


deep relief by CircaClementine

Explicit | 885

Warnings:None Apply
Tags: Non-Serum Steve Rogers/Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes | Shrinkyclinks, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, BDSM, Bondage, Lingerie, Bottom Bucky Barnes, Top!Pre-serum Steve Rogers, Sub Bucky Barnes, Dom Steve Rogers, Anonymous Partner.

Bucky finds himself kneeling in the center of a room wearing a thick, leather blindfold that blocks out even the barest rays of light. Matching black leather encircles both of his wrists, flesh and vibranium, with silver hardware linking them neatly behind his back. They’re not remotely reinforced but more-so symbolic of his choice to be there, to put himself in capable hands, to allow someone else to dictate what happens to him.

Read on AO3 here!

@stuckybingo | O4 AU: BDSM
@stb-bingo | B1 Leather and Lace
@buckybarnesbingo | C4 Stripping


a new path by CircaClementine

Teen Audiences | Moodboard

Tags: Canon-Adjacent, Retired Cap Steve Rogers, TFATWS Bucky Barnes, Identity Exploration, Finding Home, Fix-It, Reunions.

After returning the infinity stones to their rightful places, and passing the shield to Sam, Steve leaves the earth in capable hands and finds a place on the water in New Asgard.

Bucky doesn’t go with him, feeling burdened by guilt and wanting to make amends. He works with Sam to help those in need, but can’t help missing the only person he’s ever truly loved.

Once he visits Steve, who has found himself through growing out his hair and spending a lot of time in the water, Bucky starts to wonder if the real amends he needs to make are with himself.

@stuckybingo | O5 - Asgard
@buckybarnesbingo | K5 - Infinity Gems

*if this moodboard inspires you, run with it! I don’t have the time or energy to do anything with this, so feel free to do as you wish. tag me so I can excitedly screech at your masterpiece.
