#cloistered nun



Have you ever thought of this questions? Have you ever wondered what would happen if there were no worms? 

They don’t seem like important creatures because they are hidden from day to day life, only coming out of the ground after a storm or when the ground is broken up and plowed. The worms fertilize the soil. They burrow down in order for some movement of soil to be made. They are needed. Charles Darwin stated, “It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world, as have these lowly organized creatures.”

Compare this with the life of a cloistered monk or nun. They are hidden from the world but provide nourishment for the Church in prayer and quiet life. In times of great turmoil, they have been the rock and foundation for communities that they are in. St. Therese of Liesure offered every little thing for God and this hidden life became one of the greatest missionaries of the 20th century yet she never left her cloister after she entered. 

I wish to be hidden and offer everything to Christ. This is what I wish with my life. Anybody who is discerning their vocation out there, don’t give up. Be quiet and let God speak. If you feel like you are just waiting around offer it up! Make every moment God’s moment. 
