#conversational french


Chuck & Sarah - “Chuck kills Shaw, and saves Sarah.”

I’ve always loved this scene. It’s so inspiring to me… 

#chuck bartowski    #sarah walker    #double agents    #agents    #television    #hollywood    #france    #french    #conversational french    #conversational italian    #british    #ironic    #hypocrisy    


(Ouais,) Grave ! - I know, right? / Yeah, seriously!
Tu m’étonnes ! - You’re telling me!
Idem / Pareil ! - Ditto / Same!
N’importe quoi ! - Whatever! / Bullshit! (The “te” is quite often pronounced as a syllable despite the usually silent vowels on the end of French words: “Nun-por-teuh kwa)
C’est n’importe quoi - It’s ridiculous / crazy
Sérieux ? - Seriously? Really?
J’étais mort(e) de rire - (Lit.) I died laughing / I pissed myself laughing
Je suis éclaté(e) - I’m shattered / knackered / super tired (Note: can also be used to describe being really high)
J’ai la flemme (de faire quelque chose)  - I can’t be bothered / arsed (to do something
C’est *adj* de chez *adj* - A formula used to really emphasise the adjective used

Ajoutez-en de plus si vous en connaissez !
Add more if you can think of any! :)
