

I’m seriously in love with this song?! I’ve been listening to it on repeat and it’s just such a sweet an positive song. Kinda want to write a story based off it but  I don’t know who I’d write it for. XD Seriously give it a listen. Fleurie is amazing and the music video for this song is super cute


New Story! FFNandAO3

Battles end. Wars are won. But some feelings don’t ever change.
A Harry/Ginny Post-War story for the fabulous LilyEvansJan30! Love you, darling!


Ginny frowned.

“What do you mean I can’t leave?”

“We’re very sorry ma'am. But you’ll need to wait until we’ve been given clearance to let patrons out.”

Ginny pushed down the anger that was simmering up to a boil. “Can I at least have my wand back?”

It had only been a few weeks since the defeat of Voldemort, and the Ministry hadn’t managed to undo all of the policies from the regime, like only Ministry employees being able to keep their wands while at the Ministry - a policy put into effect after three fugitives broke into a pink toad’s office - and it had yet to be reversed.

Ginny secretly suspected that there were still Voldemort sympathizers deliberately turning blind eyes that Kingsley needed to fish out.

“Hey, Gin,” Harry stepped up behind her. “I didn’t know you were at the Ministry today.”

Ginny smiled at Harry, for once hoping that Harry’s unwanted star status would get her out of this one.

“Hi Harry, I was just trying to get my wand and head out but I’ve been denied.”

Harry’s expression went dark as he turned on the witch behind the counter.

“Why won’t you give Ginny her wand and let her leave?”

The witch looked warily at Harry but held her ground. “No one can leave right now, Mr. Potter. There was a threat sent to the Ministry and until the Aurors clear us to let people out we’re not to let anyone in or out.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Harry shook his head. “I just came from the Aurors’ offices and no one was acting like a threat had been issued.” He turned to Ginny. “Want to come back with me? Find out what’s going on?”

“Of course,” Ginny looked back at the witch. “May I at least have my wand?”

“I’m sorry ma'am, but I can’t return a wand until the patron has been cleared to leave the Ministry.”

Harry bristled. “I just signed all the paperwork to join the Aurors, I’m an employee of the Ministry and would like my wand.”

“I’m sorry Mr. Potter, but until that paperwork makes it to me I can’t give you back your wand.”

Ginny grabbed Harry’s arm as she saw the tell tale signs that Harry was about to lose his temper.

“Let’s go see Kingsley. He’ll sort everything out for us.”

Harry looked down at her hand on his arm and Ginny felt how much she’d missed him over the last year rushing through her.

“Come on,” Harry nodded, not giving the witch behind the counter another glance.

Ginny moved to match his fast pace towards the lifts.

“How’s Birmingham?” She asked in reference to his new flat.

Harry chuckled as the doors closed and they began to descend to the Aurors’ level. “Nice, being in the Muggle world keeps most of the Wizarding Press at bay.”

“It’s quiet with you and Ron and Hermione not around anymore.” Ginny immediately regretted the comment as Harry flinched. “Sorry, I wasn’t saying you should come back.”

Harry shook his head. “I just don’t want you to think I’m walking away from all of you.”

“I don-”

The doors opened, cutting her off as Harry walked out into the corridor.

“Hey, Gawain,” Harry called to a man with gray hair walking out of an office. “I just got told I can’t leave because of a threat to the Ministry.”

The man turned with a sigh and nodded. “We had a howler show up in Kingsley’s office saying that the next person who left would set off an explosion that would implode the building.”

“What do you need me to do?”

Gawain shook his head, “I can’t give you an assignment until everything’s processed for your hiring.”

“You have got to be kidding me,” Harry fisted his hand in his hair.

“Is Kingsley here?” Ginny stepped up, hoping that Kingsley hadn’t decided to move from his office in the Aurors’ department to the Minister’s office yet.

Gawain shook his head, “He moved out this morning. What brings you here Miss Weasley?”

“I was dropping off paperwork for my dad,” Ginny answered. “Mum had sent our owl off and Dad said the forms couldn’t wait.”

Gawain nodded and turned back to Harry. “I understand your frustrations but until Kingsley and I can get these mandates changed my hands are tied.” He put his hand on Harry’s shoulder. “It’s slow going, but don’t give up on us, we’re going to fix all this, you’re part of that Harry.”

Harry nodded but Ginny saw the tension building in Harry’s shoulders and neck.

“Is there a place we can wait until you’ve sorted everything out?” Ginny put her hand back on Harry’s arm, hoping it would have the same results it had in the Atrium.

The same result her touch had when they’d been together.

Gawain turned his attention to her and gestured down the hallway. “Harry and your brother’s office, it’s theirs, even if the paper pushers haven’t managed to lift a finger.”

Ginny pulled on Harry’s sleeve. “Thank you, Gawain, and if you happen to find out Harry can get his wand back, let us know.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” Gawain nodded and then continued the way he’d been going.

“Why don’t you show me your office? Is Ron here too?” Ginny gave his arm a firmer tug and Harry finally turned with a frustrated sigh.

“Ron apparently got out in the nick of time,” Harry moved to a door not too far from the lifts, his and Ron’s names already on the brass plate. “We were here to sign all the paperwork and Ron needed to get to Hermione’s for a date. I let Gawain get Ron through first so he wouldn’t be late.”

Ginny followed him into the office, and looked around. The walls were bare but two desks were set up to face each other and a sofa was set against the wall.

“I’m sure Hermione appreciates the sacrifice,” she sat down on the sofa, “And I’m much happier being here with you than stuck in the Atrium with everyone else.”

That finally earned her a smile.

“I’m glad I’m not here on my own either.” Harry sat down next to her. “Gin-”

“Good evening, Mr. Potter.” A tall woman with black hair stepped in the office and smiled. “Mr. Robards asked me to see if I can order any food brought up for you and your friend.”

“Ah, does Gawain think we’ll be here that long?”

“I’m afraid that in an effort to fix the situation, one of the wizards has managed to lock us all in. They’re trying to undo that and neutralize whatever has been done to the exits.”

“Merlin, what next?” Harry groaned.

“Some dinner would be wonderful,” Ginny looked at the witch. “I’m Ginny Weasley, by the way.”

“I’m Charlene Hopkins, the receptionist here, it’s nice to meet you Ginny. I’ll see what they’ve got in the cafeteria and have something sent up to you. We’ll all feel better after a spot of dinner.”

“Thank you,” Ginny smiled and watched Charlene go. She turned to Harry and patted his knee. “At least we won’t starve.”

Harry didn’t answer, just sat back on the sofa and rubbed his eyes, skewing his glasses.

She let it be quiet for a long while, knowing this wasn’t something she could fix for him. Just like she couldn’t fix that Voldemort would have gone after her had they been together.

But Voldemort was gone.

And Ginny still wanted more than just friendship with the man sitting next to her.


“Hello Sir, Ma'am.” A House Elf appeared at the door with a large tray floating behind her. “May Popsey bring in your dinner?”

“Yeah, thank you,” Harry stood and took the tray, setting it on the desks. “Do you know if they’ll be letting us go home soon, Popsey?”

“Popsey doesn’t know, Sir, but Popsey can get you what you need.”

“Could you get us to our wands?” Ginny hoped she’d just found a loophole.

Popsey shook her head. “Popsey is sorry Ma'am, but Popsey isn’t allowed to take you to your wand.”

Ginny huffed and looked at Harry. “Was worth a shot.”

Harry gave her a small smile and Ginny almost forgot to be put out with their situation.

“I think we’re set for now, Popsey.” Harry turned back to the elf. “Thank you.”

“Popsey is happy to serve, Sir.” She bowed deeply and then disappeared.

Harry looked down at their food as he fisted a hand in his hair. “They’ll feed us, but Merlin forbid they give us a way to defend ourselves. It’s Umbridge all over again.”

“Hey,” Ginny came to stand beside him. “It’s going to be alright. We’ll be out of here and on our way home before you know it.” She sat down at the desk facing the door and pulled a plate toward her, gesturing to the desk chair across from her. “See, it’s just like when we were in school.”

The smirk found his lips slowly as his eyes locked with hers. “If I remember right, I sat next to you, not across from you.”

Ginny grinned and deliberately shifted the wheeled chair from the center of the desk to the far left. “Well, would you look at that? There might be room for two here.”

Harry’s laughter made her heart soar and she didn’t bother to hide her smile as Harry pulled the other chair around and sat down next to her.

“Want to play a game?” Ginny asked as they tucked in.

“What sort of game?”

“It’s a game Fred and George used to play,” Ginny swallowed the lump in her throat and pushed forward. Fred wouldn’t want her weepy every time she mentioned his name. “You pick a specific place and time and then the other person has to think of the funniest thing that happened to them during that time at that place.”

Harry took a drink before nodding. “So I would say when you were seven at home?”

“Sure. And then I think of the funniest thing that happened to me when I was seven at home.”

“Which was?” There was a glint in his green eyes that had Ginny leaning a little closer to him.

“Sneaking out to the broom shed to try and learn to fly but finding Bill trying to sneak out to see his girlfriend.” Ginny laughed.

Harry laughed.“Did you both just turn a blind eye to each other?”

“No,” Ginny shook her head, “Bill said the girl wasn’t worth it and took me back to my room and told me not to go outside by myself.” She chuckled, “I was furious then, but it’s funny now.”

“Especially because you can fly circles around Bill now.” Harry bumped her shoulder.

“Alright now you.” Ginny bumped him back but smiled. “Fifteen at Hogwarts.”

Harry looked thoughtful a moment before grinning. “Finding out you bat bogey hexed Malfoy.”

Ginny laughed, “You weren’t even there for that.”

“No,” Harry shrugged, “But the mental image made me laugh. Honestly that and your brothers’ exit were probably the highlights of that year.”

Ginny laughed, “See, it’s a good game.”

They played till well after their food was finished and Popsey had collected their empty dishes and brought a tea tray for them. They’d moved back to the sofa when Charlene returned.

“I have bad news.” She stood at the door. “It looks like we’ll be here for a decent bit. I’m not sure of the details, but I just got an internal message saying I might as well tuck in for the night. Do the two of you need anything? My daughter works in Magical Games and Sports and I’m going to head up to her level till we can leave.”

“They think it’ll be tomorrow?” Harry looked like he was about to explode.

Charlene rubbed her brow. “I’m sorry, Mr. Potter, I know this is frustrating, but on the bright side we’re not here alone. You have Miss Weasley with you and I have my daughter.”

Harry stared at her incredulously.

“I think we’re alright, Charlene.” Ginny put her hand back on Harry’s arm.

“Have a good night then,” Charlene gave her a tired smile before moving to the lifts.

Ginny moved and shut the door after her, hoping that if Harry did need a chance to shout he’d be able to do it without the audience of any stray co-workers.

She turned just in time to see Harry kick one of the desks and swear.


“Sorry, just-”

“Harry, it’s alright, honestly, you’re handling it better than I thought you would.”

“Maybe I should go tell Gawain I’m not interested anymore.”

Ginny scoffed, “From the man who broke up with me to protect me? Be serious, Harry.”

“What choice did I have?!” He turned on her. “Can you imagine what he would have done to you if he’d known? If any of them figured out what we had was more than a fling?! That I cared more about you than I did everything short of defeating Voldemort?!”

“You think I don’t know?!” Ginny stomped up to him. “Do you think Hogwarts was some walk in the park?! I owled Luna and Neville before I ever showed up to school telling them that we were going to paint you and I as a passing fancy! That I needed them to help me make us out as nothing or Voldemort would be able to push you into a corner!”

Harry took a deep breath and gripped the desk in front of him.


Ginny nearly shoved him. “Really? That’s all you have to say? Fine?” She threw her hands in the air and stomped over to the couch.

Ginny reached for her wand - if she was going to be stuck here all night she might as well have a blanket and pillow - but her hand came up empty.

Oh. Right.

They didn’t have their wands.


Harry turned to look at her, his face still tight with anger.

“Don’t suppose either of those desks has a cot in it? Or maybe a blanket?”

Harry blinked at her, his expression shifting from angry to confused. “What?”

“There’s only the couch, Harry, and we don’t have our wands. If we’re spending the night we’re in a bit of a predicament.”

Understanding dawned on Harry’s face and Ginny nearly laughed as red touched his cheeks. He quickly turned to the desk drawers opening and muttering before slamming them shut.

After shutting the last drawer, he turned around the room slowly before finally facing her again.

“I’ll sleep on the floor. You can have the couch.”

“Don’t be stupid,” Ginny scoffed. “It’s big enough for both of us to sleep sitting up.”

Harry wouldn’t meet her eye and Ginny wondered if he might have found that Veela she’d been figuratively jealous of almost a year ago.

“I’m not going to attack you.” She rolled her eyes and tried to push away the ache in her chest. “And I’m sorry for yelling back at you.”

That finally got a smirk out of him. “That sounds like you aren’t actually sorry for yelling at me.”

Ginny grinned, “When have I ever apologized for shaking some sense into you?”

“Not once.” Harry sat down next to her. “And I wouldn’t change it.”

“Are you less put out, then?” She resisted the urge to scoot closer to him.

Harry sighed, “It’s just been a lot, you know?”

She did know.

“Hey, it’s alright for it to feel like a lot. I mean you just killed a madman that was trying to take over the world. That is a lot.”

Harry stretched his feet out in front of him and leant back. “I think I wanted to see change faster. I wanted to feel like what I did mattered. And this whole thing has made it feel like none of it made a difference. I still can’t have my wand here. This is obviously an assassination attempt on Kingsley. Some idiot up there has made it worse. And I can’t do anything about any of it.”

Ginny couldn’t help it, she scooted closer and put her hand on his thigh. “You have made a difference, Harry.”

He shook his head but Ginny kept pushing.

“Don’t you dare, Harry, don’t you dare think for one second we all risked our lives for this and it meant nothing. Just because it’s slow to start does not mean that you accomplished nothing, that we accomplished nothing!”

Harry grabbed her hand on his thigh and squeezed it. “Merlin, I’ve missed you.”

Ginny wanted to wrap her arms around him but she settled for squeezing this hand in return. “I’ve missed you too.”

Harry didn’t look at her, but Ginny saw the lines in his neck relax and the muscles of his shoulders finally release down.

“We should probably try and get some sleep.” He yawned. “I’ll move to the floor so you can lay out.”

“I’ll hex you if you try to sleep on the floor so I can have the couch.” Ginny glared at him.

“You and what wand?” He grinned.

Ginny couldn’t help it. Maybe it was the tension lifting from him. Maybe it was that they’d been laughing and enjoying themselves less than an hour ago. Maybe it was just falling back into the way she and Harry had been before Voldemort had started his take over. Maybe it was that Harry had always been good at getting her to laugh.

Whatever it was, Ginny dissolved into a fit of laughter.

And Harry quickly followed her.

She didn’t know exactly how it happened, but somehow, Ginny ended up pressed against him, her head resting on his shoulder, his arm draped loosely against her back, his glasses skewed to one side, green eyes staring down at her like they had the day they’d finally kissed each other.

Ginny was sure something had happened to the air, because no matter how hard she tried to breathe, nothing seemed to be getting to her lungs.

“We, er, we should try and sleep.” Harry’s eyes dropped to her lips as her tongue darted out to lick them.

“R-right.” Ginny reluctantly pushed off of him, realizing how cold his office actually was without a blanket or jumper.

She tried to wrap her arms around her and burrow a bit into her side of the couch, but it was to no avail. It was going to be a cold night.

Ginny watched Harry shiver once before he stood and turned off the light. The room was instantly pitch black and she didn’t manage to not laugh when Harry hit the desks in his attempt to return to the couch.

“Like you would have done any better.” Harry laughed with her and Ginny felt the couch move as he sat down.

“I’m part owl, didn’t I ever tell you that?”

“And I’m part dragon,” Harry snorted.

“No, you just have one tattooed on your chest.”

That earned her a full laugh from Harry and Ginny couldn’t help the feeling of pride it gave her.

“Who was it you told that too? I don’t remember.”

“Romilda Vane,” Ginny huffed. “The girl couldn’t seem to fathom why you’d picked me instead of her.”

“Because you actually cared about me.” Harry’s voice was quiet. “And you’re much prettier than she ever was.”

“Thanks.” Ginny’s voice mirrored his tone.

She felt the couch shift and Harry grunted. “You’d think they’d give you control over the temperature of your office. It’s getting colder.”

“They probably expect you to use magic for it.” Ginny shivered too. “Here.” She scooted over to sit right beside him. “If this is alright, it’ll keep us warmer.”

“It’s, yeah, it’s fine.” Harry shifted, pressing their legs together. “Definitely, warmer.”

Ginny rested her head against his shoulder before she could talk herself out of it.


She shivered again and Harry put his arm around her, pulling her closer.

“This alright?”

Ginny hummed and snuggled into him.

She’d missed this.

His fingers found the end of her point tail, and began running through the soft stands the way he used to.

She’d missed him.

Pressed against Harry, for the first time in months, Ginny felt safe. She felt peace. She felt right.


It was muscle memory. In her tired state, all bemused in the past mixing with the present, skewing her thoughts to places that no longer existed, Ginny turned her face towards him and brushed her lips against his.

Then she froze as she realized what she’d just done.

Ginny tried to manage even a stutter of an explanation, but never got the chance as Harry followed her lips, pressing her back against the couch as he made her display in her bedroom before Bill’s wedding look like child’s play.

Harry’s kiss was near desperate as his body pinned her to the couch. His lips and teeth both caressed and plundered her mouth, spurred on by the sounds each feeling pulled from her. Then he found the spot behind her ear and she melted, just like she had when they’d been together.

Harry capitalized on her malleable state and shifted them flat on the couch.

“Merlin, I’ve missed you.” Was the only conscious thought she could manage to vocalize as her body wanted to surrender to the oblivion that being with Harry like this always was.

“Me too.” He kissed along her neck as she tangled her fingers in his hair.

“Are we going to skip the conversation and pick up where we left off?” Ginny tugged on his hair when he bit down on her pulse point.

“We should probably have that conversation,” he smirked above her.

“Later.” Ginny pulled him back down to her, deliberately pressing herself into him and smirking at his groan.

It was when Ginny thought the room was heating up and perhaps all these clothes weren’t as necessary as propriety dictated that someone knocked on the door.

Harry swore and shifted off of her.

“Just a sec,” Ginny called out as Harry stumbled to his feet, this time not crashing into the desks as he made it to the door and flipped on the lights.

“Sorry if I woke you.” Gawain handed Harry his wand with a tired grin. “Welcome to the Aurors, Harry. And Miss Weasley.” Gawain crossed the room and handed Ginny her wand. “Compliments from the Minister of Magic.”

“Thank you,” Ginny smiled and let the feel of the woods on her palm buzz through her body.

“Did you manage to clear the exits as well?” Harry asked.

“Yes, thankfully that’s sorted and you’re welcome to go home. Kingsley suggested the two of you head to his office and use his Floo access. The queue to leave is already getting ridiculously long.” Gawain nodded to both of them. “Have a good rest of your night.”

“You too, and thank you,” Harry nodded and watched Gawain head to the lifts.

Ginny stood, feeling somehow exposed under the light. “I guess we should get moving too. My parents probably know what happened and they’ll be worried if I don’t let them know where I’ll be now that we can leave.”

Harry looked back at her, his green eyes locking on hers. “Where you’ll be? Did you not want to go home?”

“Is there a Veela waiting at your flat I should know about?”

Finally, finally he smiled, that smile he’d had only for her when she was his. “No, no one’s waiting for me, but I make a pretty good breakfast.”

“That sounds heavenly.” Ginny holstered her wand and threaded her fingers with his. “We can have that conversation while we eat. But right now, let’s get to yours. I’m assuming your bed is bigger and warmer than that couch.”

Harry smiled, his free hand running along her neck as he brought his lips to hers with a kiss that made her breath catch. “Plenty big for the two of us, and I can think of ways to keep us warm.”

And much later, drifting off to sleep with Harry’s arms wrapped around her, no howler from her mother in response to where she’d be for the rest of the night, Ginny felt secure that in the morning their conversation would go about as quickly as it had the first time. Maybe even quick enough for them to enjoy the morning together.
