#completely innocent writer makes ominous statement



So, Logan asks Irene: “Got your fireplace poker?”

This is both an expression of concern, and a warning.

(See the forthcoming Chapter 03 of ‘Four o’clock in the Afternoon’ for backstory.)


In conjunction with the last post, things we’ve learned about Stryker:

  • Desires an obedient army (don’t worry, Famine has you covered)
  • Will easily experiment on mutants
  • Lives in a cycle of violence, revolving around toxic masculinity
  • Will sacrifice his ‘allies’ if it suits his purposes – such as murdering his wife and son for questioning his authority

And –

“What else do you desire?” The First One asks.

Pre-War reaches for his sword, caressing the rounded hilt. “More adamantium.”

I’m sure this doesn’t bode ill for any of our heroes…


The Apocalypse almost gets his hands on Irene again, via vision. Let’s hope this doesn’t happen a third time…


Interesting – that there’s some minor antagonism between Stryker and Logan shown here.

Who knows if this might escalate later…


“I see you, little oracle.”

His decayed face contorts with a malicious grin, and he reaches for her. His bony fingers brush against her arm, as his mind brushes against her own –

Irene screams.

In case you needed reminding of how powerful and terrifying En Sabah Nur is.

The sense of the Apocalypse fades upon her fleeing the vision, but the phantom touch lingers. Could he have reached her, from his present-future, into her present-past?

What an alarming question.


I’m sure the foam residue the locusts have been leaving everywhere won’t cause any problems at all.

Even if Sekhmet is entirely wary of it.

(And I, as the writer, made a vague status update recently about having to suffer through cursed insect research.)


“He’s been searching for the perfect acolyte,” Logan elaborates. “Before he was cursed, he was attempting to summon powerful forces, to produce an army of disciples. Our lore holds the Apocalypse needs a mutant strong enough to allow the transition to succeed.”

Erik drops his head back against the throne, disgruntled. “So I’m going to be the virgin sacrifice in his evil plan. Wonderful.”

Oh, Erik. So utterly perfect for bad guys and their evil plans. And so utterly DONE with ALL of THIS, before it’s even begun. He’s not going to enjoy the third act of this story.

And despite Wade’s subsequent and valid commentary about virginity being a social construct - let’s take a moment to consider whether Erik’s sexual virginity is significant in light of an important question:

What do you know about all of this, Shaw?
