#colombia vs england



Am I the only who wouldn’t hold up those signs like “Kane score a goal”, “Falcao the Best” etc.? Of course you do you and showing support to your favorite player is amazing, but imo that just reinforces individualism which is already the main problem of many teams. Just look at like, Portugal & Argentina whose strategy is often (notice the OFTEN) “pass the ball to Cristiano/Leo and hope he scores” and like… yeah “Kane score a goal” is great but how about “England score a goal”? That way the team doesn’t entirely rely on one (1) good player? or how about England don’t score a goal bc I’m rooting for Colombia

I know a kid’s sign won’t change anything - Kane is probably that kid’s fave player so I totally get it, it’s cute, and it’s actually not the problem in the England NT anyway but,,, as someone who’s more into rugby, where teamplay is much more visible and essential, I feel like putting one player on a pedestal is the problem of a lot of NTs :/

I totally agree with this however at the same time I think it’s totally normal (especially for kids) to have your own personal hero, of course that is more often than not the best player of the team. So I personally find that as a fan…hold whatever sign as long as it doesn’t say anything disrespectful. The people who can make a change are the trainers and the teams themselves…so I think it’s their job to make sure they don’t forget that this is teamwork. But as I said I get where you’re coming from.
