#inside-out cake


Gallery of AI cake fails

(New AI Weirdness post!)

“galaxy glaze cake”

The cake is covered in a sagging marshmallowy coating that might once have had sleek robotic curves. It’s vaguely peach-colored as if lightly toasted or faintly stained.ALT

“hedgehog cake”

Thick brown frosting speckled with eyeballs and blunt spikes. From a doorway at the center a realistic hedgehog-textured animal appears to stand facing sideways.ALT

“golden retriever cake”

Golden fondant droops over a hairy cake with paws. At one corner of the cake, there are a few sprigs of gold leaf.ALT

“unicorn cake with golden horn and rainbow sprinkles”

A scaly white cake. Vivid rainbow colors peek from the bottom as if from behind a curtain; in other areas tutti futti colored bits of cake erupt from the frosting, bristling with golden horns. ALT

“unicorn cake with golden horn and rainbow sprinkles”

A cake sits on a wooden floor next to a glass full of unfrosted cake. Rainbow frosting gardens and gleaming golden horns are scatterd across the cake. A unicorn face is drinking from the glass.ALT

“unicorn cake with golden horn and rainbow sprinkles”

A room is filled with piles of funfetti cake from which jumbles of white limbs and horns erupt.ALT

nailed it
