#cisco x reader


Cisco starts to distance himself from you and you have no idea why… 


“Hey, Cisco?”


“Is something on your mind?” You asked.

Walking up to your boyfriend, you leaned against the rooftop railings and stared at him as he gazed out at Central City. And while it was an admittedly beautiful scene, you could tell it was the last thing on his mind.

For a moment, Cisco looked as if he was about to respond; but, for some reason, couldn’t. Shaking his head, he averted his gaze and focused back on the view. “I don’t know…”

I don’t know…? That wasn’t a very Cisco-ish answer.

Frowning, you folded your arms and nudged him slightly.

The mechanical engineer glanced at you once more. A look of…well, you weren’t exactly sure what…had crossed his face, causing you to worry even more.

He had been like this since Barry and Iris announced their engagement. And for the first time in awhile, Cisco was sincerely happy for the speedster; but, as an unexplained side effect, he started avoiding you.

There were several times when you caught him dazing off, excusing himself from the room, and - though he wouldn’t admit it - spending more time with Caitlin than you.

While you understood that the two have been best friends since long before you two met, a part of you couldn’t help but feel jealous.

A dark, intrusive thought suddenly entered your mind. Is he…

He couldn’t possibly be leaving you for Caitlin, could he?

That wouldn’t make sense.

Would it?

You didn’t know anymore.

From the moment you met, Cisco told you “I love you” everyday. He always had. Reminded you constantly, and made sure you never forget. At first, it was a little overwhelming; but, after easing yourself into it, you found that it was one of the best things about him.

He had never given you a reason to question his affections for you.

Until today…

God, just thinking about it tore at your insides, an intangible hand reaching deep in your chest and a twisting its contents around. It was a pain you’ve never felt before.

You bit your lip. “Cisco?”

The slight waver in your tone was enough to raise him out of distraction. He turned to you, his mouth in a slight frown; only to deepen when he saw an unfamiliar glaze wet your eyes. His breath hitched and, almost instantaneously, he pushed off the railings and pulled you close.

Arm wrapped around your waist, Cisco reached up and cupped your cheek. It was the most he’d been physical with you today.

Your breath hitched.

Cisco furrowed his brows. “Hey, babe. What’s wrong?”

Your eyes watered even more.

“Nothing,” you lied. “Nothing at all…”

He didn’t buy it, of course.

The man could always tell when you were lying to him. Running his thumb over your skin, he stroked your cheek lovingly, tenderly, as he gazed deep into your eyes.

A very serious expression on his face.

“________,” he started, tone low and cautious. “You know you can talk to me, right?”

You nodded. “Yeah.”

Then…” he started. “What’s on your mind?”

Another sick knot formed in your chest. Did you even have the guts to tell him? Wouldn’t he just consider you paranoid, clingy?

And then he would have a reason to leave you.

Just the very thought of it broke you.

Before you knew it, fat, blubbering tears spilled onto your cheeks and trailed messy saline streaks across your skin. His face blurred into the dark, star-studded sky; but, even so, you could tell he wasn’t all that surprised by your actions.

Rather, he remained calm.

That fact alone bothered you more than it should have.

Gently sliding his hand from your cheek to the back of your head, he laced his fingers into your hair and pulled you close. You buried your face, deep into the crook of his neck and sobbed.


You knew you were upset, worried before coming to meet him; but, the extent of your actions were sincerely surprising to you. You hadn’t realized how emotional you really were…

Resting his head atop yours, Cisco continued stroking your hair. “Hey babe,” he whispered sweetly in your ear. “You know I’ll never leave you, right?”

His words caught your attention. “You won’t?”

He let out a soft chuckle. “‘Course not, Princess. I love you too much to do that.”

An overwhelming sense of confusion clouded your mind and you suddenly found yourself lifting your gaze to meet his. He stared back at you, face completely unwavering.

“If that’s true,” you swallowed. “Why have you been avoiding me?”

“Guess that’s my bad, huh?” The mechanical engineer flashed you a lopsided, though apologetic, smile. “Sorry. A lot of stuff’s been going on my mind.”

“Stuff like breaking up with me?”

You felt Cisco freeze. “Break up with you? What do you mean –?”

And then it hit him.

His lack of attention, his sudden absence in your life, when he spent almost all his time with you - it looked like the progression of a breakup.

No wonder you were worried.

His muscles stiffening, his eyes popping wide open, a look of absolute shock crossed his features. “No,” he grabbed your shoulders roughly. “Absolutely not…! It’s like I said, I love you too much, and I could never…I would never - ever- do that to you.”

He tugged you close, his arms with an iron grip. Practically suffocating, but comforting at the same time.

“Don’t ever think that,” he muttered, voice shaking. “Please.”

You let out a sniffle. “Then why?”

A momentary silence followed, filling the air between you. So thick, so dense, it almost felt like it was pushing the two of you away.

But Cisco tightened his fingers around your shoulders, an action that brought you back to reality. Through your locks, you peered up at him and stared at his face; but, couldn’t quite make out his expression.

It wasn’t until he pulled away that you realized he was happy.

Absolutely happy.

And it confused the hell out of you.

He smiled.

“Come here,” he tugged you forward until the two of you reached a nearby bench.

The mechanical engineer took a seat prior to pulling you in his lap. You clumsily fell in it, a lot less grace than you had hoped; but, nevertheless, he didn’t seem to care. Instead, Cisco slipped his hand to your back, his thumb rubbing in slow circles.

Your cheeks flared brightly. “What –?”

“I wanna show you something,” your darling boyfriend grinned widely. “For a while now, actually.”

Reaching into his pocket, he fished out his old, weathered-down, Harry Potter-studded wallet. The same one he’s always had his entire life.

You tilted your head in confusion.

Before you could ask, Cisco flipped open the wallet, used his free hand to open a zipped compartment and dug out a small object. It was shiny and delicate, gleaming wonderfully under the dim moonlit night. It wasn’t until he brought the item closer that you realized what it was.

A ring.

It had a simple silver band with three diamonds on top, the biggest one in the middle. Simple in design yet beautiful in essence.

You started once more. “What–?”

“It’s a wedding ring,” he explained, gazing at it rather fondly. “I bought it a year and a month ago, right after I met you.”

Mouth dropping wide open, you frequently switched your attention from the ring to Cisco. “Why would you do that?”

“Because,” he said. “I knew you were the one for me. The onlyone for me. And that’s never gonna change. Hell, I would’ve fought just about anyone to keep you by my side.”

The idea continued to baffle you. “Why?”

He chuckled, prior to pinching your nose gently. “I just said. I love you, silly boots.”


You knew that.

Knew that he loved you so much to tell you everyday and you felt like a complete asshole for ever assuming anything else; but…

This was a ring.

A fucking weddingring.

If he was ever so serious enough to take that next big step…

You shook your head. “Then why did you ignore me today? Why were you spending all your time with Caitlin?”

God, the jealousy and accusation in your voice was just completely pathetic.

Even so, Cisco didn’t seem to mind and smiled. “That’s because, when Barry and Iris announced their engagement, it made me realize something.”

You swallowed. “Realize what?”

“That I want to be like them,” he answered. Lifting a loving hand beside your face, he continued to stroke your hair back as you struggled to keep your tears at bay. “I want to be the one at the altar, waiting for you to walk down that aisle and come to me, so that I can give you my last name.”

You sobbed, but Cisco muffled it with the gentlest kiss you’ve ever received.

“I felt really strongly about it,” he continued on. “Hell, I wanted to propose on the spot.”

You bit your lip. “Why didn’t you?”

“It wasn’t the right time,” he shrugged. “It felt like a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing. Plus, I didn’t want to take away anything from Barry and Iris.”

He pressed his lips against yours once more.

“They deserve to have their moment,” he said. “Just like we deserve to have ours.”

Though large, blobby tears kept streaking down your face, you managed to calm the emotional, blubbering side of you. Leaning forward, you nestled against the crook of his neck.

Brushing his hand up and down your back, he finally answered the last question you had on your mind.

“And as for spending time with Cait,” he smiled. “She’s been married before. She gave me a couple good ideas on how to propose.”

Your curiosity piqued. “Like what?”

A loving, adoring smile crossed Cisco’s lips as he shook his head.

“That,” he said, “is a secret you’ll find out one day.” 

Requested by:Anonymous
Prompt:cisco proposing to reader pls?!?!?! thank you!! love your imagines btw…! <3<3 


Dante’s birthday is coming up and you try your best to comfort Cisco…*~*~*~*~* 

“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Dante. Happy birthday to you…!” 

Cisco leaned forward and blew out the candle.

The dim, orange light flickered for a good second or so before the fire finally died, the wick releasing a thin trail of smoke in the air. The smell of vanilla and soot filled the room, bringing back memories of Dante’s past celebrations.

Cisco’s eyes watered just from the thought of it.

God, how he missed him.

It had been nearly two months since Dante passed and Cisco found it difficult to move on. Although, how could he? Just as the two of them were finally reconnecting after years of being distant and indifferent towards each other, Dante was suddenly ripped out of his life.

The two of them would never be able to bond again. Never share the small, private moments they had - when they got along, covered for each other and kept their secrets.

It was all too painful.

But, after much effort, you convinced Cisco to celebrate Dante’s upcoming birthday at his apartment. Bought the cupcake and candles to sing and commemorate the birth of someone so special in your boyfriend’s life.

It should’ve been happy.


The sharp sting in the back of Cisco’s eyes grew stronger, his head already pounding from an oncoming headache. It frustrated the young mechanical engineer so much.

He wanted his celebration of Dante’s birthday to be happy.

Not pathetic.

It was a crucial step to moving on and coping with a lost loved one. Quite furiously, Cisco swiped at his tears. Long locks stuck messily to the side of his face during the futile attempt.

Dammit,” he cursed inter his breath.

You frowned.

Reaching out, you gently grabbed his wrists. Cisco immediately ceased all movements, but kept his head down. He couldn’t look you in the eye. Ashamed and broken in front of the girl he loves.

God, he must’ve looked real stupid.

“Hey,” you whispered, lowering his hands. “It’s okay. You’re doing great.”

Still, Cisco kept quiet.

More tears ran down his cheeks.

Smiling softly, you leaned in and wrapped your arms around your boyfriend’s waist. Your chin resting comfortably at the crook of his neck. You started rocking back and forth slightly, though not enough to make him nauseous.

Eventually, Cisco found himself relaxing in your hold and resting against your head. More tears streamed down his face and wet yours; though, you hardly cared.

If anything, it felt as if he found comfort in it.

The two of you remained quiet for a long moment. Nothing but the sound of distant car horns potentially interrupting your thoughts.

In the end, Cisco moved his head ever so slightly and pressed his lips against your temples.

You smiled.

“Thanks,” he said, barely above a whisper. “I don’t know if I could’ve done this without you.”

“Of course you could,” you returned the kiss on his cheek. “You’re a very strong person.”

Cisco smiled bashfully.

You could tell he didn’t believe you; but, nonetheless, appreciated your comfort and support. Rubbing his back, you tipped your head towards the desert on the table.

“C’mon,” you suggested. “What d’you say we split the cupcake and watch a movie?”

Requested by: Anonymous
Prompt:can you please please please do an angsty piece for Cisco?? probably something to do with Dante. idk why but i just have a thing for angsty Cisco rn aaaaghhhhh!!’ 
