#code of conduct


We’re less than TWO WEEKS AWAY from the event! You’re excited. We’re excited and a little scared. Here’s some various bits of SitC news as we approach the weekend!

Creator Day

Tickets are still available for our first ever Creator Day on Friday August 8th! Prices are £30 for a single Creator Day ticket and £60forCreator Day + weekend. (But sneaky promo: Use the code CREATOR1 when purchasing to get £10 off!)

If you’re still on the fence about Creator Day, or still don’t know what it actually entails, you can have a read of our handy FAQwatch Luke’s video about it, or get more info on the ticketing page!

Also, remember that Creator Day ticketholders from this year will get priority access to ticket sales for next year’s event!


We’ve had a whole new host of people added to our guest lineup this past week! You can check them out over at the site.

Lots of our guests will also be attending/speaking at Creator Day, so if you want a chance to interact with them informally and learn a little more about developing your channel, this would be a great opportunity to do so!

Code Of Conduct

We’ve rightfully had a few more questions about when our COC/event policy will be available for viewing. It has been written, and will have a double-page spread dedicated to it in our event publication for all attendees to refer to during the weekend of the event. It will also be available for viewing on the SitC Tumblr later this weekend.

Stay tuned for plenty more news over the coming week or so! Can’t wait to see you all in a couple of weeks!

- The SitC Team x
