#coast to coast


The Coast to Coast, Glasgow and Isle of Skye

After a taste, probably best to follow through. 

I recently arrived back after almost three weeks in the UK. The first twelve days were spent with my mother on a trip we’ve wanted to do for a long time. On the road, in the mountains, on map, off map. What will be slow dripping over the next week or so are the photographs I just picked up from those fine boys at Sydney Super 8 (http://www.sydneysuper8.com.au) in Newy. Go there, develop there.

What Place: Three days of the Coast to Coast in the Lake District to the Yorkshire Dales- then Glasgow, then a sheep farm on Isle of Skye.

What Camera: I wanted to go holiday cameras- aka something faithful and something new. My two picks were a Nikon 35ti, and my new baby Canon Eos-3. As I’ll dig in more as we go, both turned out to be perfect and surprising- appropriate, inappropriate, challenging and a joy all at once. For two operationally easy cameras, it’s great to find challenges and unexpected twists in getting that sweet spot. 

What film is a little less wild and more basic. I picked up a bunch of film on the cheaper end- Kodak Gold, and Kodak Colorplus 200 in Glasgow when I was pinching pennies before London. For cheap film, I was surprised and tested by the quality of both. Wouldn’t be a holiday though if I didn’t introduce some form of barely-an obstruction for me to work with, now would it?

I’ll tag where each is from but we’ll move in and out of order. For now, let’s start on an afternoon walk around Rosthwaite.
