#oliver fairmont


BIPEDAL WEREWOLVES. Sorry I just really love when werecreatures are bipedal. Now I want to see how Oliver and Carmen’s plan to wreak havoc goes. He managed to maneuver everything into his favor. Elinor’s stuck in prison so she can’t get in his way. His parents are stuck dealing with the Council so no matter what happens they can’t really do anything. And now he has Theo as a vamp on his side. Now he just needs to get Juliette on his side which shouldn’t be hard after what Elinor did.

Damn that angst. It really had those two end on an enemies note but because Salim Akil directed I saw it coming. Then momma Talia pulled the most mom move ever and I’m hype. Ngl I did not see Oliver coming, but he made the most sense. I’m sure the Fairmonts are being watched by the Guild and the town so they couldn’t be of any help anyway.

That was smooth Oliver!

Comments on First Kill -Part 1

So I’ve watched the first four episodes and here are my thoughts on the show

-The guild is terrible. I knew we would sympathze with the vampires since one of them is one of our protagonist but I didn’t expected to dislike the monster hunters that much. Nothing on the Burns, they are cool but this guild is so trash.

And also, I didn’t expect to like Juliette’s mommy that much. I dunno, I just thought that since she looked so much like a Karen that she would be a Karen.

-The Old Money style of the vampires, the Fairmont more specifically, is everything. Makes me feel so poor, like, I feel that they would humiliate my poor ass just because they could.

-I also love how they didn’t fall for the “mysterious sexy vampire” cliche. Don’t get me wrong, I love this stereotype but it’s refreshing to see something different. Juliette being the weird, social awkward shy girl was top tier writing choice

-The two protagonists are fire. Their chemistry is everywhere. The acting is also good, it’s a “stupid teen show” so the actors didn’t had to put everything in every scene but there’s moments that already stand up. Juliette dialogue with her mom in episode 3 (before the attack at their house) was one of the scenes when the actors put a more work for us.

-Apollo sucks. Ben is a real one. I feel like Elinor is someone that may do some shit but she is hella cool. Oliver give me Loki'ish vibes. Juliette’s granny scares me
