#chungha fluff



Request: “can u pls do dating poly! sunmi and chungha hehe love ur acc!!”

“hi! could i request a dating poly!sunmi x chungha thanku”

A/N:wow i really love these girls so much we STAN

- C

  • ur very own tol and smol gf what more could you want
  • they look like the baddest bitches in town but they’re secretly big softies behind closed doors
  • They definitely prefer dates home 1000%, they both struggle to go outside without paparazzi or dispatch hunting them down and starting rumours
  • Chungha and Sunmi always post on social media together, enough that everyone knows they’re friends but not enough to know they’re secretly dating
  • plus if their fans ever started a fanwar with each other they’d quench it immediately, before the flames of the fight spread and no one wanted to see them together again
  • Fangirling!!! Over!!! Other!!! Girls!!!
  • y'all women are so pretty and you three take time every day to talk about upcoming idols and your favourite celebrities
  • plus watching dramas together and picking out the characters that you would 10/10 date or nah
  • but then you realise your girls are actually celebrities and probably see these people on a daily basis
  • at the start of the relationship, Chungha was always so polite, doing the most to impress you and Sunmi and never leaving a smile stray away from your face
  • but now that she knows you and is close with you she’s so much more herself, always making dumb jokes and fulfilling her full crackhead potential
  • but she’s also not afraid to talk about when she’s upset and just wants to vent and be cuddled by her babies
  • Sunmi is probably the one who struggles most with her emotions out of all of you, and it takes a lot for her to open up
  • but eventually she always does, pouring our her heart as she sandwiched between you and Chungha as you wipe her tears away, listening to every single word she has to say and making her feel as comfortable as possible
  • its the kind of relationship where you’re not afraid to speak up and share what’s been going on, and you know you’ll always be listened to and respected
  • the best part after venting is always the cuddles after, feeling so much lighter now that your problems are out in the open and no longer weighing you down
  • Whenever yall actually do end up going out for dates, it ends up being a full-on fashion show, and Sunmi and Chungha love to dress you up and show you off, hyping you up so much before you even step out the door
  • your confidence in yourself has improved insanely since you met your girls, they’re just so genuinely in love and smitten with you that you can’t help but really take their words to heart
  • grocery shopping together cuz it makes you feel like a married couple uwu
  • arguments over who gets to be the one to sit in the trolley (the shopping cart, for all my American bros)
  • but Chungha just pouts and always gets her way, smiling happily as you and Sunmi throw all your goodies in with her
  • It’s gotten to the point where you don’t just borrow each others clothes, you basically have one collective wardrobe and you’re not even sure who owns what anymore
  • that don’t matter tho cuz u all stay lookin cuts 24/7
  • wine nights in with the gals, spending hours bitching about the industry and putting the world to rights
  • when you guys need to clean up your house you don’t just clean up, you perfORM
  • the duster turns into a microphone, the freshly polished wood floors turn into the slipperiest dance floors, and nothing will stop you when you get that music going
  • plus, instead of singing, you have a competition to see who can fLaWlEsSlY scream out the lyrics the best (f to pay respects to your vocal cords)
  • Queue the karaoke dates
  • that always end up turning chaotic as soon as you start ordering drinks and really start hitting those fabulous off key high notes, all of you still screaming into one microphone
  • Movie nights where Chungha is like “You better both wear these matching onesies or I will FIGHT”
  • plus being made go to the shop to stock up on more snacks while you’re still in the onesies, it’s really a great time for everyone
  • Travelling together!
  • whether it be to a hotel in Korea, or halfway across the world, you all love going to new places together, no matter where it is
  • So many good memories are made together, you swear that you’ve experienced so much more with Sunmi and Chungha by your side, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

NSFW From Here:

  • It really is a struggle to keep yourself in check while watching Chungha or Sunmi perform
  • they just exude such power and big dick energy when they’re on stage doing their thing that it leaves you weak in the knees
  • you really are their baby whether you like it or not, they have you wrapped around their little fingers
  • when they tell you to wear a skirt…. do it. trust me you gonna be the one benefiting baby
  • The worst part is when they make you sit in the middle seat of the car, chatting innocently to the driver why they let their hands tease you in every way possible
  • fucking in the recording studio for ‘inspiration’
  • also in the dance practise room, because Sunmi is a big fan of mirrors, she really likes to see everything she can
  • Sunmi is also definitely the one who always has her phone out, recording and taking as many pictures of you two so she can save them for later
  • She’s definitely the one in control most of the time too when Chungha isn’t joining in on teasing the shit out of you
  • kitchen counters are your guys’ favourite place, shit happens in your kitchen way more than you would ever like to admit
  • quickies backstage definitely happen more often than not
  • Chungha definitely has a hand kink, and she’s not afraid to give in to her temptations
  • so when she cranes her neck while you’re fucking her, you better wrap your pretty hands around her neck and make her go crazy beneath you
  • 10/10 open for trying whatever new thing that sounds exciting to all of you
  • soft kisses and softer cuddles afterwards,,, you’ll need the rest anyway, because you know you’ll be struggling to walk after all that

Chungha as Your GF

A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! I hope you had a good holiday weekend!!

If you enjoy works like this, then you should check out my Masterlist!

TW: Mentions of food, pure fluffiness

- Lots of stay-at-home dates with movies and take-out

- But occasionally you’ll go out to dinner together

- Teaching you how to dance like she does

- Her laughing at you trying to replicate the moves with her guidance

- “Babe, your form looks great!”

- Switching between languages naturally when you talk

- If you don’t know Korean, then she’ll teach you.

- You have so many funny videos and photos of Chungha

- But she thinks it’s hilarious (she has quite a few videos of you too.)

- Her face lights up whenever you walk into the room

- “Y/N, I missed you so much!”

- You’re her number one fan who is with her through every up and down.
