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Comments on First Kill -Part 1

So I’ve watched the first four episodes and here are my thoughts on the show

-The guild is terrible. I knew we would sympathze with the vampires since one of them is one of our protagonist but I didn’t expected to dislike the monster hunters that much. Nothing on the Burns, they are cool but this guild is so trash.

And also, I didn’t expect to like Juliette’s mommy that much. I dunno, I just thought that since she looked so much like a Karen that she would be a Karen.

-The Old Money style of the vampires, the Fairmont more specifically, is everything. Makes me feel so poor, like, I feel that they would humiliate my poor ass just because they could.

-I also love how they didn’t fall for the “mysterious sexy vampire” cliche. Don’t get me wrong, I love this stereotype but it’s refreshing to see something different. Juliette being the weird, social awkward shy girl was top tier writing choice

-The two protagonists are fire. Their chemistry is everywhere. The acting is also good, it’s a “stupid teen show” so the actors didn’t had to put everything in every scene but there’s moments that already stand up. Juliette dialogue with her mom in episode 3 (before the attack at their house) was one of the scenes when the actors put a more work for us.

-Apollo sucks. Ben is a real one. I feel like Elinor is someone that may do some shit but she is hella cool. Oliver give me Loki'ish vibes. Juliette’s granny scares me
