#community confessions


C0ral R33f reminds me so much of D0ll Ch4teau. Both makes beautiful dolls but really similar aesthetic.


Im just asking PLEASE anyone who uses Tumblr, Instagram, etc, TAG your dolls with the brand and sculpt. You never know if anyone’s looking for that exact same doll and need to see more pictures and you’re doing everyone a favour, even yourself as you’re exposing yourself to more people


Whats up with the random new people who join the DD discord just to flex how rich they are


Why is it that people complain about the resin colors MB chose? Sorry if you don’t like them but that was her choice (it was also voted on!), and people bought them. And spoiler alert—the yellow is way warmer-toned in person than what MB had originally showed (that was neon like CLR had). I’m not sorry that I bought an Elle at all, but I am disappointed that people are making her out to be some sort of CLR knockoff when I’ve watched her sculpt Elle from the start.


One thing I feel many people don’t mention is how exhausting it can sometimes be to be a black collector that loves traditionally feminine things or aesthetics mostly influenced by American or East Asian culture. I have gotten rude comments by people saying I am white washed or my dolls are racist because I am buying black dolls but dressing them white and not embracing black culture?? I feel like that is activism taken too far. I hate it when people tell me to ‘embrace my black culture’. The assumption that because I am black I must have grown up in Africa or something and now must dress and act a certain way is harmful and incredibly racist tbh. I was born and raised in Spain… 

Also idk if that is an American thing but what is black culture?? There are so many people who are black and so many different cultures. Sure there are parts of it that overlap but there is no black culture? Is there also white culture? Would you say people from Hungary have the same culture as people from Finland? This race theory is nonsense anyway and I know almost no one in Europe who still believes in it because it has been proven time and time again that there are no races. But anyway. It is upsetting to be put into a box and called racist for not conforming to someones messed up ideas of how a black person has to behave an what they can or can’t do with their body or their hair.


I feel like some people take this hobby way too seriously. Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of money involved and BJD are not playline dolls, they are actual artworks. But some people just get so involved with the drama and personally invested that they get actually mad and it affects their mental health. It is sad. This is a hobby, hobbies are supposed to be the one fun thing that gets you away from drama. But these confessions are so over the top sometimes. Like people talking about war, sexism, racism and homophobia and being absolute assholes to anons or eachother in the comments. I just wonder would you speak to people in real life like that too?? Because some content on here I feel like people just wanted to be cool and seem like they “give no fucks” and get some cookies for being so “edgy”. It’s kinda weird… Just relax a little and speak some kindness if you disagree with something. Are you more likely to listen to someone that respects you and treats you fairly or someone that yells at you and calls you dumb…


i love that you can tell that its the same person sending the “how many nonwhites bought mbears doll” because every time it’s the same flavor of incomprehensible


Tbcc confessors and commenters learn how to research basic shit challenge


TIL that the bjd community here doesn’t knowwhat symmastia is. It’s when the breasts grow into each other, like a uniboob.


Someone in the sales tags is trying to sell a Mir0doll Thunder head for 120 bucks cause they think it’s something else (different company/sculpt). It took me 20 seconds to look up the sculpt they think they’re selling and see it’s obviously not the same head. If you can’t remember what you have, please try to look up what you at least THINK you have, cause no one should be duped by your inability to recall what dolls or parts you have.


I’m a bjd face up artist and I hate it when people ask me “how did you do xyz”. And won’t even say thank you when I answer. People are so entitled to free knowledge, when it took me years of practice and experiments to figure it out myself, so why would I spend my time in giving away my trade secrets for free? I won’t spend hours on explaining stuff for someone I never spoke with before, to give away information that I spend years to find out myself.


I love this blog. I read it every day. Some people watch real housewives, I read doll confessions.


I love dolls so much. Their jointing is so cool. I could spend hours just fidgeting with the snappy elbow or knee joints. The way resin feels and smells is another thing I enjoy. The customisability is probably my favourite though. Being able to turn a blank doll into whatever I want? Sign me up! Just a faceup can really bring a doll to life and make you fall in love with it all over again. Then there’s the clothes, the teenie tiny clothes! So cute! I love how everything is so small. I’ve loved tiny things since I was a kid and I’m not stopping now, the smaller the better! I hate buying shoes but when I get them they’re probably my favourite. So cute, detailed and tiny! I just love this hobby and all I can do in it. Even better that there’s a whole community around these cool, jointed, resin sculptures. I’m just happy to be here


I love Disney and I love bjds, especially Volks, so I was over the moon when Volks announced the collab at Dolpa. I plan on buying as many Disney releases as possible, but it’s definitely disappointing that the bulk of the releases are blonde. What about Belle, Ariel, Merida, Mulan, Moana, Jasmine, Tiana, etc?? :(


I was curious about the post asking about large collections and so I pulled up my doll list tracker on my phone to count since it’s been a while since I last did so. Counting the floating heads (of which I have [too] MANY), I have 362 bjds??? How did it get that high, holy fuck. Ignorance is bliss, wtf.


I really hate it when people are inserting their kids into every sentence. Silly example “I will send you a picture when I get back home with my kids”, “I just woke up from a nap with my kids”, “I will be out with kids”. Those sentences would be perfectly fine without inserting kids into them. We are in bjd spaces not a parenting club. The worst is when people add photos of their kids without any connection to bjd “look how cute he looks”, no Karen, your son is ugly af and I don’t need to see it


unni3dolls won a dust of dolls giveaway for a free doll.Less than 2 months later sold it for full price. Yikes


Cant stand that one fairyland head that looks like this.


I saw a confession on here about strawb3rry d0lls buying up all the dolls and thought it was silly. I went to see who this person was on IG because I was nosey,lol. After following her and seeing her sell everything she buys then repeats the same pattern. Maybe she should chill on buying so much,she just sells it all anyway.


I’m writing this because I see a lot of people (who aren’t actually waiting on orders and would have the right to be angry in that case) shitting on D0llshe and it really seems like no one understands how we got here in the first place. The problem isn’t D0llshe not caring, if he didn’t care, he wouldn’t be TRYING to send out the dolls that are ordered, even if they’re unstrung or he has to ask if he can change certain parts of orders to make them easier to complete. He’d just fucking leave without a word like we’ve seen makers do before (Lee-el, for instance).

What got D0llshe into this mess are the sales. He’d put dolls on such a huge discount that it likely just covered casting and shipping materials. These dolls aren’t the cheapest things to make when you use a good quality resin, are constantly having to make new molds, and take your time when doing finishing work (sanding seams, adding magnets, stringing just right, etc). He probably wasn’t making any actual profit or paying himself for the work he does on the dolls when the sales were up.

So, if that’s the case, why would he do them as often as he did?

Simple; because that’s when people actually bought his fucking work. How many times have we heard over the years (before shit finally came to a head and we are where we are now) “I want to order XYZ from D0llshe, but I’m hoping for a sale” or “I wasn’t planning on ordering anything right now, but the D0llshe sale was too good!” and this common sentiment that if you wanted something from D0llshe, it was BEST to wait for the discounts?

Do you think he didn’t notice? Of course he did. And when shit started to get bad and he kept saying that the next sale would be the last, orders would pour in, and then they’d be slow again. So, he’d hold another final sale, orders would pour in, then get slow afterwards. Rinse and Repeat. He did it cause he saw the pattern. And he’s a person that has shit to pay for in his everyday life just like the rest of us. So, yeah, he probably took the casting and shipping material costs of some of the dolls he sold at massive discounts to put towards shit like groceries and gas money and bills. He didn’t leave himself any choice.

He shouldn’t have been selling those dolls like that and that’s ultimately on him as the business owner. But, as consumers, our money talks. Just as much as the makers in this hobby influence us with their creations, by putting our money where our interests lie, we influence them back. Mr. D0llshe should have been more transparent about everything, but like I’ve seen said here ad nauseum lately, people should have been willing to buy his stuff new at full price. The sales weren’t sustainable in the slightest and that’s obvious now.

D0llshe isn’t a scammer, he’s a creative person that makes beautiful dolls and poor business decisions. He didn’t want to be in the position he’s in, no one would be, unless they intended to just peace out of the hobby but he clearly isn’t trying to do that. Its a shitty situation for everyone and I hope that everyone with outstanding orders get the dolls they’re waiting on or a refund when Mr. D0llshe is able to, but that’s probably going to take a while. And I sincerely hope that D0llshe doesn’t fold after all is said and done. I think that if he learns from this, and stops with the unsustainable discounts, he could come back and build his reputation back up to what it once was.

Only time will tell at this point, though, just wanted to get this out of my system.

