#creator day

sicklyjelly: creator’s day on itch io is today!!! today 100% of the revenue goes to itch io creatorssicklyjelly: creator’s day on itch io is today!!! today 100% of the revenue goes to itch io creators


creator’s day on itch io is today!!!

today 100% of the revenue goes to itch io creators, without taking a cut! I make comics so if you wanna snag one for yourself, now’s a prime time ✨


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Earn Money with YouTube
Self Shooting
Funding Your Project


PR and Media Management
Production on a Shoestring
The Music Industry


Building a Team
How To Vlog
Ethics / Creator Responsibilities


How To Win Fans and Influence People
The business of being a creator; brands, MCNs, management and beyond


Somewhereto_ Breaking Out Of The Bedroom
Measuring Success with YouTube Analytiics


Product Updates from YouTube

At last, here is our much anticipated schedule for Creator Day! All scheduled content will be taking

At last, here is our much anticipated schedule for Creator Day!

All scheduled content will be taking place in the same panel rooms as the panel content over the main weekend. We’re very excited to check in with some of our favourite YouTubers and industry professionals as they share some insight into making things in the world of YouTube!

As well as the panels, there will also be an expo hall at Creator Day, where plenty of our guests and sponsors will be making appearances with booths and stalls.

You can still purchase Creator Day tickets here! Please remember that Creator Day is a more professional event, and will have no scheduled meet and greets or signings. Please ensure you view the terms and conditions of the day at the bottom of the ticketing page before purchase.

Looking forward to seeing you there! TWO DAYS GUYS!!!

- the SitC Team x

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We’re less than TWO WEEKS AWAY from the event! You’re excited. We’re excited and a little scared. Here’s some various bits of SitC news as we approach the weekend!

Creator Day

Tickets are still available for our first ever Creator Day on Friday August 8th! Prices are £30 for a single Creator Day ticket and £60forCreator Day + weekend. (But sneaky promo: Use the code CREATOR1 when purchasing to get £10 off!)

If you’re still on the fence about Creator Day, or still don’t know what it actually entails, you can have a read of our handy FAQwatch Luke’s video about it, or get more info on the ticketing page!

Also, remember that Creator Day ticketholders from this year will get priority access to ticket sales for next year’s event!


We’ve had a whole new host of people added to our guest lineup this past week! You can check them out over at the site.

Lots of our guests will also be attending/speaking at Creator Day, so if you want a chance to interact with them informally and learn a little more about developing your channel, this would be a great opportunity to do so!

Code Of Conduct

We’ve rightfully had a few more questions about when our COC/event policy will be available for viewing. It has been written, and will have a double-page spread dedicated to it in our event publication for all attendees to refer to during the weekend of the event. It will also be available for viewing on the SitC Tumblr later this weekend.

Stay tuned for plenty more news over the coming week or so! Can’t wait to see you all in a couple of weeks!

- The SitC Team x

As part of our ongoing plans for our first Creator Day this year, we’re offering a new incentive that will hopefully encourage more creators to attend the whole SitC weekend in the future. Attendees of Creator Day will be offered early priority access toticketsales for the 2015 event! (We emphasise “ticket sales” here and will explain shortly!)

SitC was founded on content creation, and despite its growth and evolution, the community surrounding YouTube and making things is something we still hold very central to the event; which is why we always emphasise the importance of not just coming to meet one particular person - but to make friends, to network, and celebrate a shared interest. This is how the original SitC went, and it’s something we’re trying our best to uphold within the event.

This is why we are offering earlier access to those coming to Creator Day! We want to ensure those who want to progress with their channels and content and get more involved actively in YouTube can still come to the event and take part. Tickets were in very high demand this year and sold out so quickly; We want to make sure next year, some of those are shared evenly and so help maintain a balance between creator and viewer.

For those following us on Twitter: We’re sorry about the confusion earlier that came from the belief that this was early access to this year’s event, (then corrected to next year’s event, which is also incorrect). As the event is so close and it’s still just the five of us, we’re extremely busy at the moment and it’s easy for us to get wires crossed with one another and get things mixed up, which has happened here.

If you’re interested in Creator Day (and the early access to ticket sales that come with it), you can still purchase tickets here!

Thanks for your patience, and we look forward to seeing you all very soon!

- The SitC Team x

We’ve done our best to fill you guys in on Creator Day, our latest addition to this year’s SitC, but we realise there will always be people who miss these posts, or plan to read them later and forget. So here’s a concise FAQ that should hopefully give you all the info you need!

What exactly is Creator Day?

  • Creator Day is a WHOLE EXTRA DAY we’re adding to the SitC weekend, taking place from 11am-5pm on Friday August 8th- the Friday of the SitC weekend.
    It’s a day for YouTube creators who are keen on learning more about YouTube as a platform and an industry; we hope to give them a chance to meet other creators, brands who work with YouTubers, and plenty of new experience!

What’s happening on Creator Day?

  • There will be several panels, including creators and industry professionals alike. Google will also be featuring a pop-up studio space for creators to get some practice, as well as showcasing some cool tech, like Google Glass! For more details, see the ticket page.

Wait, what happened to Industry Day?

  • Technically this is Industry Day; but when we realised that what we wanted out of this extra day was all about YouTube creators, we realised the day should really be named in honour of them! 

Should I come if I just want to take selfies with YouTubers?

  • This is a day for creators to network and learn more about the industry, and any guests attending this day will have a similar interest. They will most likely not be there for meet & greets. There will be plenty of time for that during the main weekend; any guests attending will need to save their energy for then.

I’m under 16 but I’m genuinely interested in growing my channel. Why can’t I come?

  • Drop us an email at [email protected] with your YouTube URL and we’ll look into you! The age limit is a general deterrent, but we appreciate that some younger people are enthusiastic content creators too. :)

What kind of ticket should I get?

  • You can buy one for the Creator Day on its own for £30, if that’s all you would like to attend; however, we are also selling tickets for Creator Day + the SitC weekend for £60.
    ALSO BIG SECRET SSSHH: Our lovely pals at YouTube have arranged a Creator Discount! Make sure you check out the YTCreators Twitter to take advantage of that!

Can I buy a weekend ticket and just not come to Creator Day if I’m not interested?

  • We’d rather Creator passes went to people who actually had an interest in using them, so we would appreciate you not taking advantage of this. Creator passes will only be validated on the Friday; anyone who buys one with the intent of only attending Saturday and Sunday will not be able to enter the venue.

Hot diggety, colour me sold! Where can I buy a ticket for this amazing event?

Any other questions, feel free to shoot us a tweet @SummerInTheCityHope to see you there! :D

- the SitC Team x
