#chrollo lucilfer imagines


My Brother (Part 4)

Hisoka x Reader x Chrollo

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4

Synopsis: Being dragged to heavens arena was always a fun time, especially when you were able to watch your lover fight. Things were going well until you saw Gon, and then things began to crumble.

The buzzing in your pocket was going unnoticed by you but not by the white-haired boy beside you. He looked over at you with furrowed brows, for the first time since the fight between Gon and Hisoka started did he truly notice your disheveled state. Your hair was messy, your eyes wide, your face pale, you looked as if you had seen a ghost…

Killua was beginning to worry…

“Hey, your phone is buzzing” he coughed out in an angry tone as if he was annoyed by your tearful eyes glued to the fight below. You turned to look at him before fishing out the phone in your pocket, tilting it away from Killua in case it was who you thought it was.

‘I’m having the troop members meet up on September 1st, will you be okay till then?’

The sound of the crowd grew quiet around you as the only sound you could hear was the rushing of your own blood in your ears. September 1st… It was close, but it wasn’t now. No, you needed Chrollo here now. This fight had to stop… It had to!


You slammed shut your phone before turning once more to a slightly worried Killua. You knew Hisoka better than anyone here, your worry spoke volumes to how much danger Gon was in and it made him panic. Forcing a smile to your lips, you shoved your phone back into your pocket. “Hey! Sorry, got distracted” you giggled out pathetically, telling yourself over and over again that he was reading you like a book and that you had to be careful. Turning back to the fight, you took a deep breath… Hisoka wouldn’t kill Gon.

Not right now at least.

The fight ended with Gon being pummeled and with Hisoka walking free without a scratch on his body. To say it angered you was an understatement, but what angered you more was the fact that his eyes were on you the entire time. It felt like mocking… But it wasn’t, it almost felt like desire. A shiver rippled through you as you came up to Gon in bed, damp cloth in your clutches as you sat beside him. Gon stirred a bit as Killua came in, at the sight of Gon waking up, Killua hastily made his way over.

“Hey Killua, I was just-”


A smile flew to your lips as Killua began scolding Gon for all of the mistakes he made, you knew he meant well, even if he was a terrifying 12-year-old. Deciding to get some fresh air, you stepped out of the room and headed towards the doors. More importantly, you wanted to hear his voice.

Your heart skipped a beat at the thought of him, calm and composed, your true safe space-

Something tugged on your arm, stopping in your tracks as your blood ran cold. "I went easy on him you know” your hand mindlessly caressed the phone in your pocket, wanting nothing more than to have the man you were just thinking of beside you. “Easy is a funny word… Mind letting me go” you replied cooly, eyes floating slowly over towards the man leaning against the wall.

Hisoka was looking back at you with hunger in his eyes, and you knew what that meant. He always loved fighting, loved it a little too much. “I dont want to. Not again” he cooed out, finger flicking up to yank you towards him. Your hand grabbed the phone as you stumbled towards him, finger hitting the speed dial button for Chrollos number.

Hisoka caught you in his embrace, arms wrapping tightly around you as he nuzzled his face in your neck. “I do adore you” he purred against your clammy skin, tongue sticking out to lick up the salty sweat. You tried to cock your head from him and managed to choke out a 'Please let me go Hisoka’. You felt your phone vibrate, signaling the call had ended and you felt relief flood your veins when Hisoka’s phone began to rang.

He let out a groan before letting you go to get his own phone.

“It’s the boss-”

“Oh good. Tell him I said hi. I gotta go” you blurted out, finally catching your breath as you backed away from him. He sent a glare your way but let you go regardless. “I’ll see you again my dear”

You gulped before turning and rushing back upstairs.

“And next time, I won’t let you go”
