

Started with a photo of a Waffle House, used CLIP+VQGAN to make it more closely match the phrase “World’s most haunted Waffle House.”

World’s Most Haunted Waffle House.

The moon shines from the clouds onto a Waffle House, brightly lit from within by cold white chandeliers. There’s mist everywhere, and it has just rained. The words “waffle house” are very distorted.ALT

[Original photo this image by MBrickn.(cc-by-SA)]

How to haunt and unhaunt a house

New AI Weirdness post! I used CLIP +VQGAN to haunt & unhaunt a house based on what it thinks “haunted” means from its internet training.

Original lovely 1894 house:

A beige wooden Victorian house with two turrets, long upper and lower balconies, and intricate wooden decorations. It sits on a green lawn surrounded by thin-leafed trees under an overcast sky.ALT

Modified to better fit the phrase “a haunted victorian house”

Ominous red glows from within the ground floor of a white stone house, while black draperies or possibly cobwebs, or possibly bones, drop from green-tinted balconies.ALT

Modified to better fit the phrase “an extremely haunted victorian house | dramatic atmospheric night photography”

A house made mostly of grey stone, rickety balconies, and moonlight. A smaller two-windowed 1950s bungalow peers from beneath a floating turret.ALT

Modified to better fit the phrase “A victorian house | dramatic atmospheric night photography” and with -2 to

A fancy house in golden stone surrounded by sprays of blue and red flowers. The light of a sunset storm illuminates its complicated pillars and balconies, and there seem to be cases full of snacks.ALT

Gallery of AI cake fails

(New AI Weirdness post!)

“galaxy glaze cake”

The cake is covered in a sagging marshmallowy coating that might once have had sleek robotic curves. It’s vaguely peach-colored as if lightly toasted or faintly stained.ALT

“hedgehog cake”

Thick brown frosting speckled with eyeballs and blunt spikes. From a doorway at the center a realistic hedgehog-textured animal appears to stand facing sideways.ALT

“golden retriever cake”

Golden fondant droops over a hairy cake with paws. At one corner of the cake, there are a few sprigs of gold leaf.ALT

“unicorn cake with golden horn and rainbow sprinkles”

A scaly white cake. Vivid rainbow colors peek from the bottom as if from behind a curtain; in other areas tutti futti colored bits of cake erupt from the frosting, bristling with golden horns. ALT

“unicorn cake with golden horn and rainbow sprinkles”

A cake sits on a wooden floor next to a glass full of unfrosted cake. Rainbow frosting gardens and gleaming golden horns are scatterd across the cake. A unicorn face is drinking from the glass.ALT

“unicorn cake with golden horn and rainbow sprinkles”

A room is filled with piles of funfetti cake from which jumbles of white limbs and horns erupt.ALT

nailed it
