my hand doing shots of whiskey out of it every so often, trying to numb the pain. Trying my hardest to not cry so I don’t have to tell anyone what is wrong with me. I just hope I can make it through without shedding a tear. Though I know once I see her a few are going to slip out without my control. Just seeing how beautiful she will look, and knowing that she isn’t mine.

Her dad comes out and heads directly for me. Telling me that she’s panicking and needs me to calm her down. Maybe this is it. Maybe I can tell her how I feel, get it all off of my chest.

When I enter the room she’s in, seeing her in her dress, looking as beautiful as ever, I can’t do it. I can’t ruin this day for her. Instead I take a deep breath and go over and calm her down. Reassuring her that her groom isn’t going to go anywhere. That this day will go perfectly.

She smiles, kisses me on the cheek and tells me that she loves me. Though when she tells me she doesn’t know what she’d do without her best friend in her life, that’s when I knew the love we have for each other is vastly different.

When I return to my chair, everyone has arrived and the ceremony begins. So here I sit in my black suit with my black tie. Hiding in the back, doing a strong shot of whiskey. Blocking out of the pain I’m feeling.

She’s always wanted to get married. The worst part is that she doesn’t want to marry me.

Requested?: No

Warnings?: None

Pairing: Chris and Reader

Okay, so I’m aware that this imagine is god awful. I just desperately wanted to get something out for you guys, as its been a month or two since I’ve posted anything. But please if you all could leave some comments or anything. it actually motivates me to write more.



Today is the day that one of my best friends isgettingmarried. Normally I would be all for these kinda of things, but not this time.

You see while Sierra was picking her bridal party, I was nothing more than an after thought. Which I guess makes since in a way, because we haven’t seen each otherin almost a year.

I guess that’s what I get for traveling to America for a few months for traveling.

I felt like I knew no one here. I mean I of course knew Sierra and her new husband, parts of the bridal party and of course her parents . Other than that though, I knew no one.

I’m currently standing by the bar, stirring the drink in my hand while watching people.

“Looks like you’re having about as much fun as I am.”

I’m startled by the person saying this. I wasn’t expecting anyone to talk to me.

“I’m deceiving you. I’m actually havingall kinds of fun.”

“Oh really?” He says setting his drink down “BecauseI’ve been watching you all night and I’ve only seen you over here.”

“Oh, so you’ve been watching me all night? That’s nice to know.”

“I didn’t mean that in a creepy way. I meant that I’ve been wanting to come over and talk to you all night because I think you’re really pretty.”

I let out a small laugh, turning to him “Trying you’re hardest not to make it anymore creepy?”

“I’m sorry. Let me start over.” He then turns to me smiling “Hi, I’m Chris and I just wanted to say that I think you are very pretty.”

I smile, setting my drink down “Hello Chris and thank you very much.”

“You’re very welcome….” he trails off

“Y/N. My name is Y/N.”

“Well you are very welcome Y/N.” He smiles “Now, I have question for you.”

I raise my eyebrows asking him silently what it is

“Do you think that anyone here would miss two people who have been stood in the back of the crowd all night?”

“That depends, where would these two people go?”

“Maybe off to a diner, then maybe a park.”

“In that case I don’t think those two people would be missed at all.”

“Shall we then?” He asks holding his hand out towards me

“We shall.” I say taking his hand

He then leads me out to what I’m guessing is his car.

After both of us are in, he begins to drive off.

“Now, I hope you are hungry, because I don’t want to be the only one eating here.” Chris says as he pulls into the parking lot of a 60s themed diner.

“Trust me. I’m definitely going to be eating. I forgot how much of a health freak Sierra was.”

“Not just her, I can confirm that Jackson is one ask well. So it only makes sense that all they had at their wedding was healthy stuff.”

Once seated we both immediately know what we ordering. Each of us ordering a burger with fries and a chocolate shake. Trying our hardest to get exactly the opposite of the food at the wedding. In which I think I can safely say we did.

Upon finishing our food, I go to grab my card out of my bag, but Chris is already pulling his out.

“I asked you to come here, so let me pay.”

He didn’t even give me a chance to respond before the lady at the register took his card.

As we exit the diner, I feel his hand grab ahold of mine, pulling me in the opposite direction of his car.

“Where are you taking me?” I ask as I struggle to keep up in my heels

“I mentioned something about going to a park as well, and the park isn’t to far a walk from here. Plus it’s a nice night and I’d like to enjoy it.”

“If we are going to walk the whole way there, then can we go slower, because I’m in heels and I cannot walk that fast.”

“I would love to slow down for you,” He says as he stops and turns to me “But seeing as we are here, I don’t think that will be necessary.”

“Oh I see. Well I’m that case, I’m going to sit down on a bench.”

I then begin to make my way over to a bench to sit down, but am stopped by his hand on my arm.

“I have one question before you do sit.”

“And that is?”

“I meant to ask you to dance before we left the wedding but I forgot. So will you have one dance with me?”

“Here?” I ask looking around “But there’s no music.”

“Ah, but that is something I can fix.” He says as he pulls out a pair of headphones and his phone from his pocket. “I’ve got just the perfect song.”

“Well I can’t say no to that.”

He smiles before handing me one of the ear pieces, keeping one for himself. We both place them in our ear as soft music begins to play through them.

Placing his hands gently on my waist, I place mine on his shoulders, we begin to sway to the music.

After two songs have went by, my head is now resting on his shoulder.

“You know, it’s getting pretty late. We should probably head back soon, that way you can get your car.” Chris says, still moving to the slow tempo of the music

I raise my head up from his shoulder, looking directly at him “I figured this wouldn’t last all night. Maybe we can get back before Jackson and Sierra leave.”

“To late for that. Got a message before we left the diner that they left.”

“Oh, well back to get my car then.”

The whole ride back to wedding venue was silent. Not the awkward kind of silence though, the peaceful kind. The kind where you just feel comfortable around the other person, which is something I liked.

Before we both drove off on our separate way, numbers were exchanged.  Also a promise to do this again was made. Something that I couldn’t wait to happen.

I have a feeling that this guy will be around for a while. At least I hope it’s like that.
