#cloud hampton


C: “I guess I should prepare for competition, huh? I’m surprised if this won’t get you to the front page of every possible science magazine. Trust me, you’ll look dashing on those.”

J: “You’re well aware that I’m not interested in dating. What would there even be competition for? We’re not-”

C: “Don’t shoot me! I was just kidding. Well, partly? I’ve been enjoying having you all for myself but-”

J: “You haven’t. I went out with Jonas.”

C: “Well, that’s- wait, haha, what?

J: “It's—it appeared to be the most logical solution. After I… uh… slept with him.”

C: “…Holy shit.”

C: “Okay, just… did it even cross anyone’s mind to tell me??”

C: “At least you’re modest about it!”

J: “I’m realistic about it.”

C: “Sure, sure…”

C: “Seriously though, publishing that part of your research would inevitably reveal that the military has one of the most brilliant scientists of our time working for them. It would also reveal that they’re working with something related to magic. Wouldn’t that count as giving off their advance?”

J: “Not entirely, but I can see your point. You think I shouldn’t publish?”

C: “Oh, I think you definitely should! I also think you might be able to. They’re probably more afraid of losing you than revealing this much.”

J: “…Yes, you’re correct.”

C: “Just maybe don’t tell Becs that I encouraged you? She won’t be happy, for sure.”

J: “She isn’t.”

Cloud: “Well, yeah, that sucks, but I kinda get them-”

C: “-it wouldn’t be top secret research if the military just let you publish it, right?”

Julian: “I wouldn’t publish anything that risks their… advance. My theory is scientifically prominent but doesn’t individually hold significant value for the military.”

J: “It would benefit me to have my theory challenged properly. And what would benefit my research would benefit the military.”

C: “I assume you’ve told them that?”

J: “Yes. They're… hesitant.”

C: “Hmmh. My understanding of physics is a bit limited, but even I get that publishing would draw attention. A lot of it, really…”

C: “Have you considered that you could even get nominated over this? If your theory proves to be solid, that is.”

J: “Awards aren’t relevant – but yes. It’s possible.”
