#college tony




‘Be a tutor’ they said, ‘it’ll look good on resumes’, ‘it’ll be a piece of cake’ they said. Wrong, they were dead wrong. Sure it could’ve been fun had you been paired up with someone who was easy to work with, someone who actually wanted a tutor and was actively trying to advance their grades, Tony Stark was not that someone. 

You knew he was smart, heck the dude was a genius, but he didn’t bother doing anything, he never showed up, he didn’t even bother to turn in his assignments 90% of the time. 

You were currently waiting in the library for Tony to show up for the session, you were hired by his mother to tutor him and she was the one who was paying you…apparently the professors had given up on him.

He was about forty minutes late at this point and you didn’t know why you were still waiting around for him, you got paid whether or not he showed up, maybe it’s because despite how much his ‘I couldn’t care less, I’m Tony Stark.” attitude got under your skin you didn’t want him to think you’d given up on him too. 

When it hit the hour mark you let out a sigh, packed up your stuff and headed for the main doors. 

“Leaving so soon? I just got here.” Tony said as he bumped into you on your way out. 

You looked at your watch, your sessions with him usually lasted about an hour, by the time the two of you would finish up and you got back to your dorm you’d have about two hours to do your homework if you wanted to get the at least the minimum seven hours. Sadly you had at least five hours of homework meaning you were only getting four hours of sleep. 

“Alright,” You said letting out a sigh, “let’s get started then.” You said as you led him back inside and towards the private study room you’d been in just moments ago.
“Tony. Please tell me you were paying attention.” You begged, you were two seconds away from either ripping your hair out or tossing him out of the nearest window. 

“Yeah sure, you mentioned something about thermomecihanics, got it.” He said not bothering to look at you or at the whiteboard with all of your notes. 

That was all it took, with that one sentence Tony Stark had finally driven you overboard, you’d given up potential nap times on him and he wasn’t even paying attention.

“Seriously Stark!? What’s your deal dude! Do you just not care? Because if that’s it then fine, whatever! I don’t care anymore, tell your mom I quit and that she can hire you a new tutor, because I’ve had it up to here with you Stark! I’ve given up my oh so few hours of sleep to tutor you for nothing because you don’t care. Hell you’re probably gonna use daddy’s money to buy your way through school and that’s fine, I don’t care anymore. I’ve tried so hard to get through to you and you just don’t give a crap. Have a nice life Stark, I’m done.” You shouted at him as you picked up all of your books and stormed out of the library shoving aside a library assistant who you were assuming was on his was to tell you to keep it down. 
You were sitting on your bedroom floor surrounded by books lying open to important pages. You were on your fifth cup of coffee that was spiked with five hour energy, not exactly the healthiest thing but it got the job done. 

You were reading up on Russian History when your roommate knocked on the door. “There’s someone at the door for you.” She told you. 

You glanced at the clock on your nightstand, 4 a.m. you let out a sigh, not because there was someone at the door this late, but because you had to be up by 6 a.m. which meant only two hours of sleep. 

You pulled yourself off of the ground your spine cracked from straightening out after almost two straight hours of being hunched over. 

“I swear this better be good or I’m–Stark.” Your tone switched from a joking one to an obviously irritated one. 

“I messed up, I know that, and I’m really sorry about it. I was doing all of this to get back at my dad and I wasted your time too. You’re really smart, and for some reason you never gave up on me and you’re one of the only two people who hasn’t done that, so thanks for that, besides I was kinda impressed that when you lost your cool you didn’t use a single curse word. Normally when people scream at me it’s nothing but curse words.” Tony said looking kinda awkward, it was odd seeing someone who normally walked around like they owned the place suddenly do a one-eighty and look so vulnerable. 

“You wanna come in? I’m not getting any sleep tonight and you look like you could use a cup of tea or coffee or something.” You said smiling at him warmly and opening the door wider so that he could come in. 

“Yeah, thanks.” He said as he made his way into your apartment.

Requested by anon
