#hxh imagines


phantom troupe edition :

chrollo :
- regrets tattooing the cross on his forehead
- takes nobunagas perfume / deodorant without his consent
- he never told anyone how his earrings are even on his ears (is it nen? magic? who knows,,,)

feitan :
- the only thing he has ever bought were his bandanas
- he once got a sunburn, but because of his hair being on his forehead, it looked like a pigmentation problem
- he likes art a lot and stole his favourite artwork from a gallery

machi :
- her favourite band is red hot chilli peppers
- she refuses to patch other members clothes with her nen ability
- she cuts her own hair and styles it to her liking whenever she is bored

nobunaga :
- always steals enough deodorant / perfume because it always seems to go empty right after he stole it
- he has a very thought through hair care routine and secretly envys illumi for his healthy hair
- he likes holidays ( christmas, halloween, etc.) and always would like to celebrate them

phinks :
- he once taped fake eyebrows on his face for a disguise in a mission
- he knows how to cook ( and he does it really good )
- proudly wears his gucci clothes he stole years ago

franklin :
- likes reading a lot and is a very relaxed person for a phantom troupe member
- because of his size, he often broke things while holding them or accidentally sitting down on something
- has used 3 bottles of deodorant in his whole life (stinky,,,)

illumi :
- he likes wearing high ponytails, but theres alwayssome here falling out of the sides
- knows how to play 4 instruments and knows the waltz
- he has laughed genuinley only twice in his life

uvogin :
- is a super passionate friend and thinks of the spider as family and friends
- he loves hugging people, but whenver he tried to hug feitan it ended up with an argument…
- started off with a very bad alcohol tolerance, but grew into alcohol consumption

hisoka :
- he always gets sad and slouches, when his card tower falls before it was intended to fall
- listens to early 2000´s songs in his free time
- his favourite card is the 8 of diamonds, not the joker

shizuku :
- had read dozens of mangas, but re-read them often because of her memory
- she seems cold on the outside but is a very clumsy and bubbly girl on the inside
- she has a kinlist saved on her phone

pakunoda :
- cries while watching movies (such as titanic, harry potter, etc.)
- loves fashion and always comes back with nice, stolen clothes she saw
- had a cat called “snow“ once, even though the cat was grey

bonolenov :
- got called “ballerina” at some point by phinks
- goes on rants about how proud he is to be part of his clan at random times
- he doesnt actually like boxing

kalluto :
- is used to getting misgendered, but still hates it
- he wishes that his brothers would care as much about him as they would with killua
- kins nagisa from assaination classroom

kortopi :
- never told anyone his age
- has tried multiple times to eat or drinks with his nen ability ( it didnt work )
- he has tried to wear his hair differently, but felt too insecure to actually wear them

shalnark :
- has had multiple conversations about dragonball with shizuku
- only plays ego shooter games
- a lot of women have asked for his number on the street, but he never gave them his number ( he isnt interested , duh )

hope you liked those headcanons, if you want any other character headcanons, request them please!!

-ann !!

Illumi, switching from the Gittarackur appearance to his original form:

Hisoka’s reaction Hisoka’s reaction on the outside: on the inside:

Remember during the previous phase of the exam when he said that Illumi’s transformation is always fun to watch?

Your Wife Will Know

Silva Zoldyck x Reader

Synopsis: What Kikyo didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her… Right?

A/n: when I have the energy *depression sucks* I’ll write more to this

You inhaled sharply as you pulled back from the heated kiss, the chance of his wife walking in was high and sent shivers down your spine. His hands gripped your fleshy hips, slightly moving them against his as he looked up at you like you were some goddess. “Your wife will know!” You hissed, chest heaving as you tried your best to catch your breath.

“She already suspects I have a mistress, and it doesn’t matter anyway” he grunted out before latching his lips against your neck, sucking and biting every inch of skin he could reach. You let out a moan at both his words and sharp teeth, realizing that it didn’t matter what she knows or doesn’t know, what Silva wants Silva gets.

“Aren’t you even a little a-ashamed?” you sputtered out, fingers moving to grasp onto his shiny white locks, trying your damnedest to ground yourself against him. He only nipped at your skin in response, but the message was loud and clear. His wife meant nothing to him, while you…

Well, you meant everything to him.

My Brother (Part 4)

Hisoka x Reader x Chrollo

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4

Synopsis: Being dragged to heavens arena was always a fun time, especially when you were able to watch your lover fight. Things were going well until you saw Gon, and then things began to crumble.

The buzzing in your pocket was going unnoticed by you but not by the white-haired boy beside you. He looked over at you with furrowed brows, for the first time since the fight between Gon and Hisoka started did he truly notice your disheveled state. Your hair was messy, your eyes wide, your face pale, you looked as if you had seen a ghost…

Killua was beginning to worry…

“Hey, your phone is buzzing” he coughed out in an angry tone as if he was annoyed by your tearful eyes glued to the fight below. You turned to look at him before fishing out the phone in your pocket, tilting it away from Killua in case it was who you thought it was.

‘I’m having the troop members meet up on September 1st, will you be okay till then?’

The sound of the crowd grew quiet around you as the only sound you could hear was the rushing of your own blood in your ears. September 1st… It was close, but it wasn’t now. No, you needed Chrollo here now. This fight had to stop… It had to!


You slammed shut your phone before turning once more to a slightly worried Killua. You knew Hisoka better than anyone here, your worry spoke volumes to how much danger Gon was in and it made him panic. Forcing a smile to your lips, you shoved your phone back into your pocket. “Hey! Sorry, got distracted” you giggled out pathetically, telling yourself over and over again that he was reading you like a book and that you had to be careful. Turning back to the fight, you took a deep breath… Hisoka wouldn’t kill Gon.

Not right now at least.

The fight ended with Gon being pummeled and with Hisoka walking free without a scratch on his body. To say it angered you was an understatement, but what angered you more was the fact that his eyes were on you the entire time. It felt like mocking… But it wasn’t, it almost felt like desire. A shiver rippled through you as you came up to Gon in bed, damp cloth in your clutches as you sat beside him. Gon stirred a bit as Killua came in, at the sight of Gon waking up, Killua hastily made his way over.

“Hey Killua, I was just-”


A smile flew to your lips as Killua began scolding Gon for all of the mistakes he made, you knew he meant well, even if he was a terrifying 12-year-old. Deciding to get some fresh air, you stepped out of the room and headed towards the doors. More importantly, you wanted to hear his voice.

Your heart skipped a beat at the thought of him, calm and composed, your true safe space-

Something tugged on your arm, stopping in your tracks as your blood ran cold. "I went easy on him you know” your hand mindlessly caressed the phone in your pocket, wanting nothing more than to have the man you were just thinking of beside you. “Easy is a funny word… Mind letting me go” you replied cooly, eyes floating slowly over towards the man leaning against the wall.

Hisoka was looking back at you with hunger in his eyes, and you knew what that meant. He always loved fighting, loved it a little too much. “I dont want to. Not again” he cooed out, finger flicking up to yank you towards him. Your hand grabbed the phone as you stumbled towards him, finger hitting the speed dial button for Chrollos number.

Hisoka caught you in his embrace, arms wrapping tightly around you as he nuzzled his face in your neck. “I do adore you” he purred against your clammy skin, tongue sticking out to lick up the salty sweat. You tried to cock your head from him and managed to choke out a 'Please let me go Hisoka’. You felt your phone vibrate, signaling the call had ended and you felt relief flood your veins when Hisoka’s phone began to rang.

He let out a groan before letting you go to get his own phone.

“It’s the boss-”

“Oh good. Tell him I said hi. I gotta go” you blurted out, finally catching your breath as you backed away from him. He sent a glare your way but let you go regardless. “I’ll see you again my dear”

You gulped before turning and rushing back upstairs.

“And next time, I won’t let you go”

Old Fling

Hisoka Marrow x Freecss!Reader

Synopsis: The hunter exam committee allowed you to ‘retake’ the hunter exam with your brother for their own personal reasons, but you didn’t expect to run across Hisoka… Your old fling from 5 years ago.

Trying to guide Gon and the two other boys to the correct spot was tough as it was, but finally, you had managed to all make it to the exam site. Your eyes scanned the group, looking for the target assigned to you by Netero himself. It wasn’t allowed for a hunter to retake the exam, but Netero trusted that you would be able to track down a potential murderer while hiding behind your “I’m here to help my brother” façade.

“Y/n! Who are you looking for?” Gon asked excitedly, but the look you shot him told him to quiet down. He didn’t know why you insisted on coming with him, he also knew that it wasn’t allowed to retake the exam once you’ve passed, but he didn’t mind. He was just happy to have you by his side.

Your smile was forced as you cocked your head down at him, “Nothing Gon. Just looking around.” He wasn’t yet aware of the dangers around him, something that reminded you of how naive he could be still even at this age. “First time?” your eyebrows shot upwards as a fat man jumped down from the ledge. He looked familiar, but couldn’t quite put your finger on who he was or where you had seen him from.

The boys began to talk with this man, while you once again let your eyes drift among the crowd. You hadn’t noticed that the man handed them drinks until he shook the can in front of your face, “You seem a little distracted, something on your mind?” Your eyes narrowed at the man’s words, alarms ringing in your mind as you took the drink from him without another word. Opening it with the others, you took a sniff of it to see if it was poisoned. Your nose crinkled in disgust and you lowered it to alert the others but Gon beat you to it, spitting it out.

“Hey Mr. Tonpa, I think your drinks went bad!”

Your eyes narrowed further as you knocked the can from Gon’s fingers, crushing your own as you stepped towards Tonpa in anger. Tonpa stumbled back with hands raised in defense, blubbering about how sorry he was and that he had no idea, but you knew he was lying.

Before you could rip into him for trying to poison your brother, a scream echoed through the room. “My… How unusual” your eyes widened at the sound of his voice, head slowly turning towards the scene unfolding across the room. “Seems this poor man’s arms have turned into flower petals… Now you see them, now you don’t”

Gon gasped beside you, eyes snapping to you to see what your reaction was, but it wasn’t something he expected. Your skin had grown pale, eyes wide but not filled with fear… “You should be more careful… And do apologize if you bump into someone”

Murmuring filled the air as Hisoka walked deeper into the group, many moving to make way for the psychopath coming through. Tonpa began to talk, but all you heard was a ringing in your ears… He was the murderer…

But he was also your ex.

Long Time No See (Part 2)

Kite x Freecss!Reader

Part 1Part 2

Synopsis: Your brother was hellbent on finding your father, and like a good sister, you followed along to make sure he was safe. You didn’t like your father, didn’t like the memories of him, but there was one thing you did like… And that was Kite.

Song: Ilimilo by Billie Eilish (https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=lH1F6m3slrQ&feature=share)

A/n: I’ve become the biggest simp for this man. It’s a god damn tragedy for me.. do you know how many men and women I simp for?!!? let’s just add another one on I guess… smh

Gons eyes flicked between you and Kite, the silence in the air was heavy with tension. You sat on one side of the fire, far from your brother and Kite. You weren’t sure where to start, how to start the story that Gon needed to hear. Gons patience was wearing thin, his aura growing angrier by the second. Deciding to just spit it out, you opened your mouth to begin the story. “I’m in love with your sister. Have been for about 12 years now”

Your mouth shut as Kites words cut through the tense air, butterflies exploding in your stomach as you processed the words. Gons aura became even more protective at the sentence, not happy with a random man being in love with his sister. “I met your dad, Ging when I was 16, it was the same time I met Y/n….” Kite trailed off as his eyes drifted over to you.

“It was love at first sight”

You let out a scoff of disbelief, if he loved you so much, he wouldn’t have left you to raise Gon alone. “Love at first sight huh? You sure didn’t think so when you left us on Whale Island” you rose swiftly from the ground as the words tumbled from your lips. The butterflies in your stomach were beginning to make you feel sick and the way he was looking at you made it worse. “I left because I loved you-”

“Save it, Kite… You only cared about Ging. Just like everyone else…”

Gon gasped at your statement, he was trying to figure out what to say to reassure you that he didn’t feel the same. That no matter what you were his sister and he loved you more than he loved Ging, but you disappeared behind the tree line before he could say anything. Kite let out a sigh, hand coming up to rub harshly at his tired eyes. You still had that temper… He thought he got that taken care of…

“You left her?”

Kites hand fell from his face, eyes landing on Gon who seemed to have calmed down a bit. “I left to go find your dad… It was a part of my training, but she wanted me to stay with her” Gon nodded at the words even though they made him sad, so this was the guy who broke your heart.

“You know Gon. I was in love once…..” you whispered out, fingers trailing through his dark hair as you both watched the sunset. “Yes… and you said he broke your heart?”

Your eyes grew wide as you looked down at the 6-year-old in your lap. “Well don’t worry y/n… If I ever meet that guy, I’ll pummel him!!”

You smiled at the memory as you trekked deeper into the forest. It was nice to get away from the boys and especially Kite, stupid man… Making you feel things you haven’t felt in years. Who the hell did he think he was?

The sound of a branch snapping froze you in your tracks, your head turning to the source of the sound somewhere in the shadows. Your breathing steadied as you conjured your weapon, “You’re going to get hurt being all alone. These woods are dangerous-”

“You sound like my dad” you growled out, cutting Kite off as he emerged from the darkness. “Nothing like your father… I, for one, actually care about you”

Any other person saying those words would have gotten a mouth full of your fist, but he was different. He was always different. Tears formed in your eyes but you looked away before he could see them. “You’ve never been shy about crying around me… What’s happened to you?” Kite cooed out as his cold hand gripped your chin, forcing you to look up at him. You hated how quietly he could move, hated it because you always imagined that he was with you on Whale Island, you just couldn’t hear him.

What a sick illusion…

His thumb lightly swiped away a fallen tear, frown deepening as you once again averted your gaze. “I’m as weak as my father said I was, Hunters don’t cry. I don’t deserve my license-”

“That’s enough… Your father was a sick and stupid man, don’t let his words poison your mind-”

“Funny you say that yet you left me to go find him”

Silence filled the space around you, your sharp words felt like a knife that was deeply embedded in his chest. He didn’t know how to change the past, didn’t know how to fix the present. A cold breeze whooshed by, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up as both his gaze and the wind sent a chill down your back. “I love you” you averted your gaze at his sweet words, wanting nothing more than to vanish off the earth at this very second. You still were angry at him, you feel like you’d always be angry at him, but you couldn’t help the way he made your heart skip a beat.

“Dad! I found the item you talked about- Whos this?”

Your father and the white-haired boy turned to look at you, your dad’s eyes lit up a bit at the sight of the object in your hands while the other boy’s lit up at the sight of you yourself. At first, you were uncomfortable with the way the boy, who seemed to be about your age, stared at you but you didn’t have time to care as your dad stormed over with outstretched arms. Expecting a hug, your arms opened as a big smile formed on your lips, only for both to fall as he grabbed the item instead.

“You’re getting faster, but you still aren’t good enough…”

The white-haired boys’ eyebrows furrowed at the way this man, Ging, spoke to you. He heard you call the man ‘Dad’ but was this really any way to talk to your daughter? You didn’t seem to care though, only nodding in agreement with the cruel words.

“I wanted to punch your dad that day. Just in case you were wondering”

You let out a deep breath, knowing exactly what he was referring to and just how cruel your father was to you before you even had the chance to say hello to Kite. Nodding in agreement, you took your face from his grasp and turned back towards the campsite, wanting nothing more than to get back to Gon and forget today. Kite didn’t say anything, only followed closely behind you. There were random sounds and howls in the forest, sounds that would normally put you on edge, but the feeling of Kite’s aura made you realize just how long it’s been since you didn’t have to be brave. It was comforting and relaxing all at the same time to be able to walk through a scary forest without fear, and it was all because of him.

Stopping in your tracks, you became overwhelmed with how calm you felt. “Something wrong?” His words were soft, only causing the fluttering in your heart to intensify. He made you feel so safe, so cared for, so loved. Turning, you took in the sight of him under the moonlight, staring back at you with concern and confusion. “Y/n… Is everything alright-”

“I hate you” you breathed out, heart hammering in your chest as your feet carried you to his lanky form. His face contorted into one of pain, but it soon turned ot one of confusion as your gripped his shirt and yanked him down to your height. “I hate you for leaving me alone. I hate myself for never letting go… But most of all, I hate that I love you so much”

His mouth opened to respond, but you didn’t want to hear any of it. Your lips brushed up against his, inviting him to take the first leap. He quickly understood and pushed his lips down onto yours, fingers lacing into your hair to deepen it further. THe both of you stumbled backward till your back hit a tree, your hands gripping at everything it could touch. His shirt, his neck, his face, his hair, all of it was being scratched and pulled as you tried to deepen the kiss further. You wanted to be one with him, wanted it to be like the old times.

You tried so hard to suppress these feelings, but damn did it feel good to let them out.

Whos Your Family? (Part 2)

Illumi Zoldyck x Reader

Synopsis: The moment you met Killua and Gon, you instantly grew attached and saw them as your little brothers. But you didn’t realize that one could one day be your actual baby brother.

Song: The Winds of Change by Ghostemane (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMS3OW9v0CM&list=OLAK5uy_ntaevp7CBL85AiUuVACLmKXSxVhLRUyfc&index=7)

Part 1Part 2

His eyes were on you the entire time you were on the boat, but you did your best to avoid him. After learning why he was really here, you broke off from him. Killua didn’t deserve to be hunted like some animal, especially not by his big brother. “Hey, Y/n… That creepy guy with the needles is staring at you again?” Gon whispered up at you anxiously, ah, so you weren’t the only one that noticed… Wonderful.

“Hmmm? Gittarackur? He’s harmless” your lying was getting better you sadly admitted to yourself. Years of being with Illumi had trained you for moments like this. However, you felt like you were drowning under his angry gaze. If Killua hadn’t yet figured out who you were, he surely would if Illumi ever slipped up and showed himself. The way Illumi was looking at you made it seem like you were tied to this strange character known as Gittarackur. “Hey! You want me to finish him off for you? I was trained for this stuff ya know” Killua chimed in loudly, causing your eyes to widen as you shook your head violently down at him.

Damn Zoldycks, always wanting to kill something.

“No no, not necessary.” Your smile was forced and it only caused Killua to stiffen further as he shot a glare back to Gittarackur. “Its really no problem-”

“Alright, everyone! We are coming up to the island!”

You let out a sigh of relief as Killua and Gon’s attention was brought away from Illumi’s stare on you. For the most part, you had been avoiding Illumi like the plague, but this new phase of the exam would surely bring you two back together. “Fuck me” you whispered out angrily as the island came into view. It wasn’t very big, but it looked like it had a lot of hiding places, which seemed good at first.

Until you remembered that your ex was an assassin trained for the hunt.

You chanced a glance towards Illumi but were happy to see that his attention was on the island as well. You wondered what he was thinking about… Obviously, it was nothing good or humane, but you had a small sliver of hope that it wasn’t anything terrible against you.

Pfft, what a white lie.

“Worried?” You nearly jumped out of your skin as an arm encircled your waist. “Hisoka” you whispered out, eyes wide as you looked around you to see if anyone noticed. “I think we need to have a little chat. You see, Illumi is quite distracted and not much fun thanks to you…” His purr was menacing and normally, you wouldn’t feel threatened by the clown thanks to Illumi. But now that Illumi was out of the way…

“What do you want? I did nothing wrong” you snarled back, eyes glued onto Gon and Killua as they moved further away from you both. You were thankful considering Hisoka would kill them both in an instance with no hesitation. His fingers traced your side almost lovingly as he nuzzled his nose into your ear, “I just want to have some fun is all” your stomach did a somersault at the thought of what he wanted to do for fun. “Go have fun somewhere else… Or else I’ll-”

“Or else you’ll what?? You’re defenseless without Illumi”

Your eyes instinctively flicked to Illumi, and for some reason, you were hoping he’d be looking your way, but he wasn’t. Hisoka began peppering kisses down your neck, arms tightening around you, stopping you from escaping. “Trust me. I’m no fun either right now” you admitted shamefully, not liking the fact that being away from Illumi was also dragging you down. “Then let me light up your day, hmmm? You want to play with me, little one?”

You opened your mouth to respond, but the lady at the front of the boat called for everyone to step forward. Hisoka reluctantly let you go before pushing past, “Don’t worry little dove… I’m not done with you yet. After all, we will be stuck on this island for seven days, might as well make the most out of it”

You swallowed the thick lump forming in your throat, fear rising in your chest as you took in just how alone you were in this. Sighing, you began to walk towards the front of the boat, feeling slightly on edge from the altercation you just encountered. One thing that you didn’t notice, however, was that Illumi had his eyes on you from the start of it.

You just didn’t catch him at the right time.

*3 days later*

Getting the badges was easy, far easier than you expected it to be. However, the feeling of unease only grew within you as you slowed down to take in your surroundings. Where was Hisoka? He had to be nearby, after all, he was interested in having ‘fun’ with you, whatever the hell that meant. A tree branch snapped to your right and it felt as if your heart lept into your throat from fear. Nothing emerged though. Cocking your head, you began to walk towards the sound, Illumi had taught you many things, and being a ballsy idiot was one of them.

Just as you reached the treeline, a card flew beside your head and a loud gasp came from behind you as it hit its mark. You stood in shock, did he just… Save you? “You should be more careful” he commented slyly as he emerged from the shadows, walking past you to gather his bloody card from the person’s neck. You finally got the urge to move, turning swiftly to take in who it was that Hisoka killed.

“Oh… He was coming for his badge,” you muttered out, hand coming up to scratch at your neck in the same place where the man was sliced. Hisoka picked up the card before turning back to you, “Oh? And you knew he was behind you?”

You shook your head sheepishly, not wanting to admit that you were more on edge from running into Hisoka than any lowlife following you. He clicked his tongue mockingly, “Illumi wouldn’t be happy to hear that-”

“Illumi has nothing to do with this” you snapped out, finally tired of his stupid obsession with Illumi. It always made you jealous, but Illumi wouldn’t give your anxious thoughts the time of day. Hisoka smirked at your anger, you always looked so cute when you were angry.

“Tell me. Do you miss him?”

Your eyebrows furrowed at the question, it was strange, to say the least, but nothing shocked you anymore when it came to Hisoka. He walked towards you, bloody card in hand as if trying to scare you further into submission. You backed up the closer he got before your back hit a tree, fuck.

“I think you do… I think you miss him more than you’d like to” he purred out, the bloody card now being used to trace your neck. You nearly gagged at the wet liquid being spread along your skin, but you tried your hardest to stay strong. You didn’t have Illumi anymore, he wasn’t going to save you.

A hiss fell from your lips as the card bit into your skin, your own blood mixing with the man’s on the white edge of the Joker. “Oops, cut a little too deep…” Hisoka hummed sultrily as his other hand trailed down your side and to your backside. You let out a yelp as he grabbed a handful of ass, cheeks heating up in embarrassment at the way he manhandled you. Illumi never did this with you… He was much more reserved with his touches, so this felt…


“Why are you messing with me” you squeaked out as he yet again gripped you like a toy, smiling wildly at the way your body was reacting to him. He pulled the card away, tongue going to the edge to lick off the blood. “Because I’ve waited for this moment, and I want to break you”

“Illumi won’t like that” you sputtered out boldly, but that boldness shriveled away as he let out a dry laugh. “Oh darling, Illumi doesn’t care about you anymore, therefore, I can do what I want-”

Another branch snapped, causing your head to snap towards the shadows where it came from. Hisoka rolled his eyes, why was everyone trying to ruin his fun. However, his sour emotion didn’t last long as he took in the blood lust hitting him with full force. Your stomach turned in angst as you too felt it throughout your entire being. You knew this bloodlust, knew it because you hated it, always asking him to tone it down when you were near as it made you nauseous. “Hello Illumi, care to join us?”

“Lumi” your voice was soft and he knew right away that you were scared. His bloodlust emerged from the forest before you caught sight of him. His dark eyes were glued to the way Hisoka was holding you, anger radiating off of him in thick, heavy waves. “Let her go Hisoka” he stated firmly. Despite the way he looked, Illumi was anything but calm and composed. If he would have known that letting you drift too far would result in this, he would have locked you down further. His goal was to protect you, who cares that he was hunting his brother… However, as Illumi watched Hisoka’s hand grip you tighter, he decided that he would give up anything to have you safely back in his embrace.

But would you believe him?

Hisoka’s wild smile had Illumi on edge, what was he planning? He knew Hisoka had been following you for days now, it was because he was following Hisoka for days now as well. He wanted, no, needed to make sure you were safe without him by your side. “Lu” you whimpered out again as Hisoka drug your body into his, holding you flush against him as he let his hand wander around your body. “C'mon, I just want to have fun-”

“Not with her. She’s off-limits and you know that” Illumi snarled out, pins appearing in his fingers as he cocked his head at Hisoka mockingly. Hisoka laughed darkly at the sight of Illumis needles, “You think those are gonna stop me from-”

A whizzing sound filled the air as something struck your neck. You let out a yelp, hand flying to the object as you numbly tried to take it out. Hisoka gripped you with one arm as he turned with 5 cards ready in his free hand. As Hisoka released his cards, Illumis needles flew as well toward the assailant. A grunt and slicing sound came from the shadows, alerting all three of you that he was taken care of. “I don’t feel good” you whimpered, your eyes becoming droopy as you leaned into Hisokas embrace. Stronger arms wrapped around you, pulling you from Hisoka into another more familiar hold.

“Go find the antidote on the man’s body” Illumi snarled out as he lowered you to the ground. Your arms circled around Illumi’s neck, whimpers flowing from your lips as you felt like the world was spinning. “W-what did he shoot me with Lu” you cried out, hands shaking against his pale flesh as you tried to capture his features in case this was your last moment on earth.

“Hisoka” Illumi called out anxiously as he watched your eyes droop more and more. “I got it. I think it’s just a tranquilizer dart.” He muttered out as he squatted beside you. Illumi pulled your arms away from him as he reached for the antidote in Hisokas hands, only to have Hisoka pull away.

“Hisoka. Give it to me” Illumi’s hair stood on end, blood lust flowing from him stronger than ever before. You curled into yourself, gagging at how potent the anger was in the air. Hisoka smirked before letting Illumi take it from him. “Please calm down” you heaved out, hand coming to grasp Illumi’s bicep in the hopes that it would calm him down. Soon, the needle was pressed into your flesh, causing you to whimper in slight discomfort. “I think it will make her fall asleep” Illumi muttered to himself as he threw the syringe away. As if on command, your eyes began to grow heavier than before, but your hands were still trying to find purchase on Illumi.

“I don’t want to die” you cried out weakly. Hisoka rolled his eyes at the scene before him, hating how soft his assassin friend had become because of some stupid girl. “You won’t die. I’ll be here when you wake up” Illumi stated bluntly, hand brushing back your hair as he repositioned you so you were laying your head on his lap. He let you snuggle into his stomach, hand still going through your hair in an attempt to lull you to sleep like he normally does. “Promise?” you whispered out.


My Brother (Part 5)

Hisoka x Reader x Chrollo

(I’ll add the other part links tomorrow… for now go to my page and search My Brother )

Synopsis: Being dragged to heavens arena was always a fun time, especially when you were able to watch your lover fight. Things were going well until you saw Gon, and then things began to crumble.

Song: The Singularity: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=gjaxzZJY_xY&feature=share

A/n: it’s been awhile babies. Let’s hope I still have some magic to give

You took a deep breath as you exited the hotel. The close call with Hisoka left you shaking and you tried your best to calm your nerves as you stumbled down the sidewalk. He was everywhere around you. In your nose. On your skin. In your hair. Everything was Hisoka, and Hisoka was everything.

You stopped at a crosswalk, heart thudding violently as you waited for the signal to change. Why were you going out again? There was a reason before you ran into him… It didn’t matter anymore, you thought as the light changed, you just needed him.

Not the clown magician, but the spider that haunted you all the same. In no time, you found yourself at the doors of the warehouse. Only a few spiders were inside, and surely Hisoka wouldn’t be there… You did just see him of course.

Sighing, you pushed open the heavy door, lightly grunting at the pressure on your palms. You felt the eyes on you before you saw them, but it didn’t stop the shudder ripping through you when you locked eyes with each of them. There in the middle of the large room sat 5 of the spiders. You weren’t sure where the rest were, but you weren’t complaining. Your e/c eyes lifted towards the ledge, landing on the dark figure amongst the shadows. “Y/n?” One spider called out, shock evident in their voice as you walked confidently past them.

No one moved to stop you for two reasons. For one, they knew you were harmless. And for the main reason, the big man in the shadows hadn’t said anything to sick them on you. “Chrollo” you called out pitifully, voice hoarse and full of tears. The spiders looked wide eyed at one another before once more gluing them to your figure. Chrollo shifted in the shadows before closing his book.

Silence hung heavy in the air, no one daring to move or speak in fear of breaking the tightly wound coil. Finally, Chrollo leaned more into the light cascading in front of himself, allowing you to see his stoic face amongst the darkness. It was then that you grew aware of your surroundings.

These people were murderers… Sure Chrollo was also a murderer, but he wouldn’t hurt you… But these people…. Your eyes scanned the eyes of those around you as you curled into yourself, quite uncomfortable with how they were looking at you. “That’s enough” Chrollo called out, immediately sensing your distress by the slight movements of you curling into yourself. “Boss… Is she allowed to be-”

Chrollos book snapping shut silenced the spider as he set it down and stood up. His hand motioned for you to follow him and you quietly and quickly followed after the raven haired man, happy to get away from the others. Your mind began reeling again… What was it you were here for again?

Your mind began to spiral and the hopelessness began to fill your aching bones once more. Part of your sick mind and heart yearned for Hisoka for comfort and safety. Would Chrollo be able to provide the same thing? You were led into a room, his room apparently.

The door shut behind you, but you stood there in silence shaking in pure agony. You felt so lost without Hisoka. It was as if you were going through withdrawals. You let out a tiny gasp as Chrollos arms encircled your waist. His lips connected with your neck as he lightly peppered your skin with sweet kisses. You leaned into his embrace, for once forgetting about Hisoka and his hold on you… Maybe trying a different drug would help ease the withdrawal…

There was only one way to find out.

I Just Like You

Ging Freecss x Reader

Synopsis: You would follow him to the ends of the earth, which is something he both hated and loved.

A/n: I apparently cant write more than two-paragraph stories so bear with me. Also, I know we all hate ging but you cannot deny it… that man is hot.

“Why do you follow me around like a lost puppy dog” His words would have hurt you more if you didn’t hear the tiny amount of love in his voice. Your eyes widened as you snuggled in deeper to his shoulder, growing quite annoyed with Pariston drowning on and on about what he was going to do for the hunters in the room.

“I don’t know, I just like you” you cooed out, lips curling into a smirk as you nuzzled your nose into his cheek. He grumbled out something along the lines of “well don’t, it’s annoying” but you didn’t care, you were just happy to be in his embrace.

Hero or Villain


HXH Illumi x female reader with a personality and ability like black widow from The Avengers


HXH Hisoka x female reader with a personality and ability like Harley Quinn from DC

A/N: I hope you like it!!! Illumi’s was hard to write and I probably didn’t portray black widow like you wanted but Hisokas… HISOKA’S WAS SO FUN!!!!

Illumi Zoldyck

Your legs wrapped swiftly around the man’s neck and you didn’t waste any time twisting them to break his neck. The loud crunch was satisfying as you fell with him to the ground. His body made a loud thud right as you rolled away and towards Illumi who stood on the sidelines watching you work.

“Excellent work my love” Illumi called out casually as if you hadn’t just murdered a man before his very eyes. You smiled at him, heart racing as you moved towards him, the sound of your leather pants crinkling as you walked. Your outfit was skin-tight and black, allowing you to blend into the shadows around you.

Once upon a time, you were a hero, that was until you fell in love with an assassin. Now you would consider yourself the anti-hero. “I owe it all thanks to you” you purred out, hand grazing up his chest as you leaned into his body. The gold pins rubbed against your fingers before resting against your forearm as you cupped his neck lovingly.

He stood still as you leaned up to capture his lips in yours. He bit back a groan as you bit his lip, “Don’t think your training isn’t over” he whispered out as you pulled away. You nodded obediently, thankful for this opportunity that would bring you and Illumi closer. You felt like a soldier under his every command, and you had to admit that you loved it.

“Thank you for giving me this purpose in life” you whispered out, causing the black-haired man to grin almost robotically.

“Of course, you will be the perfect assassin… And one day you will have the last name of Zoldyck to prove that”

Hisoka Morow

Your giggle echoed in the forest, your bat bouncing along your shoulder as you skipped towards Hisoka. Hisoka stood from his spot, arms opening wide for you to run into the closer you got. Slamming into his chest, you dropped the bat and embraced him tightly, twisting your body with his to deepen the hug. “Oh Honey how I missed you!!!” You squealed out into the trees surrounding you, pulling back, you began to pepper his face with kisses, not paying any mind to the blood that was splattered all over him.

“Did ya have fun killin all those men?” you cooed out, stepping back from his embrace to finally take in the scene around you. Bodies were littered everywhere, blood flowing from their necks where Hisoka’s card had cut them. “I did, and you?” Hisoka purred out, hand rubbing up and down your arm as you picked up your bat from the ground.

“Tots! Knocked out every single one of em! They were comin for my badge but don’t ya worry honey, they didn’t get their pretty little fingers on my badge for more than a millisecond.” Your proud grin made Hisoka smile widely, proud that you could handle your own without him. Hisoka bent down, kissing the spade shape painted on your left cheek before moving to your right and pressing a kiss on the diamond shape painted on your right cheek. “You are just so cute after you’ve killed some people darling… what do you say we do it some more?”

Who is the troupe’s tattoo artist?

Does one of them do the spider tattoos for new members or do they have a preferred tattoo artist they go to?

Is this person chill about it or threatened to do the work each time?

Or do they pick a random place/person closest to them each time? Would that mean the quality varies b/w each tattoo?

Do they have a whole initiation ceremony for the tattooing or is the new member just told to get it done on their own?

I have many questions.

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️TW Ch0k!ng! YÆNDERE DAY 1 OF G0re/KNKTBR! Asphyx!ati0n with yänderë KURAPIKA from hunterxhunter and a random fem y/n :)

Next I’ll be posting day 2 with aizawa ;)



[pariston hill x fem! reader]

summary: the relationship between you and Pariston is dysfunctional, to say the very least. after he humiliates you at dinner, you still manage to fall into his arms because you were practically made for one another.

warnings: 18+, nsfw, rough sex, public sex, humiliation, degradation, overstimulation, face slapping

word count: 2,510


Your relationship with Pariston started as love and grew into a bond of codependency. He’s always been toxic, manipulating, and self centered. As years passed, traits that were once just characteristics of his personality took over his entire being. Had you known that he would end up this way, you would’ve never agreed to marry him. Your marriage is dysfunctional to say the very least but it’s never uneventful, always keeping you on your toes and bringing excitement to your life. Let’s be honest… You’re clearly missing a few screws for becoming his spouse in the first place. He has a twisted love for you that stops him from letting you go. Perhaps it’s how well you dismiss his stupidity, or how quick you are to put him in his place. Whatever it is, he plans to irritate you for the rest of his life and you’ll allow him to do so in exchange for him fucking you in an anger fueled frenzy. The two of you have a twisted attachment to one another.

Pariston would never admit this, but he frequently invites you out with the goal of embarrassing you in a public setting. You’ve picked up on this long ago and adamantly refuse to go out with him on the days when you don’t have the patience for his shenanigans. This time you couldn’t say no since he made reservations to eat at a restaurant that you’ve heard amazing reviews about. The wait list for this place is usually booked 3 months in advance and you’ll be damned if you’re going to turn down this opportunity. 

Dressed in a scandalous strapless black dress and heels higher than you’re comfortable walking in, you grab your purse and leave Pariston in the house to continue getting ready. After waiting in the car for what felt like forever, he finally walks down the driveway in the glittery suit that you absolutely hate. He gets into the drivers seat and notices the amount of skin you’re showing this evening. “Looks like you’re desperate for attention tonight.” His voice is smug and he has a smirk on his face that annoys you. Taking a deep breath to stop yourself from lashing out already, you retort, “Says the man that’s wearing a glittery suit right now.” He makes a comment about how good he looks which goes right over your head while you pray that the food will be worth the headache he’ll cause. He drives to the restaurant awfully slow, taking the longest possible route. Clearly he’s trying to get a reaction out of you already.

After arriving at the restaurant, Pariston hands the car keys to the valet and the two of you make your way in, arms interlocked while walking on a literal red carpet walkway into the establishment. A waitress escorts you both to a circular booth. The menu is simple, offering only the best wines and champagne to accompany the high end meals they serve. You request a glass of the most expensive red wine and a tomato bruschetta as an appetizer which you both agreed on.

Once you’ve both enjoyed the wine and appetizer, the waitress takes your entree orders and informs you that the chef will personally deliver them to your table when they’re ready. This is no shock to you since a lot of the reviews mentioned how delightful it was to be introduced to the head chef when the main courses come out. Pariston hasn’t bothered you too much yet, but you know his antics will begin any second now. Instead of being caught by surprise, you clear your throat and begin to probe, “Mr. Hill, what have you got planned for tonight? We’re having such a lovely evening so far but I’m sad to admit that you’ll end up ruining this somehow.” He shoots you a seemingly innocent smile and doesn’t respond to you. Right when you decide to pry some more, you’re interrupted by the chef bringing your meals.

Dressed in a signature chef’s coat and hat, you feel like the person in front of you is familiar when he begins to speak. He sets down both of your meals and introduces himself. His last name is the same as your old college friend, and his voice is similar to what you vaguely remember. He explains the details of each dish while thanking you for taking the time to dine at the establishment. The chef’s eyes linger on you a tad bit longer and Pariston notices immediately. As if not to embarrass himself by asking whether you’re the person he thinks you are or not, he opts not to ask, the same route you had chosen as well. Instead, he gives a small smile and a nod before he excuses himself. In a condescending tone, Pariston queried, “Chef, wouldn’t it be rude not to say hi to Y/N since you two clearly know one another?” You kick him in the shin underneath the table while shooting a death glare his way. “I believe he’s a friend of mine from college. I apologize for not saying hello sooner. I wasn’t sure if it was actually you and didn’t want to put you on the spot. This is my husband, Pariston Hill. We’re looking forward to enjoying the food.” Your old friend, put off by the hostility coming from your husband, ushers off at the speed of light after apologizing.

The rest of dinner goes by quietly except the waitress checking in on your table. You try enjoy your food and there’s no doubt that it’s tasty but the appetite you had before vanished because of Pariston’s stupidity. Even after all of these years, you’re still irritated, but not surprised, when he humiliates you in front of people. Signaling for the waitress, she makes her way over and clears your entree dishes. Pariston requests a dessert and you politely ask to have it packed to go. He pretends to be shocked, knowing very well that you’re ticked off and ready to leave. “Yes, please make that to go. My wife is eager to get in my pants after this lovely dinner. She’s a real slut for the luxury things in life.” The waitress simply nods her head, clearly taken back by his brazen remark and ultimately feeling embarrassed for you. You feel heat rising up to your face and the urge to scream is almost suffocating. For Pariston’s sake, you take the valet ticket and go get the car. He struts out of the restaurant shortly after and jumps in the drivers seat, driving back towards your home.

“Really Pariston? First, you frighten the chef who happened to be an old friend of mine from college. Second, you made the waitress uncomfortable with your tasteless remarks. Neither one of them deserved to deal with your bullshit.” Thankfully you put your seatbelt on beforehand because he swerves the car abruptly and pulls into a wide alleyway. He steps out quickly, slamming the door behind him and makes his way around to your side with a sinister look on his face. Before he reaches for the door, you push it open, hitting him in the process while you get out. 

“I couldn’t help myself when I seen you look at the chef the way you did. For all I know you probably took his cock before like the nasty slut you’ve always been.” You suck your teeth, the scowl on your face is prominent and Pariston is happy to see you getting worked up. Truthfully, you and the chef were only platonic friends. You’re just pissed off because your shitty husband made a scene in front of someone who has only ever been kind to you. He continues, “Also, what I said to the waitress wasn’t a lie, was it? You’d let me take you right here if I tried to. Wouldn’t you, whore?” Brushing passed him to stand in front of the hood of the car, he follows you and grabs you by your throat from behind. His teeth and lips attack your neck, littering you in hickies while he holds you with an iron grip. If you were anybody else you’d be disgusted by him, but degrading you has become a guaranteed method for him to get between your legs. It’s routine at this point for the words Pariston throws at you to send arousal coursing through your body. He wasn’t always like this but as your relationship strengthened throughout the years, you became more familiar with his true colors. He has to uphold a facade because of the public eye but with you, he lets himself be exactly who he really is. A cunning, sharp man who thinks everything is a game. 

Pariston grabs your arm and turns you to face him. Your face is flushed and the only smile directed towards him tonight is the one on your face right now. He presses a finger to your lips, signaling you to open with less force than you prefer. His other hand swiftly pulls your dress down, releasing your breasts from their confinement. The breeze makes your nipples perk up and he wastes no time squeezing the bud while you suck on his fingers. He can sense how badly you want him to pummel into you right here. 

Not one to give into your desires without some teasing, he tuts his teeth while looking down at you in disapproval. “How shameless are you? Look where we’re at. A dirty alleyway.” Pariston knows that you don’t take his words seriously, but he wishes they would hurt you even a bit. You pull him between your legs, leaning back onto the car hood with him hovering over you. He’s been a troublesome prick the entire night and you show him no mercy while shoving his face between your breast. The deep groan that resonates from him makes your chest and shoulders vibrate. His mouth finds its way to your nipple, sucking passionately before biting down hard enough to make you cry out. You guide his hand between your legs, brushing his fingers against your clit that’s begging for attention. You knew the night would come to this and even though this is nothing new for the two of you, the exhilarating feeling rushing through your body is nothing short of intoxicating. 

Pariston unzips his pants, already hard cock on display. Thankfully you wore the thinnest g-string you own, he easily moves the fabric to the side and fully sheathes himself into your slick heat. His hips unrelentingly slap against yours, making you wince at his long length hitting your deepest spot. You throw your head back and notice the apartment windows above you on either side. Some of the lights are on, some off. Anybody could look out of their window and see you right now, the wife of Mr. Hill, getting railed in an alleyway on top of a car that costs more than an average person’s house.

Your legs are wrapped tightly around Pariston’s waist. His hands are on either side of you, holding himself up while he thrusts into you hard enough to shake the car beneath you. Blonde hairs drape over his face, covering his eyes from your view. The only feature you can see are his lips that he’s biting because of how your cunt is sucking him in. For someone who’s always teasing you, it’s a pleasure to see him coming undone with every stroke of your walls. You yank his chin to look at you, grabbing his arm and positioning his hand to play with your clit. “Is my tight little cunt too much for you? Fucking make yourself useful Pariston. This isn’t just about your pleasure now, is it?” A devious smile adorns his face as he accepts your challenge. 

Pariston pinches your clit, watching your face contort into a frown that quickly goes away once he starts to swirl his finger. Focusing on your climax now, he slowly pulls out of your soaked cunt before plowing back in. His free hand traces up your stomach, between your breast and soon finds its way to rest on your cheek. Your mind is in a daze from your orgasm that’s building and your legs start to tremble as his finger works rapidly against your clit. You grit your teeth because of the overstimulation and shoot him a glare that makes him slap you right across your face. The sting isn’t too bad, only being amplified by the breeze hitting your skin. When his finger presses against your clit at the right moment, you’re done for. The knot in the pit of your stomach snaps, making your walls clench around his length as he grinds into you. All of the built up tension from tonight leaves your body, you almost want to thank him for being such a pain in the first place. His finger still gently circles your clit even after your orgasm washes over, because any way of torturing you is amusing to him.

Pariston releases his finger from your clit and stands straight up, pulling you by your hips until your ass is hanging off the edge of the car. Your knees are resting over his shoulder and he presses kisses onto your ankles. He stops and looks down at your tight lips clutched around his cock that’s completely soaked in your essence. Too caught up because of the adrenaline flowing through him, he grabs you rather roughly by your arms and pulls you close to him with your legs still folded over his shoulders. In the blink of an eye your back is pressed against a brick wall and he’s rutting into you effortlessly while you’re folded into a pretzel, grabbing his shoulders for any semblance of balance. Sharp stinging pains pin through your back, you realize he’s thrusting into you so harshly that your skin is scraping against the brick wall. Repaying the gesture from earlier, you pull his head back by his hair with one arm and slap him in the face with your other hand. Like the unabashed man he is, the slap pushes him to his climax. He smiles brightly while spilling his seed into you, stroking your walls until every bit is released.  

Pariston pulls out of you but doesn’t let you down. Instead, he carries you to the passenger seat and opens the door before setting you down softly in the seat. “Why would I ever stop messing with you if we always end the night like this? Seriously you’re perfect for me!” For the first time tonight, you agree with what he says. Really you are perfect for him, and vise versa. Not many people would be able to deal with his antics and he definitely has a few loose screws, just like you. The two of you might not be a normal couple but you’re both satisfied in your marriage and looking forward to spending the rest of your entertaining lives together. It’ll be fun, at least.
