#irene sees many things



The Apocalypse almost gets his hands on Irene again, via vision. Let’s hope this doesn’t happen a third time…






Redring91 — status update 04/04/2022:

‘The Consort’ chapter 14: ‘Pestilence and Plague’

1,900 words and counting —

Poor Betsy is not having a good time.


My live-blog commentary re-reading ‘The Consort’ Chapter 04: ‘Meetings and greetings’ will begin on Wednesday 06 April 2022 at 07:30am (GMT+8), using the tag ‘Redring91 commentary’


Redring91 — status update 08/04/2022:

2,460 words and counting —

Irene is also not having a good time.


My live-blog commentary re-reading ‘The Consort’ chapter 05: ‘Denial is a river in Egypt’ will begin on Saturday 09 April 2022 at 7:30am (GMT+8), using the tag ‘Redring91 commentary’


Redring91 — status update: 15/04/2022

3,883 words and counting —

Logan’s not having a good time either. Neither is McCoy. Nor Wade, who has something very important to say.


My live-blog commentary re-reading ‘The Consort chapter 06: Beasts of Burden’ will begin on Sunday 17 April 2022 at 7:30am (GMT+8), using the tag ‘Redring91 commentary’


Redring91 status update 21/04/2022:

4,900 words and counting —

Guess what?

Raven’s not having a good time.

(But, there’s also some romantic subplot development for her. So, that’s nice.)

Oh, and, it probably goes without saying, but:

Charles is most definitely not having a good time.


My live-blog commentary re-reading ‘The Consort chapter 08: Heed they soul’ will begin on Saturday 23 April 2022 at 7:30am (GMT+8), using the tag ‘Redring91 commentary’

Podfic chapters 03 & 04 for ‘The Consort’ should also be finalised by Saturday, to be posted as part of the ‘Consorted’ companion guide.


Redring91 status update (28/04/2022) –

‘The Consort: Chapter 14’

5,350 words and counting –

Surprise: newly introduced character is actually doing okay.


‘Four o’clock in the Afternoon: Chapter 03’

5,700 words and counting –

Irene, Logan, and Wade are not having a good time in this story either.


Technical difficulties have been resolved – editing of ‘The Consort: Chapter 04’ podfic can now resume. Podfics for both chapters 03 & 04 will be posted before the end of the month.


My live-blog commentary for ‘The Consort – Chapter 09: Swarms and Sia’ will begin on Saturday 30 April 2022 at 07:30am (GMT+8), using the ‘Redring91 commentary’ tag.


Redring91 status update (04/05/2022) —

‘The Consort: Chapter 14’

6,200 words and counting —

To absolutely no one’s surprise: Erik is having a badtime.


‘Four o’clock in the Afternoon: Chapter 03’

6,000 words and counting —

Irene is a seer, and her grandfather is a timekeeper. Chronological order is therefore a thing that does not exist.


“I see you, little oracle.”

His decayed face contorts with a malicious grin, and he reaches for her. His bony fingers brush against her arm, as his mind brushes against her own –

Irene screams.

In case you needed reminding of how powerful and terrifying En Sabah Nur is.

The sense of the Apocalypse fades upon her fleeing the vision, but the phantom touch lingers. Could he have reached her, from his present-future, into her present-past?

What an alarming question.


Irene! Foreseeing the future and being awesome.

To clarify about her character’s canonical blindness and powers, and how they fit into ‘The Consort’ series:

Irene is physically blind, so her own POV primarily focuses on her other senses - sound; touch; etc. However, she’s also a mutant - her powers work in two different ways.

Firstly, she has an awareness of her surroundings, a sort of aura-like sixth sense, in which she can perceive the world around her on an astral level.

Secondly, she has precognitive visions. Narratively, she perceives these through the subject’s POV - which is why when she has a vision of Kelly, she can ‘see’ what he sees. Conversely, when Irene’s visions are of herself, they’re restricted by the senses with which she navigates the world by.

I’ve done my best to be consistent with these characterisations, however - given I’m a sighted person - I may have slipped up here and there. If I find any glaring issues, I’ll correct them.
