#comming soon


summary: taehyung lashes out at his new dogwalker. and he will be sorry for that. you’ll make sure of it.

or: taehyung is liking his wounds, yeontan is liking his balls and you kind of want to lick taehyung’s balls. it’s a story of long walks – figuratively and physically.

rating:overall m [and i mean it this time]

additional tags: e2f2l, age gap [10 years], heartbroken taehyung [at the beginning], former idol taehyung, model taehyung, sugar daddy taehyung, college student reader

info/note: this story continues where chapter 20 of stolen dances leaves off. you do nothave to read stolen dances first, but you’ll get spoilered if you read stolen walks first. lower case letters intended. and i do not want to hear a wooooord about yeontan not being able to still be alive that long in the future. please, have a heart.

chapter 1 | the silence of uneaten stir fry

chapter 2

chapter 3

chapter 4

chapter 5

chapter 6

chapter 7

chapter 8

chapter 9
