#chubby babe



Hey, so I tried on some clothes today aaaaaaaand nothing fit. So. ‍♀️

Here’s my tummy I guess. ❤️


This was the most impossible pair of pants to get on (let alone button). My fat was screaming at me and squishing out of every available space lol

This was soooo cute


Iwant a chubby cutie to let me massage them. How fun it would be to Squish and squeeze soft thighs and arms like dough ☺️


Took a couple pictures for Daddy and i thought they were cute enough to share

First time putting makeup on in a while.

Looking back at these makes me realize how much bigger I’ve gotten in a year damn

⭐️ I wear stones in my bra, and lately the ones I have been favoring are shaped like The Moon and a Star.⭐️

Can you see them? Lol
