#citrina rocks

kindlespark: the glory of god, the wrath of god both make me afraid[ID: A digital painting of Beliza


the glory of god, the wrath of god 
both make me afraid

[ID: A digital painting of Belizabeth and Citrina from Dimension 20’s A Crown of Candy. Belizabeth is clutching Citrina in profile and burying her head in her shoulder as she stabs Citrina in the back. There is a bright splatter of red where the knife makes contact. Citrina has her arms around Belizabeth and a shocked expression on her face. Her head is haloed by a white circle. Both women only have their eyes visible. An abstract candle burns and drips above them. Their edges bleed into the black background behind them, mimicking traditional oil painting styles. End ID.]

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rabdoidal: quote by Alexis Bates from He Used to Pray - i cant believe ive never draw sweet religion


quote by Alexis Bates from He Used to Pray - i cant believe ive never draw sweet religion fanart!! i just love the idea of belizabeth dreaming about a sunny day where citrina is bloody but still smiling at her….. its worse when she doesnt even hate you……. its worse when she is still full of holy empathy, something you are clearly lacking…….

✨ kofi link in bio if you’re feeling generous ✨

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