#england nt



Am I the only who wouldn’t hold up those signs like “Kane score a goal”, “Falcao the Best” etc.? Of course you do you and showing support to your favorite player is amazing, but imo that just reinforces individualism which is already the main problem of many teams. Just look at like, Portugal & Argentina whose strategy is often (notice the OFTEN) “pass the ball to Cristiano/Leo and hope he scores” and like… yeah “Kane score a goal” is great but how about “England score a goal”? That way the team doesn’t entirely rely on one (1) good player? or how about England don’t score a goal bc I’m rooting for Colombia

I know a kid’s sign won’t change anything - Kane is probably that kid’s fave player so I totally get it, it’s cute, and it’s actually not the problem in the England NT anyway but,,, as someone who’s more into rugby, where teamplay is much more visible and essential, I feel like putting one player on a pedestal is the problem of a lot of NTs :/

I totally agree with this however at the same time I think it’s totally normal (especially for kids) to have your own personal hero, of course that is more often than not the best player of the team. So I personally find that as a fan…hold whatever sign as long as it doesn’t say anything disrespectful. The people who can make a change are the trainers and the teams themselves…so I think it’s their job to make sure they don’t forget that this is teamwork. But as I said I get where you’re coming from.


jack doesn’t know where he’s originally from on the map his face

grand gesture (mason mount)

you do a genius verified video for your new song which is about mason

warnings: fluff

You explained your frame of mind, where you were at the time when you wrote the song. It was pretty self explanatory, the subject influence. You were in love and were realizing just how much that person meant to you.

The influences you drew on for the track were different. Since it was a detour from your usual mid or high tempo stuff, you worked with new producers who helped you to become more comfortable with trusting your voice to carry a minimally produced track.

Verse one

That first night when you held me I couldn’t sleep

Thought your eyes were closed, but felt em on me

My heart in my throat, my tongue in my cheek

Couldn’t believe this wasn’t a reverie

“A lot of people actually thought I was talking about, you know.” You laughed. “But it’s really innocent. I was just talking about a very specific cuddle, the first one we had.”

You had only know Mason for two days at that point. While visiting one of your friends, she mentioned that one of hers was going to swing by. It was obviously not a problem for you, to be honest you weren’t expecting much.

When the door rang and she welcomed him in, you were glad that you’d done yourself up that morning. Mason wore that gorgeous grin of his as he introduced himself. His sweet yet woodsy scent engulfed you as he gave you hug, his stubble just grazing your cheek. 

Still, you really didn’t feel like thatabout him. He was chill, super funny, all around good vibes. Hours passed with you all sat in her kitchen just talking about anything. Mason even ordered takeaway for everyone. You ate it while watching a film. 

If anyone asked, you couldn’t tell them which one it was because you spent half the time looking at him. And he was looking at you too. Both of your gazes often met, with him pulling a funny face or you rolling your eyes at some corny dialogue. 

Before he left he said it was nice to meet you, hoping to see you again soon. That time came quicker than anticipated as your friend decided last minute the next day that she was going to have a small get together. 

Ben, who you’d seen her cozied up to on some of her stories, came over and finally got your seal of approval. Mason came with him, that grin of his in tow. You two were joined at the hip all night, drinking and dancing and laughing. 

So many hours had passed, you didn’t realize that it was well into the next morning when he was still there. I find myself not wanting to go, he murmured into your shoulder, his arms around you from behind. Stay then, you stated as if it were obvious. 

Your friend and Ben had passed out hours before in her room. You silently rifled through her drawer, knowing here she kept the oversized stuff she stole from her exes. Mason gladly accepted the comfy change of clothes, crawling into the guest bed with you. 

Your heart was doing all kinds of backflips as he slotted behind you, arms pulling you in close. You fit so perfectly, so naturally together. His lips grazed the soft skin of your neck and then paused. Is this okay? You nodded, shivers shooting down to your toes when you felt the kiss. 

Every minute that passed didn’t do so without awareness. You were comfortable with him, yet sleep evaded you. When you turned to look at him, he was looking back. In that moment you knew that something was building. 


Ask me for the world

And I’d give it to you

More than that, way more than that

I know you see 

What you mean to me

Anything, I’d give you anything

“When I fall, I fall so fucking hard.” You smiled. “I just want to give the person I love everything, and then some.”

The look on your friend’s face the following morning when you walked out into the kitchen with Mason was priceless. She couldn’t believe that after he left, placing a small kiss to your cheek, that nothing had happened. 

He was the perfect gentleman, you beamed. 

That much held true when he finally asked you out on a proper date. Mason went the whole nine yards. He picked you up, got you flowers, took you to a dinner that wasn’t too fancy where you could have a good chat. 

Your cheeks ached with how much he made you smile that night. And they continued to do so the more you got to know him. He was so bright, and just more amazing than anyone you’d ever met. There were so many things that you wanted to do with him, for him. He had your heart since the moment you first saw him. 

Verse two

Baby don’t cry

I hate to see you down

Don’t you know your smile is my favorite?

Just lean on my shoulder

In my arms, it can’t hurt ya

Love when I give you my hand and you take it

“No one likes to see the person they’re with in pain.” You sighed. “My boyfriend has a high stress job, and a lot of people, unqualified people, think they have a right to make shit comments about him. Don’t do that.” You pointed to the camera. “I’ll find you.”

Being with a footballer was so much different than any of the other relationships you’d had before. He was the first boyfriend you had that was in the spotlight like you. With that, you knew came a lot of hate, but you’d never seen anything like what he had to go through.

After bad matches and losses were the worst. Mason took his job seriously, loved his club to bits. Nobody hurt more than he did when he couldn’t help the team get a result. All of that was just made worse when he had a bunch of people wishing him harm and saying that he was overhyped. 

You didn’t know how to deal with it the first time it happened. He looked so sullen, his eyes downcast, mouth turned downwards. You asked him what he needed from you. 

Just…hold me? You pulled him into your arms, his head on your shoulder. You rubbed his back in soothing circles, humming some melodies you’d been working on. The tension slowly drifted from him, his body relaxing as you pulled the duvet over your bodies. 


Didn’t know how much you meant to me

Til I couldn’t breathe without you

Always felt like I was lost at sea

Took one look in your eyes and I knew…

“I was in a sort of doing my own thing stage when we met, I honestly didn’t think I would end up in a relationship for a long, long time. But then I met him and now I’m whipped.” You laughed loudly, a few crew members joining in. 

Trying to think back to a time before Mason felt nearly impossible. He took up so much of your mind, your heart. Every second of the day when you weren’t with him, you looked forward to finally seeing him again. 

How couldn’t you? He was everything you could’ve ever wanted in a partner. Just as you were there for him during his hard times, he was there for you. Mason made you cups of tea when you were stressed about deadlines and shows, cuddled you after long hours of practices. 

He made you feel like the luckiest person alive. When he would do the smallest things for you, like tell you how pretty you looked that day or send you messages through the day encouraging you.  

And when he made grand gestures. Inviting you over to meet his family and telling them how much he loved you in front of them, or scoring at the Bridge and running over to where you sat to blow you kisses. It all made opening your heart to him feel like the greatest return on risk there ever was. 


How much I love you

Wanna give it to you

How much I love you

I wanna give it to you…

“Admittedly that part is a little insinuative, but it’s a double edged thing. I was being cheeky and sweet.” You winked. 

There was no denying how much you loved Mason. You let him know every morning when you woke up to your favorite egg head as you called him affectionately. 

You wrote this song for him with every intention of releasing it so that the world knew just how much he meant to you too. It was your own grand gesture, though you weren’t sure it would get as many views as when he did your TikTok dance challenge as a goal celebration. 



RLC x (fem)reader

summary: Ruben comes back angry after a difficult match and acts cold towards you and makes you cry

word count: 2499

notes: angst, fluff, light smut


You couldn’t hold yourself back from cheering loudly when you saw your boyfriend Ruben on TV score his second goal of this season. Your smile was so wide from how proud and happy you were feeling for him. You watched how he started running in the field celebrating his goal, pulling the signature pose by putting his finger in front of his mouth when his teammates suddenly came up to congratulate him. Everyone looked so happy, hugging and praising him. The only sad part at that moment was that you weren’t there with him and oh God, how you wish you were there…but you tried to brush that thought away and instead start imagining the moment he would be back home and you would finally be able to share your happiness with him and of course kiss the heck out of him. Nothing could ruin that moment…

Except when it did.


You yelled when you heard one of the commentators saying that there is a possibility of the goal being cancelled for offside. Ruben and the rest of the team looked so confused and anxious. Then a replay of the goal was shown and the commentators said that Lukaku’s knee had slightly touched the ball before Ruben had passed the last defender of Wolves and got to score which lead to speculations for offside. Players from both teams were seen to be talking anxiously to the referee and after a long wait, the goal got ruled out for offside.

“fucking hell”

You whisperered to yourself, feeling frustrated and angry for the final decision. Then the camera showed Ruben shaking his head disappointedly while looking sad. Your heart immediately ached for him knowing how much affect it would have on him until the next match or so. You watched the rest of the match with less to almost no interest as your mood was ruined by what had occurred. The main reason you decided to keep on watching was in case your boyfriend scored again since you wouldn’t want to miss that. Of course you were happy for the team when Lukaku scored the next two goals, you were a Chelsea fan after all, but the thought of Ruben coming back sad because he lost his goal didn’t sit well with you. When the match finally ended with a disappointing result of 2-2 for the team, you decided to text him.


hey, how are you feeling?

After sometime while you were cooking dinner, your phone tinged from a message notification probably meaning that Ruben had replied to your message.


not the greatest, pretty tired too


you sighed lightly after reading his text and typing ‘call me if u need anything, see yah’.

Putting your phone aside you decided to busy your mind with finishing dinner. It was much harder to do than being said though, since your worrying mind kept wondering back to Ruben. While cooking you would catch yourself glancing or checking your phone in case for any notifications but there was nothing. After two long hours of waiting you found yourself lying on the couch sleepily watching some TV. Then for what felt like the hundredth time you checked your phone once again only to notice that your last message was still not even read by him making you more anxious, so you decided to call him.

straight to voicemail, just great

After another hour you woke up to the sound of keys being pushed and the door opening, revealing your boyfriend. He looked exhausted but also mad; he wore a blank expression on his face for most of the part but you could see how his jaw would clench for a few seconds while he was moving.

“hey” you quietly greeted him after just waking up and stood up to slowly approach him

“I’ve got dinner ready if you are hungry, I will set up the table for you”

He seemed to pay no attention to you though as he was taking his shoes off and headed to your bedroom after hanging his jacket and leaving his bag behind. Your smile faded due to his cold behaviour and pushed your lips in to a thin line debating in your mind whether to follow him or not. You decided against it though, thinking that its better to give him some time to be by himself for now; so you went to warm up the food for him to eat once he was ready.

Half an hour later you heard Ruben coming in to the kitchen with his head a little wet from the shower while wearing a tight black t-shirt and some black trousers. The thin, tight shirt showed off his built muscles on his body, his broad shoulders were so evident and his naked arms looked so toned while angry veins popped out from them. He looked so sexy and you wanted nothing more than kiss him and let him take his frustration out on you but his attitude wasn’t helping you much. With the same expression as before he passed by you, walking up to the fridge and grabbing a can of beer from it. Leaning on the kitchen counter with your hands behind your back you stared at him waiting to say something to you but his full focus was on drinking his beer. You sighed quietly to yourself and decided to break the silence.

“i have dinner ready on the table for you.”

“i’m not eating that.”

Your face immediately scrunched up hearing his words. The way he said it made you so angry and sad at the same time. You understood that he was in a bad mood because of what happened and honestly fuck the food, if he didn’t want to eat, that’s on him but his tone was so rude, completely disregarding your effort to take care of him. You honestly didn’t know what else to do to help him out. Then he started walking out of the kitchen and headed towards the living room with the beer still in his hand and you following close behind.

“Can you cut the attitude and sit down for a minute and talk to me.”


“Look i know that the match didn’t go we-”

“i don’t want to fucking talk about it”

“But you cant ignore me the whole day; i’m trying to be here for you, but you are giving me no chance. Since you came you haven’t even spared a glance at me.”

“Because i don’t want to y/n! I’m so fucking angry that i don’t want you around me right now”

He turned around to look at you this time and you could see the frustration in his eyes.

You chuckled “Well how can you expect me to be fine and sit around, when you are obviously feeling like shit”

He sighed loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose as he held his head low.

“Look i get how you are feeling, i have felt like that before as well and i have learnt that bottling everything in does no good to anyone and most importantly you”

He then pushed his head back shutting his eyes closed tightly.

“If you just tried to let it all out you-”

“Just leave me the fuck alone!!”

He shouted while glaring at you; his hands tightened into fists so hard that the can of beer wrapped around his hand, disformed. Obviously you couldn’t take it anymore. Feeling tears welling up in your eyes after hearing his angry voice, you turned around heading quickly to your room.

Once you entered it and closed the door behind you, tears started running down your cheeks. You covered your mouth with your hand trying to shuffle the sounds from your crying but soon decided to take a shower to calm yourself down.

You quickly stripped down from your clothes and entered the shower. The water was not warm enough yet but you didn’t care; being desperate to feel anything other than what you were feeling at that moment. With your eyes closed tightly you rubbed your hands all over your face, trying to get rid of all the tears and redness from your eyes and cheeks. As the water kept falling on you from above, you moved your hands through your hair, pushing everything back trying to relieve your body from all the tension. You mind was still working though; Ruben’s loud tone of anger was playing over and over again. You moved your face out of the water, your chest rose and fell as hard breaths came out of you and you quickly placed your hands on the shower wall to steady yourself. The quietness of the room wasn’t helping your mind as it kept wondering back to that moment and guilt started taking over you.

Had you perhaps pushed his buttons too far?

I mean you could understand that he needed his time but you were worried for him. You have seen him angry before but not like that; not to the point of him pushing you away or raising his voice at you out of anger. It hurt you to leave him all alone at this difficult time for him but if he wanted to act like that, then so be it.


Ruben was sitting on the couch, starring blankly at the TV, not really paying attention at the crappy show that was currently playing on it. Today’s events were still running through his thoughts and as if the match wasn’t enough to ruin his day, he had to snap at you as well.


A deep sigh left his lungs as he placed his forearms on his knees, burying his hands through his thin hair. 

The image of your glistening eyes being the first thing his sees as he shut his eyes. Having a fight with you was honestly the last thing he wanted to do ever, but especially today. 

The last few weeks have been difficult for the team; too many lows in such a short time, to the point where the pressure felt unbearable anymore. Getting scolded by the manager, working hard every day and when it finally seems like all the hard work pays off, the chance just gets ripped off of his hands. No words could ever truly describe how he felt when the final decision for his goal came out. But mostly anger was what had taken over his body.

After your fight he felt really guilty for making you cry and he thought about going after you to hold you and apologise for his shitty behaviour towards you, but he didn’t trust his mind or body enough. He needed some more time to calm himself down before he approached you again; too scared that he was going to mess it up again somehow. Looking at the two empty cans of beer sitting on top of the table, he debated wether it was now time to go and talk to you.

When he finally felt ready enough, he stood up and started heading to your shared bedroom. Entering, the sound of the shower running was evident from the bathroom and without much thought he went inside the bathroom as well and took off his clothes. With your head under the heavy water you didn’t hear any movements. You brought your head out of the water only when you felt a presence standing close behind. 

Twisting your head around, you saw Ruben reaching for you from behind and closing the distance between you. His arms immediately wrapped around your waist softly caging you inside his strong body and bent down to place his head on your empty shoulder. His action honestly almost made you tear up since you thought that it would be difficult to be around each other after what happened previously. You felt so relieved that he proved you wrong and you finally got to have him close to you again.

With his mouth close to your ear, you could hear his soft breaths, when he suddenly started trailing small kisses from your shoulder up to your ear.

“im sorry” he whispered to you and you turned your whole body around to look at him. 

“I know that it was wrong of me to act the way i acted since i came back and..-fuck the last few weeks have just been so tough- i-i just couldn’t control my emotions anymore, i couldn’t stand the pressure anymore, i’m really sorry baby”

Wrapping your hands around his neck, you brought his face close to yours and brushed your lips softly against his, giving him a light kiss.

“i’m sorry too, i should have given you more space and instead i just probably annoyed you.”

“No don’t say that..you were trying to be there for me and i just pushed you away like an asshole. i might have needed some more time to calm down but nothing was ok with how i treated you..”

He then placed a soft kiss on your forehead and went down to your lips, giving you light small kisses.

“Will you forgive me baby?”

You smiled a little as you felt his lips brushing yours lightly once again. You turned your gaze at him as you notice his eyes focusing on your lips. You pursed your lips leaning your head a little to the side as you made a thinking face.

“Hmm, should i?” you asked in a teasing tone.

“Hmh, you should”, he agreed placing his thumb on your lips and touching them softly.

“I think i need some more persuasion”, you whisper teasingly once again.

You then parted your lips against his thumb and then felt him tagging on your bottom lip with his finger, turning it downside. You watch him smirking once hearing your words and the next thing you know he is kissing you for real this time. The feeling of his soft lips against yours made your heart pound rapidly inside your chest. With his naked body against yours, the kiss gave you so much pleasure, making you kiss him harder. He groaned softly feeling your eagerness and he backed you up against the shower wall. As he was kissing you back with the same passion, he turned your face to the side making you open you mouth more and then you felt his tongue sliding into your mouth. His hands were wondering from your back down to your ass, grabbing a handful of it; making a moan slip past your lips. You two didn’t stop your intense make out, nibbling and tasting each other’s lips until you both got out breath. 

“I think i can be more persuasive in the next room” a small smirk forming on his lips as he breathed hard because of your kiss.

Knowing that he meant your bedroom, a small laugh came from you.

“lead the way baby”

im sorry but the new england women away kit is so ugly, the biggest downgrade in football kit history i just-

Saka being the one to take the final penalty was a cruel decision. Southgate is actually terrible for that.

They’re the same person in different fonts

Absolutely hate that this is sending me


golden hour☀️

