#community project


Missed Opportunity Project Update

Hello all! I just wanted to let you know that I recently went through and updated all the links for The Missed Opportunity Project,Missed Opportunity Project Build/Buy,Laundry Day Leftovers, and Laundry Day Leftovers Build/Buy. Upon my link check I also realized the Laundry Day Leftovers page was very broken!! So that’s fixed now.

I hope this helps people find what they’re looking for! Please feel free to let me know if you encounter any issues, and let me know if you find a Missed Opportunity creation that I haven’t logged yet!

starfoozle:“Caw, caw!” A huge black crow circled above me in the air and landed on a rock nearby.


“Caw, caw!” A huge black crow circled above me in the air and landed on a rock nearby. We looked at each other in silence.

“Crow, are you a boy or a girl?”

“Caw, caw!”

I laughed and rolled over on my back. The sky was crayon blue. I pretended I was lying on the cotton white clouds. The earth was damp against my back. The sun was hot, the breeze was cool. I felt happy. Nature held me close and seemed to find no fault with me.”

-Leslie Feinberg, Stone Butch Blues


“Nature Held Me Close” is a zine about gender dysphoria and the great outdoors. Sometimes it’s hard to exist in a physical body, but spending time in nature can be one of the best ways to feel more comfortable in your own skin.  

This zine is a place to feature art and writing from trans, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming people about how spending time outdoors  – hiking, camping, gardening, birdwatching, landscaping, doing outdoor education or research, or just sitting quietly in nature – has influenced how you feel about your body and your gender. Submissions are open to dysphoric people of any and all gender identities! 

You are welcome to share:

  • Essays and other nonfiction writing
  • Poetry
  • Digital and/or traditional art
  • Photography
  • Mixed media

How to participate:

Email[email protected] with your submission. Please include 1) your name or a nickname you’d like to be known by, 2) social media handle if you’d like it to be published with your piece (optional), and 3) any author’s or artist’s notes you’d like included as well. Once submissions are collected, this zine will be published as a free PDF. Submissions are due by June 20, 2020: this year’s summer solstice. 

Submission guidelines are included under the cut!

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8/6.2022 - it was delivery day for the dataspejlet project at trapholt museum. so lovely to see all

8/6.2022 - it was delivery day for the dataspejlet project at trapholt museum. so lovely to see all of the woven fabrics and everyone’s embroidery

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1/6.2022 - my dataspejlet for astrid skibsted’s trapholt project

1/6.2022 - my dataspejlet for astrid skibsted’s trapholt project

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29/5.2022 - my dataspejlet work so far - just two more circles to go

29/5.2022 - my dataspejlet work so far - just two more circles to go

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28/5.2022 - getting my head around my dataspejl embrodery project for the astrid skibsted project at

28/5.2022 - getting my head around my dataspejl embrodery project for the astrid skibsted project at trapholt

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