#citrus saburouta



They did it… I’m so proud of our girls

Hello everyone! 
For those whose who saw my previous post, I’m currently running a personal shopper/Japanese goods online store. I’ve been getting quite a few orders after I posted last time! I’d like to thank everyone of you who liked, reblogged, and commented on that post. 

So I used to do giveaways on this account when I went to Japan for my internships (couple of years ago). It was fun for my followers and brought some attention to my Tumblr. 

With my store, although I’ve been getting orders, I’d like to increase it’s popularity through followers because it creates a sense of trust and safety between me and my clients. So I got an idea to do a giveaway after I got some orders for … “Their Story” by Tanjiu!! 



Anyone that purchases “Their Story” from me will be automatically entered to win another popular YURI manga + you can follow my instagram www.instagram.com/japantcgstore for an EXTRAentry. 


I know not everyone can afford to buy things overseas, etc. 
So if you follow my instagram  www.instagram.com/japantcgstore you can also have a chance to win a yuri manga or a copy of Their Story!

For people that are NOT interested in yuri manga, you can also win another series such as Kimetsu no Yaiba, Jujutsu Kaisen, BL, etc. 


The draw will be on March 31st, 2022 (Japan Time). I will only pick people through INSTAGRAM. The winner will be tagged and DMed for shipping information! 

Thank you so much for everyone’s support. I hope this little project can become big so that everyone can experience a little bit of Japan. 
