#colouring pages

 Great news guys! I’m super happy to let you know that some of my colouring pages are featured on th

Great news guys! I’m super happy to let you know that some of my colouring pages are featured on the Colouring Heaven – Halloween Especial and is now on sale!

This issue it’s also filled with unearthly designs with spooky cuteness from The Fantasy Art of Molly Harrison, Selina Fenech and creepy-darkness from Lisa Mitrokhn .

Get your issue here - https://bit.ly/2pCm9HP
Pick up your issue at Tesco, WHSmith, Asda, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, Morrisons and Co-op.
Search for your local stockist here - https://bit.ly/2voyzsK

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Thank you to @kamil-a for the first of 2 colouring pages!

Here’s my version, coloured it on my way home last night.

Looking at it now…I think it needs a little more blue. It was so much fun to do, if any of you want to share your coloured in page, please tag me.

Thank you to @kamil-a for the first of 2 colouring pages!

2nd coloring page from the wonderful @kamil-a featuring the most uncooperative cat model Moo Moo!

Here she is grumpy from having been awoken for a photo.

Coloring Pages

Coloring Pages

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