
I was online yesterday looking up some photo references for Greendale/Community and I literally stum

I was online yesterday looking up some photo references for Greendale/Community and I literally stumbled across this picture.

This is obviously a behind-the-scenes shot of Joel McHale and Alison Brie on the set of Community. It looks like he’s in costume and she’s not (either that or her costume is under her coat).

I’m guessing it’s from season one? Possibly the beginning of season two?

I’m going by Joel’s utter lack of facial fuzz here, since he pretty much started sporting a near-permanent five-o’clock shadow somewhere around mid-S2 (with the clean-shaven looking making a comeback sporadically) before going full beard in S6.

Does anyone out there know anything about this photo? Because I’ve literally never seen it before and it just struck me as kinda odd.

Thanks to @teruel-a-witch we have an answer!

It’s a behind the scenes shot from Season 1, “Pascal’s Triangle Revisited” near the beginning of the episode. It turns out Alison is in costume (the jean jacket she was wearing during the first half of the episode). This was apparently comes from either Joel’s or Alison’s Twitter account (she’s not sure who posted it). Thanks for the info!

I tried checking Community Screencaps to figure out which scene it was they were shooting, but Joel is not costumed in that dark blue shirt he’s wearing at any time during the episode. So maybe there was a costume change at some point before the cameras started rolling.

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