#confirmation bias

Everyone who likes this comic needs to read @aiweirdness ’s amazing book on the limitations of AI an

Everyone who likes this comic needs to read @aiweirdness ’s amazing book on the limitations of AI and how we silly humans like to pretend it’s a lot better than it is — You Look Like A Thing and I Love You.

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This perfectly summarizes why I love the Simpsons and hate Family Guy. 


So this.

I watched that episode with my family and I could just feel how uncomfortable everyone was. Honestly, it was a really jarring, unpleasant episode.

Homer is a terrible dad. So is Peter. But Homer’s saving grace has always been that he tries—he’s bad at it and he fucks it up a lot, but he loves his family and he wants to be better than he is.

One of my favorite Homer moments is in “Diatribe of a Mad Housewife.” Tl;dr Marge writes a steamy romance novel starring herself and Ned, and when Homer finds out, he chases down Ned and, rather than attack him, asks him to teach him how to be a better husband.

There’s some part of his stupid self that wants to do better.

I never got that impression with Peter. Instead, the family has gotten more and more abusive towards Meg. It’s really unsettling for me when I started realizing that’s what happens sometimes in abusive families. Abusers sometimes single out one child to abuse, and quite often the other family members take the abuser’s side. After all, it’s easier to side with an abuser than to run the risk of becoming the target yourself.

There’s never really a point where it seems like Peter cares at all that his shitty behavior impacts his family. It actually seems to have gotten worse over the years. He expects everyone to clean up his messes because that’s always what happens; there’s really no reason for him not to be shitty.

And it’s easy to see how Meg is affected. She doesn’t have much of a character, really, because so much her screen time is devoted to being abused. The bits of character development all seem to hinge on her being this sad, neglected person who’s trying her best but never really gets any help from anyone. Quite the opposite; there have been a lot of episodes where her family sabotages any attempts to be herself.

It can be easy to forget how awful this behavior is when the only context is the show itself (frankly, everyone on Family Guy is kind of terrible). Seeing it played against the Simpsons, who are a flawed and dysfunctional but ultimately loving family, was painful to watch.

Omg it was a funny episode -_- if you don’t like it, don’t watch. Yes, you have a valid point, but holy crap.


“If you don’t like it shut up and don’t watch it” has its place. This is not it. Allow me to educate you on why you’re wrong.

Family Guy is a detriment. Plain and simple. Vox wasn’t too far off when they called this show “a blight on humanity”. Yeah, it has its moments where a couple of the quips they make get a laugh out of the audience. The show having long since lost its funniness isn’t the issue.

Everything this show stands for is absolutely sickening, and its more prominent in this episode than it has been in years. 

Literally everything wrong with Family guy is jam packed into this episode. Here’s a list of just some of the things I can rattle off the top of my head.

It’s generally just unpleasant. There are a lot of moments that stood out in this episode as being really fucking awful, even by Family Guy standards (Stewie kidnapping/torturing people and telling Moe his daughter is being raped as a “prank call”, Meg carving Lisa’s name into her arm, etc). Family Guy has a nasty habit of thinking shocking/disturbing = funny. It doesn’t. It’s just unpleasant and not fun to watch.

The gags are unfunny/drag on for too long. This happens in almost every modern FG episode, but it’s really bad in this one. (The car wash scene, Homer and Peter’s fight, and just the majority of the episode really).

MacFarlane is using this series as a means to jerk himself off. The amount of self gratifying bullshit that Seth threw into Simpsons Guy was nausea inducing. The entire first—what, ten minutes of the episode was about how everyone calling out MacFarlane on his racist, sexist, and generally awful bullshit are, in his eyes, a load of oversensitive braindead idiots with no senses of humor. There are ways to respectfully make jokes about awful subjects. South Park does it all the time. Family Guy does not. Not only that, but MacFarlane plugs his other shows left and right and even goes so far as to shit on Bob’s Burgers—an INFINITELY superior show—in order to fuel his own ego. He’s a LITERAL MANCHILD.

Now, let’s get to the big issue. Family Guy’s messages are absolute trash, and the fact that it still makes money means that PEOPLE ARE BUYING IT. This show’s morals are just horrific. “Sexism is what makes men men” (I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar), “Abuse victims should stay in abusive relationships for their abusers’ benefits (Seahorse Seashell Party), and that’s definitely not the worst of it. This show is teaching its primary audience everything that is wrong with society. It doesn’t matter that these ass backwards lessons are being told in the form of jokes, they’re still normalizing and enforcing ideas that NEED TO STOP.

And the only way they’re gonna stop is if we raise fucking hell about it.

Also, no. It was not a funny episode.

I happened to catch part of this episode the night that it premiered, and I was horrified at what I saw. It was uncomfortable to watch. When they put the Griffins in Springfield, everything that was Family Guy related stood out 100000x more, giving us the ability to be more visually horrified by what MacFarlane’s characters portray. His messages and the way he sells his work makes me sick to my stomach. I used to nearly worship the man when I was younger, but fortunately, now that I see it, I see how shitty his work has become and how negatively the messages from his shows impact us.

IHATEthe way they portray Meg. Their character development is mediocre and I have absolutely nothing to pick at with the above comments that go into depth on the subject. It’s bad enough that because of this show, I’m always being made the butt of Meg jokes because we happen to share the same name. But what they do to her is horrific.

What they don’t realize is that there are young girls out there going through the exact thing that Meg faces every time we see her. And it’s possible that because of the influence of this show that it happens. It influenced my siblings into normalizing abusive languages and behaviors that we weren’t only experiencing at home, but were seeing as normal on TV. I grew up watching this show in an environment where I was made fun of every day and everyone would stand behind my stepdad while he made fun of me. They think it’s harmless comedy, but this shit happens to kids everywhere and is a very real issue. It happened to me and continues to happen because men like my former stepdad and men like Peter Griffin really do exist.

They normalize this abusive behavior in such a way that it is seen as okay and part of normal life.

This photoset is a clear view into everythingwrong with Family Guy and yes, something does need to be done about it, because 1.) I am personally tired of becoming the joke because of normalized abusive behavior 2.) teaching this to the viewers is only going to make the current situations we face socially significantly worse. Hopefully now with a full visual comparison between what is smart humor and what is the “Urban Outfitters” of animated comedy, we’ll be able to really take a look at what we watch when we sit in front of a television.

Posting again, because more commentary has been added, which makes it even more relevant.

Not to mention that in every episode of FG I’ve seen, which, unfortunately, is quite a few, there’s at least one rape joke. At least.

Seth MCFarlane is a racist, sexist, lesbophobic, homophobic, transphobic misogynistic sack of SHIT who has literally got absolutely zero fucking talent or skill

His writing is fucking ABYSMAL, as evidenced by the fact that the man has never come up with a single original idea in his entire worthless life…every animated show this cretin has ever created is a rip off of the Simpsons, but lacking any of the things that made the Simpsons remotely funny, memorable or enjoyable for an audience

His characters are two dimensional grotesque abominations who exist only to be what he perceives as ‘Shocking’ in the hope that if they’re awful enough maybe that will compensate for the fact that their not actually funny and we’ll all just laugh out of embarassment over what a disgusting menagerie of repulsive creatures they all are

But the WORST thing about this smug, ugly, bigoted, self satisfied horse fucker?

He’s just NOT FUNNY

He’s so convinced that he’s oh so talented and witty and clever…he forces excuses to make people endure the nightmarish noise that is his ‘Singing voice’ in random episodes by inserting pointless musical numbers that his shitty little Mary Sue character Brian can perform, all of which sound like a drunk at a shitty karaoke bar doing the worlds worst Sinatra impression

The ‘Jokes’ he comes up with himself are clumsy, poorly written and so painfully unfunny that it’s no surprise that he decides to steal most of his material from other people…when your original material is THAT fucking lousy, plagarising the more talented people out there in the world is probably your only hope of success

The show already got cancelled once before enough college aged stoners whined about it on the internet enough to get it brought back by Fox and now we’ve had to endure a dozen more seasons of this shit, each one worse than the last

Family Guy isn’t just a bad show Family Guy is, to quote a character from the show they’ve spent about a decade ripping off: The WORST CARTOON EVER 

OMG YES to all of the above. I have been talking about this for a while myself and one of my own posts was quoted in this very post here. And here’s the actual quote (bc I think it’s important):

Interesting read, but I don’t think the author spent enough time analyzing the extremely gendered dynamics of this crossover episode. One aspect in particular that got to me was Meg and Lisa’s story and how they were really the only female characters to GET a story this episode. And I think their story is SO INTERESTING because it compares and contrasts how both shows deal with the social construct of girls and girlhood. 

While in “The Simpsons” girls are encouraged to educate themselves, be independent, strong, and really to ask questions (through the character of Lisa), the “Family Guy” will throw girls’ attempts to develop themselves as human beings in the trash (like when Peter throws the Saxophone Lisa gives Meg in the trash). 

MacFarlane demonstrates here for the zillionth time that Meg’s utility in the show is purely as the (unfunny) punchline of a sexist joke; someone to make fun of, call ugly, physically assault, abuse, and so on. This, I think, is really definitive of how MacFarlane views girls and women in general: An unfunny, sexualized, usable, abusable, disposable, joke. (source, edited)

I’ve also argued elsewhere that:

[MacFarlane’s] trying to use “reductio ad-absurdum” to make his points. This “is a common form of argument which seeks to demonstrate that a statement is true by showing that a false, untenable, or absurdresultfollows from its denial,[1] or in turn to demonstrate that a statement is false by showing that a false, untenable, or absurd result follows from its acceptance” (source). While this sometimes works very well, he’s not doing it right AT ALL!!! He is relying on the individual viewer to understand his humour but really, they (for the most part) would already have to know it was wrong in the first place to really get the supposed “lesson”.

This is because this type of humour ignores (or perhaps exploits?) the very real problem of “confirmation bias.” Which is “also called myside bias, [and] is the tendency to search for, interpret, or prioritize information in a way that confirms one’s beliefs or hypotheses” (source). So, it’s pretty ridiculous to assume that people will simply UNDERSTAND what he’s trying to say. He has to be VERY FUCKING CLEAR and he isn’t. And I think it’s on purpose. I think he knows exactly what he’s doing (playing both sides for profit) and it’s disgusting. (source, edited)

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Or: why Sam has more guns, but Dean is the better shot


So I can’t find much proper meta about the weapons (and even the SPN wiki was making mistakes.) But I think there’s a goldmine of good character stuff here. Ryan Steacy has been the SPN armorer since the beginning of the show, and he’s put some really nice thought into the boys. Respect, love, appreciation for him. 

So… I’ll just jump right in, shall I? 

Dean’s M1911A1


Dean carries thebaddass American pistol. It’s very macho, very MURICA. The 1911 was the service gun during WWI & WWII, right up through the Korean war. So it gets (and deserves) a lotof love. They have a reputation for needing more maintenance than some modern pistols, but considering how often Dean’s just sitting there, casually cleaning while chatting with Sam, he probably sees this as more a feature than a bug. He’s a natural mechanic. Firearm maintenance is probably relaxing and zen for him. 

(I do think that for Samit’s more a stressed-based compulsion. He tends to do it when he’s feeling helpless or scared. In “Hello, Cruel World” Dean interprets Sam’s gun-cleaning as sign that he’s in a bad headspace. 

BOBBY: Well, at least he’s not curled up under the sink. 
DEAN: Yeah, no, he’s just sitting there silently field stripping his weapon. 

And Hallucination!Lucifer sees it as evidence that Sam’s suicidal. Samgoes for a more traditionally low-maintenance pistol, and I kinda think Dean may clean it for him a lot of the time.)

But anyway. Dean’s 1911 holds large .45 caliber Colt ACP rounds - which means it can only fire sevenshots before he has to reload. (Sam’s pistol, by the way, can fire seventeenshots in a row.) 


And people who like the 1911 say this is fine.The bullets are so big and the gun is so powerful that seven shots is all you need. (You hear the phrase “stopping power” or “knock-down power” a lot.) But there are also the people who think that the 1911 is just over-powerful, and it isn’t worth it to sacrifice carrying capacity and accuracy for pure force. 

Because yeah, it isharder to be a really good shot when you’re using .45 ACP rounds. Target shooting teachers will probably start you off with baby .22mm bullets, then slowly move you up to something bigger (bigger bullets = slower bullets = less accurate bullets. Also more recoil, which makes everything harder.) This guy is kind of intense, but puts it well when he says “every step up the caliber ladder means another round of very serious training.” 

But hey, Dean is a better shot than Sam


Like, I don’t think it’s ever explicitly stated, but of course he is? 

Their entire childhood, it would have been Sam going back to the motel room early to studyordo his homework, while Dean dutifully puts in another three hours shooting coke cans off fenceposts. 

This also helps explain his choice of handgun. Dean uses a less accurate pistol with a smaller carrying capacity because he can.He knows he’s going to hit the thing the first time. And if he’s going to be fighting literal wendigos, I guess he wants the holes he pokes in them to be as big as possible. 

(plus all this classic Americana does kind of go with the Impala) 

Sams’ Taurus PT92AFS


Sam spends the first season borrowing Dean’s Smith & Wesson 5906. It’s very clearly Dean’s - it fires .45 ACP rounds (Dean’s preference) and Dean sometimes actually loadsit before handing it over to Sam. Since Sam doesn’t actually want to be a hunter though most of S1, this makes perfect sense. 

Then in S2, Sam gets his Taurus PT92AFS – basically, a budget version of the  Beretta M92. In a lot of ways, the Taurus is the souped-up Honda civic you get when you can’t afford a Ferrari. (and in both cases, you’ll totally get people saying they’re being smart by not paying extra for the brand name.) 

A Taurus  PT92AFS is a practical and cautious choice. It’s not the least bit flashy. It’s light and accurate, it carries a lot of rounds, and they’re little .99mm rounds, which are more budget conscious and accurate than .45 ACP rounds.

Partway into S2, Sam’s Taurus gets nickel plating and pearl grip. Possibly Sam did this so his gun would match Dean’s. Or possibly Dean customized Sam’s pistol as a gift. (it’s the firearm equivalent of painting racing stripes on your car.) Either way, it’s a pretty darn cute touch. 

Sam’s Taurus Judge (his “witch killer”) 


“For an unknown reason, Sam appears to prefer using this gun for firing witch-killing bullets rather than loading his regular pistol with them. In contrast, Dean uses his Colt M1911A1 for witch-killing bullets rather than employing a similar practice.” 

@supernaturalwiki, it’s because the witch-killing bullets Sam makes are .45 ACP, not .99mm. They wouldn’t fit in Sam’s normal Taurus PT92AFS. He makes them for Dean, so of course he makes them in a caliber that Dean prefers. 


Sam’s Taurus Judge is a close-quarters backup piece that fires five shots. This is just in case Dean (the better shot) isn’t able to take out the main threat. Hilariously, the Judge is a revolver that chambers both .45 ACP rounds andshotgun shells. This means Sam can load it up with rock-salt shells orwitch-killing bullets or silver bullets. So you know. Whatever’s on the menu that day. 

Soulless!Sam’s Heckler & Koch Mk23


Sam switches over to this when he loses his soul, then switches backto his Taurus products when he gets his soul back. When Soulless!Sam and Sam!Sam fight in their vision quest, they fight Heckler & Koch vs Taurus. 

The Heckler & Koch Mk23 is designed to have the power of Dean’s 1911 andthe carrying capacity of Sam’s .99mm handgun. So it’s huge, and very intimidating. It’s waterproof, crazy durable. It’s made by a fancy schmancy German defense contractor known for their precision engineering and their popularity with the special forces. H&K weapons are also known for being crazy expensive. This pistol would have set Sam back at least$2,000 (and for reference, you can get a Taurus PT92AFS for $500, easy.) So, either Soulless!Sam killed someone with a Mk23 and looted it, or somehow raised 2K very quickly. And I’m not even sure which option is more terrifying. 


But the Mk23 still has that vibe of practicalityandcautionthat Sam seems drawn too. (’Over-prepared’ is a good word to describe it.) It’s still an in-character choice. Just, Soulless!Sam is more brusque and intimidating when he’s dealing with persons of interest, as opposed to Sam!Sam’s softer, more approachable manner. And I think those two attitudes are pretty well represented by the H&K Mk23 and the Taurus PT92AFS respectively. 

Interestingly, the H&K Mk23 does not fire Sam’s normal .99mm bullets. It fires the larger .45 ACP caliber rounds. And Soulless!Sam can get away with this because - I’m pretty sure Soulless!Sam is a much better shot than Sam!Sam. 

SAM: Ever since I came back, I am a better hunter than I’ve ever been! Nothing scares me anymore. ‘Cause I can’t feelit. 

Like again, why wouldn’the be? Soulless!Sam is ice cold, steady heartbeat in a crisis. Marksmanship is a mental thing as much as it’s practice, and Soulless!Sam’s hands aren’t shaking. And that’swhy he eventually switches back to his Taurus PT92AFS. It doesn’t matter if your shots are more powerful, if they don’t hit anything. 

(he still does havethat H&K Mk23, though. He cleans it when he’s in a bad mental place. It’s not like he borrowed it from the Campbells or anything.) 


Dean uses big slow American bullets, because he’s a good enough shot to compensate. Sam uses little, accurate European bullets, and he uses a lot of them (because he’s cautious, and not quite as good as shot as his brother.) The witch-killing bullets Sam makes are a larger caliber, because he makes them for Dean. He’s got a little revolver that can take them, but he’d prefer it if he didn’t have to use it so much. 

Soulless!Sam is both a better shot, and not adverse to giant expensive German handguns acquired though less-than-legal means. So he switches over to a pistol that shoots giant bullets, and lots of them. 

(Also, disclaimer: I do not pretend to be a firearm expert. I’m just here to have fun.)

 Corrections for Using the Above as a Writing Resource:

I’m seeing this post go by my dash with tags about using it as a writing resource, but there are some errors in it, so for more accurate writing about the handguns in spn, please take the following into account as well.

Like OP, I am not a firearms expert. The extent of my qualifications for writing about handguns is that I bought one for its intended purpose, regularly shot it for several years, and because I live in a state with tight gun control, was required to take a three month handgun usage class, taught by cops, to get my pistol permit. I welcome correction of any errors.


For people looking to write withtechnical accuracy about Sam and Dean’s handguns, probably the most important correction is that afaik, there is no such thing as “.99mm” ammunition. Sam’s Taurus takes what’s usually just called “9mm” rounds, or slightly more technically “9x19 parabellum”, or “9mm luger”.

Ammunition is classified by the diameter of the cartridge. A .45 has the decimal point in front because it’s .45 of an inch in diameter. A 9mm has no decimal point because it’s 9 millimeters in diameter. A 9x19 round is 9mm across and 19mm long.

.45 APC cartridges, as OP says, have more stopping power than 9mm, while 9mm cartridges are smaller and lighter, allowing both for more rounds before reloading and less recoil/greater accuracy. 9mm is by no means the cautious fallback choice of people with lesser gun handling skills though. 9mm is the most popular ammo in the world; like .45 ammunition, was designed for usage in guns originally made for war (”parabellum” is from the motto of the first manufacturer of 9mm cartridges and means “prepare for war”); and is used by more than half of police forces worldwide.

The meta of handguns (Or: handguns are made for killing/They ain’t no good for nothing else).

In the immortal words of Lynyrd Skynyrd and my gun safety instructor, handguns are made for killing. They’re easy to use and don’t actually take much skill to kill with. There’s slightly more to it than “point and pull trigger” but not a ton, especially compared to other skills like “drive a car from Point A to Point B” or “use a laptop to gain accurate information online”. Dean’s M1911A1 is a badass, classic piece of Americana that’s good at killing. Sam’s Taurus is a big, practical workhorse of a firearm that’s good at killing. They’re owned by two killers who are good at killing.

I think it’s fair, based on the rest of canon as a whole, to deduce that Sam and Dean’s choices of handgun are reflective of their different attitudes towards killing. Both Sam and Dean bear an intergenerational curse: Dean’s is that he’s good at killing and he likes it. Sam’s is that he’s good at killing and he doesn’t like it. Dean’s gun matches his identity; he’s a hunter and is proud of it. He loves classic Americana–his leather jacket, his car, his taste in music, and his gun–and he sees it as part of who he is. Sam’s gun also matches his identity; he’s a hunter because he has to be. He’s there to get the job done with as little of himself sucked into it as possible.

But nothing can be deduced from either canon or Sam and Dean’s handgun choices about who is a better killer. That’s not how handguns really work and it’s not how spn worked thematically.

Symbolism in media isn’t there to tell a story that is different than the story being told on the surface; it’s there to reinforce the story being told on the surface. Sam killed a super-powered vampire dude with razor wire and his bare hands. He destroyed himself with demon blood in order to kill better and with less collateral damage. Here he is shooting the scope off a sniper rifle with his handgun from down two floors and across a street:


Dean, obviously, is also an incredibly skilled and motivated killer. He tortured people for 40 years for a living. There’s a grenade launcher in the back of his car that’s a running gag for most of a season because he wants a chance to destroy something with it so badly. Cain calls him a worthy bearer of the Mark because he’s such a good killer, and he agrees (Sam, we find out later, is also qualified to bear the Mark).

I don’t know anything about sport shooting. Maybe in sport shooting, instructors do “start you off with baby .22mm [sic] bullets, then slowly move you up to something bigger“. But for defensive shooting, at least in my experience, they start you off with whatever gun you bought. A high caliber handgun is all I’ve ever shot and is honestly just not that hard to shoot accurately. Skill comes from practice. Sam and Dean both kill a lot. We’re supposed to understand that they’re not just good at it; they’re exceptional, and although it’s cool (like Han Solo) it’s also destroying them (like Luke Skywalker).

The idea that Sam is a less skillful killer because he doesn’t like it, that he makes witch killing bullets for Dean in Dean’s favorite caliber and then has to have a second gun to act as a back up for his more competent brother, that he picked his handgun because it’s low maintenance and then Dean cleans it for him anyway, or that he picked it to compensate for being a poorer shot–all of that is confirmation bias. None of it is anywhere in the text, and it comes from the idea that Dean is the protagonist and Sam is the deuteragonist. And the actual text of spn is not that.

Obviously, when you’re writing fic, neither technical accuracy nor adherence to canon is necessarily paramount or even desirable. A fic writer might not even be interested in them at all, and that’s fine. But if thoseare factors you want to consider, then I hope this will be a helpful addition.




Genuinely why do ppl think rich Republican men give two fucks about their daughter? I live in the south and every girl I know who has gotten pregnant from a wealthy family has had to drop out of school to be a full time mother.

Because many of them don’t live in the South and don’t really know any rich republicans.

#the natural conclusion to this ‘their wives and daughters will always have abortions’#is that women are better off with their closest family being violent misogynists#which just doesnt make sense at all if you think about it for two seconds (via lgbtpolitics)

Every girl that YOU KNOW HAS gotten pregnant.

You never heard about the ones who had abortions. They think it’s shameful.

useless-switzerlandfacts: mapsontheweb: Extraversion VS Introversion in Europe Percentage of extrave



Extraversion VS Introversion in Europe

Percentage of extraverted and introverted people in countries of Europe.


Uhm what ???? who mesured this lmao

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