#clarke x ofc


I’m going to need you to put on some clothes before you say anything else | Clarke Griffin x ofc

word count: 787

warnings: none

Natalia Rhymes was fully aware that going out into the forest for a bath was a little dumb. Okay, maybe more than a little, but she just couldn’t help herself. With many hours invested into building the wall under the scorching heat, she felt that she had deserved a break

     Clarke’s eyes scanned the camped survivors, all working feverishly to up their defenses, as people slowly started backing out from heat exhaustion. It had been a rather hot day since the 100 fell to the ground-Clarke had even rolled her sleeves to her shoulders and watched helplessly as all that could be done was to hunker down in the shade with water. John Murphy and Bellamy Blake seemed sympathetic and let the lack of work slide for once. Clarke felt miserable until a moving figure piqued her interest. A young woman with tan skin and dark hair was skirting around the edges of camp, but she didn’t look suspicious, just odd being the only person exerting any type of energy. Clarke’s eyes stayed glued to the woman’s figure until it disappeared behind a tent. Waiting a few minutes before investigating, Clarke decided she needed to know where the girl could have disappeared to.

“Hey Clarke, where ya goin’?” Finns voice stopped Clarke in her tracks and she quickly whipped around to face him. He too, was covered in sweat.

Clarke went to answer him but wasn’t quite sure what to say. ‘Oh you know, just following someone. No big.’ “ … it’s lady … stuff.” Clarke tucked in her bottom lip and looked away from Finn hoping he would get the hint. Which he absolutely did. Clarke looked up just in time to see Finn’s cheeks turn a soft rosy color at the unexpected answer.

He cleared his throat and motioned his arm in an ushering manner to let Clarke proceed. When Clarke found herself behind the tent there was no woman, just a loose piece of tin in the wall. She had an idea of where the girl just might be headed.

✺ ✺ ✺ ✺ ✺

     Natalia sat under the water for as long as her body would let her; her lungs burned as they begged for her to go up to the surface.  It was suffocating yet serene.  Space was the opposite.  Natalia would spend the rest of her life on the water if it meant to never go back to space.

On top of the water, looking up, the branches above waved in the breeze. Every leaf was the same and different, just as stars seem to be; yet Earth’s liveliness enveloped Natalia in a protective embrace.  Much warmer than any embrace she’s ever had. 

Natalia was interrupted from her daydream by a twig snapping and a girl coming forward. Not just any girl, Clarke Griffin.  The undeclared co-leader of their rag-tag group of murderous delinquents.

“You shouldn’t be out here alone… the grounders are dangerous.” Clarke’s voice rang out from the shore as she watched the girl float, only the top half of her face visible.  Natalia came up a tad bit to fully look at the girl. 

“I’m not alone… you’re here.” Natalia sunk back down into the cool water.  Clarke shook her head at her stubbornness but couldn’t blame the girl… the water looked relaxing.  

Natalia came forward,“ You should join me… it’s amazing in here.  I’m Natalia.”

“Well Natalia, I don’t know how to swim.” Clarke quickly pushed the idea aside.  It isn’t fair for her to swim while the camp dies of a heatstroke.

The brown haired girl sunk below the water, out of Clarke’s sight.  It had been nearly a minute since she had come up for air- panic shot through Clarke’s body.  She slipped her boots off and started into the water just to be splashed by Natalia coming up. 

Clarke rolled her eyes at the girl and turned to leave when she was pulled into the water.  It wasn’t very deep, but it was very cold.  Just what Clarke needed. “C'mon Natalia, I thought you were drowning.”

“Oh boo hoo! Just relax Clarke.” Natalia splashed Clarke again who in turn began to splash as well.

Suddenly Clarke stops splashing…“Are you wearing clothes?”

Natalia winked at the blonde,“Just now noticing? It feels a lot better than wearing wet clothes.”

Clarke sighed before shaking her head at the girl,“I’m going to need you to put on some clothes before you say anything else.”

“If you insist,” Natalia came above the water, effectively flashing Clarke everything under the sun. Clarke’s mouth fell open at the sight and she turned as quickly as the water would let her. Natalia, of course, was completely unbothered and found the cute blonde’s reaction comical.
