#clark kent angst



Word Count: 616

Pairing: Teenage Clark Kent x BlackFem!Reader

Warning: Swearing, Fluff.

Summary: Y/N had to set the record straight with Clark bullies.

A/N: I’ve had a bad day so I’m just going to use this as a distraction.

Y/N walked into the cafeteria looking for Clark. He had been avoiding her all day and she didn’t like it. “Bingo.” She saw him face deep in a book.

He looked up when Y/N placed her things on the table. “Kent why are you avoiding me?”

“I’m not.” Clark sat his books down. He didn’t want Y/N handling his problems if he told her what happened yesterday so he avoided her.

“Yes, you are. I waited to pick you up until your mom had to come outside and tell me you were gone. Clark tell me the truth.” Y/N sat down beside him, grabbing his hand. He was like her teddy bear, Y/N could be hard to everyone else but him. Clark held a soft spot in Y/N’s heart.

Clark knew he couldn’t hold anything back from Y/N. “I went with my dad to the shop in town.” He fumbled with his book. “Tyler and his group of friends pulled me out of the truck. He basically wanted me to fight him but I didn’t.”

Y/N tilts her head at the crazy shit that Clark just told her. “Oh hell no.”

He grabbed her hand, “No Y/N don’t do anything.” She pushed his hand off, sitting her phone on the table.

“Too late.”

Y/N walked up to Tyler’s table with her hair flowing behind her. She was angry and nothing was stopping her. Y/N came behind Tyler tapping his shoulder.

Tyler laughed at what his friends said. “I know right? Oh Y/N what-”

Y/N punches him square in the nose hearing that satisfying crack. “You wanna fuck with Clark huh?!?” He falls to the floor on his back. She punches him again going for the eye.

“Fight back you insecure ass bitch!”

Someone pulled Y/N off him as the cafeteria stared in shock some scared. Good.The person who pulled her off was Clark and it made her calm down a bit.


Just a bit.

Y/N pulled away ignoring Clark. She stood on top of an empty cafeteria table gaining everyone’s attention. “To everyone who goes to this fuck ass school. Listen up!”

“Y/N get down!” Clark whispered nervously was ignored once again. When she felt everyone was paying attention, she spoke again.

“If you mess with Clark Kent, I’m going to fuck you up myself. I stand on that so don’t try shit. I’ll do you just like I did Tyler bitch ass. You are a pathetic ass bitch if you mess with Clark, especially if he doesn’t do anything to anyone. So mess with Clark if you bad and I won’t hesitate to beat yo ass!” She said with authority turning around every second so everyone in this sorry-ass school can see that she wasn’t playing.

The security and the principal walked in to come to get them. Y/N rolled her eyes seeing people help Tyler off the floor. Clark held his hand out to help her get off the table which she took. “Come with me young lady.” The principal pointed out to Y/N.

She waved the principal off, grabbing her things from a random student. Clark grabbed his things out of their grasp as well. “You alright?” She asked looking at him.

“I’m fine. You didn’t have to do that Y/N.”

“Oh I had to and they better have taken me seriously, if not. They will see how serious I am.”

Clark tried to hide his smile but he was glad that Tyler got what he deserved. “You are something else Y/N.”

She ruffed his hair laughing. “And I don’t care.”


This shit short as fuck but I don’t care hell. Y'all I was pissed off, and I wrote this while I was mad. Hell, I’m still kinda mad.

My momma tried to go through my phone when she hasn’t done that since I was 14. I’m turning 18 next week like wtf! she done lost it.

Stay slutty my friends!
