#city of perth


At the beginning of February we had 3 days of snowfall, which accumulated into at least 1 foot of snow. We struggled to get around with our car, but everything looked magical for a whole while. Then in the middle of February the weather turned mild and the snow started melting. Due to the high level of snow and the fast melt there was more flooding than usual and the River Tay next to the City of Perth, where we live, grew to over twice its size. I also show you the floodgates, which protect Perth, which historically has been flooded multiple times. Enjoy!

Also here is a little side by side comparison of snow vs flood:

#perthshire    #scotland    #winter    #spring    #spring flood    #river tay    #city of perth    #hillfort    #hillwalking    #hiking    #nature    #nature walks    #youtube    