#christopher paolini


while I’m on about inheritance cycle can y'all Pretty please like this if u post eragon content so i can follow u?? new fan here


“Books are my friends, my companions. They make me laugh and cry and find meaning in life.”

— Christopher Paolini, Eragon

4 out of 5 stars

To Sleep in the Sea of Stars is Paolini’s first adult novel - and he makes a BIG splash with it. You can tell that this book is a product of love, patience and years and years of labour. Paolini has thought of it all. The novel has a great storyline, a complex and believable MC, wonders of the universe, diverse cast and a good ending I highly recommend this book to any Sci - Fi fan out there. And if you are like me and listen to books all day long - Jennifer. Hale does a FANTASTIC job narrating this book.

My only qualm with the book is that it could be shorter - in a true Paolini fashion, he drags it out a bit.

~ Iryna

I’m re-reading “The Inheritance Cycle” at the moment and I just realized something. I always thought that the whole Murthagh-vs-Eragon-plot was like a retelling of the Morzan-vs-Brom and that the boys inherited the war of their fathers. I mean they both became dragon riders, these dragons even had the same scale color as the dragon of their fathers (Morzans dragon was red, Saphira I was blue), it’s all about Murthagh hating the fact who his father is and that everyone compares him to Morzan and so one.

But. BUT! Now I come to the realization that Murthagh is in fact so much more than his and Eragons mother. Before her True Name changed she was feared by the Vardens, she had a reputation for being ruthless, devoid of either pity or compassion. Selena was driven by her own ambitions and she was absolutely devoted to the person who was able to give her the power she wanted. Same with Murthagh: he wanted to overcome his fathers reputation and was willing to do everything for his goal.

But Selena and Murthagh both switched loyalties for love (Selena for Brom and Murthagh for Nasuda) and as well Selena as Murthagh changed their True Name and therefore where able to the persons that they served.

And now, in my head everything is different. Because that makes the whole Murthagh vs. Eragon part not some kind of Morzan vs Brom pt2 but much more a Selenas dark and twisted side against her kind and caring side..

If you are looking for me, I’m right there crying my eyes out.

I’m re-reading the Inheritance cycle and I wish we would know more about Eragons mother.

I mean: she went from “Oh, I love the dark, evil but handsome traitor and even are willing to act as his spy and assassin” to “yeah, fuck that and fuck him! I’m eloping with the gardener”.

What an icon!

The HAPPIEST of Book Birthdays to To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini, out now in pape

The HAPPIEST of Book BirthdaystoTo Sleep in a Sea of StarsbyChristopher Paolini, out now in paperback! Celebrate with us and pick up your copy anywhere books are sold today 

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Target Market Project 2. 

Target Market Project 2. 

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Target Market Project 1. 

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“The sea is emotion incarnate. It loves, hates, and weeps. It defies all attempts to capture it with

“The sea is emotion incarnate. It loves, hates, and weeps. It defies all attempts to capture it with words and rejects all shackles. No matter what you say about it, there is always that which you can’t.”-Christopher Paolini

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