
8/6.2022 - it was delivery day for the dataspejlet project at trapholt museum. so lovely to see all

8/6.2022 - it was delivery day for the dataspejlet project at trapholt museum. so lovely to see all of the woven fabrics and everyone’s embroidery

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1/6.2022 - my dataspejlet for astrid skibsted’s trapholt project

1/6.2022 - my dataspejlet for astrid skibsted’s trapholt project

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30/5.2022 (2) - finished my dataspejlet embroidery today. have rinsed the pen marks away and ironed

30/5.2022 (2) - finished my dataspejlet embroidery today. have rinsed the pen marks away and ironed it and i’m looking forward to writing a blog post about what it all means.

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29/5.2022 - my dataspejlet work so far - just two more circles to go

29/5.2022 - my dataspejlet work so far - just two more circles to go

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28/5.2022 - getting my head around my dataspejl embrodery project for the astrid skibsted project at

28/5.2022 - getting my head around my dataspejl embrodery project for the astrid skibsted project at trapholt

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