

“I am functioned to finish my mission.”

Oof— let me have a rant on this fckin drawin. This fcking app decided to fckin crash and destroy my fckin drawin. And i was supposed to do speedpaint but this SHT DIDNT RECORDED IM SO FCKIN ANGRYYYYYYYYYY

Dog Challenge

I changed my username to kakaphd! IG and YT is kakaphd too! (In instagram you will see kaka.arts with the named kakaphd :) )

Hold On [Animatic/ Storyboard UPDATE]

Heres the update as promised! Hold On is an old song that is used in Detroit Become Human.

I might tweek this but heres the finished product with me!

I finished this one but I wont show it right now ;^).

Trying to do some light effects but I I’ll do the editing in Sony Vegas since Im so limited at KineMaster plus I dont have enough storage.

Added background on two parts of the frames, I finished this but I wont show you the finished one yet.

Was trying to do Daniel and Alic but my phone is 1% :’^(.

Thank you guys for supporting me! Ill try to upload it next week! (Its supposed to be by this week but Im lazy.) Also the reason why Im not uploading at my youtube this past week– it is because I want to focus on this animatic first and make wuality content rather some random things so hope you guys understand!

IG: kaka.arts

