#contemporary performance network


“what does it mean being human in the future?” “how to be seen?” “the in between as a potential for connection…” the constant transformation caused by a state of permanent transition was present in Eli Steffen’s questions for his curation of Gray Spaces @ the Wild Project, as part of the Contemporary Performance Network Festival, Special Effects.

While addressing some of these questions in our work, this version of LAND PROJECT / Placelessness (first developed in residence in October, 2015) took on the following premise: negotiating movement within the in-betweeness of the digital space, as a response to one of the themes of Gray Spaces - the ‎uncharted topographies of performance‬.

Where are you when you’re not here?! Where is here…?

Where is Here?

Land Project, performed by Lisa Parra and Daniel Pinheiro, gave us some video-mirroring between Lisa in the lobby and Daniel on a live feed from an undisclosed location, presumably backstage.  Physical movement was benign, but there was an eerie ISIS quality to Daniel’s placeless dark room.  The physical became vocal as characters spoke in different languages, struggling to communicate and comprehend.  “Are you here now?  Where is here?”
