

(Posted with permission) The definition of ex-jock! This porky footballer ate away his abs over lockdown and now can’t shift the extra lbs!! He’s got a new diet and he can’t put down the junk food. All of his mates have been taking the piss since his 6 pack ballooned into a fat pot belly! There’s quite the contrast to the rest of the team now when he’s in the changing room. He can’t fit into his old kit because his body is too wide and doughy, and he’s only getting fatter since he hung up the football boots!!

He got a photographer to take some ‘sexy’ photos but instead they just show off how thick and chubby he’s gotten. Need to find a chubby chaser boyfriend now fat lad… there’s no hiding that belly!

Check out his tumblr and patreon;















And they banned me without giving me an ability to answer that no, I *personally* wouldn’t say that, but it *still* doesn’t give a right for someone to rape the unwilling party. 

Grow the fuck up or go to jail for promoting rape of gay people.

I would say that! Like in a heartbeat I would say that. I’m pretty sure I have said that.

So you tell people off for being fat and having an eating disorder but also willingly and on purpose trigger said eating disorder.

Yeah just fuck you

Just because for some people this blunt approach could be eye-opening doesn’t mean it’s for everyone. Specially if they have an ed and trying their best to treat it, professionals involved or not, you as an outsider aren’t one (even if you had similar experiences). Why would you purposely say that? Yeah, you don’t have to play into ones “delusions” (like some people call it) but intentionally doing that is morally questionable in my opinion. @transmedicalism-saves-lives

First off? Fat people don’t have restrictive eating disorders, they have excessive eating disorders. Anything that makes them eat less is doing a favor. Second, if they’re trying to sleep with me I have every right to inform them of the reason that ain’t gonna happen.

Yes to having that right, but saying it “in a heartbeat” sounds like not caring about them at all. As if you were doing them a favour by causing a guilty conscience. I like going by the rule if they can’t fix it within a minute keep it to yourself, especially if they are trying to fix it already. If they were pressuring you or whatever like cornering you by all means you don’t have to be nice imo. Personally I think your approach is unnecessarily provocative and will do more harm than good. People in general respond more to support and help than being that blunt.

Plus I think what they meant by “eating disorder” was anorexia/bulimia, not compulsive eating. Which is truly an assholish thing to do to someone with these disorders.

But yeah, you can reject someone without triggering dysphoria. There’s a big difference between “I’m not into trans people, sorry” and “FUCK YOU, YOU SICK DEGENERATE RAPIST, YOU’LL ALWAYS BE A HOMOPHOBIC MAN/WOMAN NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO!!!”

Whatever happened to “you don’t need to give a reason to reject someone?”

Point taken. If you do give a reason, just don’t be an asshole about it.

It’s also incredibly vile to insist that fat people only have excessive eating disorders. If you refuse to acknowledge that anorexia can (and oftentimes does) occur in fat people, you’re… literally just a piece of shit, I don’t know how else to say it.

Anorexia is literally characterized by dangerously low body weight. This is what happens when people start self-dx’ing.

honey, you’re not a doctor, and you obviously know jack shit about eating disorders. please, for the love of god, look up “atypical anorexia” and stop spouting bullshit you have no clue about?

Dude you’re straight up wrong. Fat people aren’t limited to binge eating disorders. You’re clearly aware that you’re wrong and all you’re doing is digging yourself a deeper hole. You’re wrong. Get over it.

You don’t have to be at a dangerously low weight to be anorexic. You can catch an illness before it becomes incredibly serious and treat it then. Just because an anorexic fat person is however many pounds doesn’t mean they haven’t lost a large amount of weigh in a short period of time. It doesn’t mean they won’t eventually become dangerously underweight.

Just face it. You’re not correct here.



This big boy turned himself into a really huge boy, at least 200+ pounds of fresh pure blubber! I love how far he’s come from being a small chubby to a superchubby! Will he keep going? We’ll find out soon enough!

hotter and hotter

Super hot!


Turning myself into a human squishmallow is the end goal… I’m already extremely soft, but I think I’d be MUCH softer at 450lbs right?

Sexy marshmallow!


i’m afraid it’s slowly getting out of hand…

Ohh… it has gotten out of hand! Keep it up!

Weight gain tik tok girl Is fatter

Candii kayn Is getting fat…. Very fat

Candii Is WIDE Is very fat now but i want more, right?

kellijellibelli Weight gain Is very fate and jigly and want gain more and more

Myfatblondegf Weight gain Is getting very fat and is so gorgeous

For evryone Is heartday but for me Is fat day eat girl eat all fatnes food and becoming huge and fat
