
Francois Gerard, Corinne in Cape Misenum, 19th century

Francois Gerard, Corinne in Cape Misenum, 19th century

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Corinne for Penthouse Nethelands, March 1994 by Carl Wachter

Corinne for Penthouse Nethelands, March 1994 by Carl Wachter

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Would you like another taste of this train wreck???

Of course you would!


“I can’t believe we ran into that guy again,” Lisa said when they got back to the van. “Small world, huh?” She clicked on her seat belt.

Ash slumped into their seat and did the same. “Yeah, and he has a kid, which means he’s probably married.” They threw their feet on top of the dash and blew out a puff of air. “Just my luck.”

“Your luck was saving his kid, giving you total home wrecker opportunity—”


She shrugged and turned on the engine. “I’m just saying! It’s a matter of perspective.” Lisa grinned. “And while you were busy fussing over him and his kid…” She sang, “I didn’t see a riiiing!”

Ash slapped her arm. “Stop it! Stop giving me hope!”

She laughed as she got the van back onto the rode.

“And — And!” Ash protested. “Once again, I’ll never see him again!”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Lisa said. “Check your pocket.”

“My pocket?” Ash put a hand in both pockets of their jacket. Their face scrunched up as their left hand felt a piece of paper. They pulled it out and stared at it. They read the words once. And then again. “‘Coward’?”

Lisa barked out a laugh. “That’s what she gave you?! I thought it was his phone number!”


“The kid slipped that to you.” Lisa glanced at him, grinning wide. “I’m going to guess he’s not married.”

Ash scowled at the paper. “Phone number would have been more helpful.”


I would like it stated for the record that Corinne’s exact words regarding the paper are: “It wasn’t an invitation! It was a threat.”

Braving Corinne preview

Okaaaay so I can’t help myself from being hyped about my new work. So enjoy just a teeny tiny preview that introduces our major characters… I have created a tag for this work, which is tentatively titled Braving Corinne, so you can follow it for more updates!


Ezra Bennant loved kids and certainty. As anyone who has ever met a child knows, those things do not go together. Staring one particular girl down from his kitchen, Ezra began to reassess his life. Maybe he didn’t like allkids; maybe just the ones under ten.

Or maybe just not this one.

The one he was now sole guardian over.

And whose life was also going to be totally ruined with him as a parent— He quickly shoved the thought down along with his nausea. Throwing on his best teacher smile, which spread more as a strained and desperate grimace, he asked, “Corinne, why aren’t you dressed?”

“I’m not going to school,” she said.

“You have to go to school.” Ezra took a deep breath and braced himself. You can do this. You’ve been in charge of kids for years, just not ones who live in your house. His hands fiddled with the strap of his bag. The fabric felt as worn as he felt. “Please go get dressed. We’re going.”

Corinne raised a brow. Her eyes stared right through him, securing her victory. “No. I’m not.” With that, she returned to her room and slammed it shut tight.

Ezra winced at the sound, shoulders crumbling together in defeat. He took another shaky breath. “Oh,” he said. “Okay.”

He made it all the way to the car before he cried.


Across town, Ash Douglas was throwing clothes after clothes atop their bed. It was school trip day and they wanted to make a good impression — on the kids, obviously. They loved the days they brought animals to schools. The way all their small eyes would light up with interest and awe was simply the best. And when they could convince a nervous child to pet something they’d been afraid of? Even better.

They pulled on a long-sleeved rainbow striped tee and regretfully topped it with a dull tan vest sporting the Russel Grove Animal Rescue logo. They refused to do the entire safari inspired garb if they didn’t have to. It was one thing to be forced to bare their knobby knees as a small, skinny potato in front of the animals and something entirely else to do it in front of people. They had a vibe to express, thank you very much.

Matching their shirt with their most colorful shoes, they grabbed their keys and wallet and headed for the door. An angry meow followed behind them. Ash grinned and glanced back to their favorite black feline.

“I already fed you, Fudge,” Ash said. “You know that.”

Fudge protested.

“It’s an early day for me. Just a morning show and tell and then the rest of the afternoon off,” Ash answered. “Then all the pets you want. Promise.”

Fudge’s meows fell into more of a grumble as the cat stalked off to curl up on the couch.

Ash sighed. “You’re such a dramatic thing.”

Fudge’s eyes sparked wide as he let out a long drawn out meow.

Dramatic,” Ash repeated, leaving their apartment and locking the door.

Braving Corinne Update

I’ve been writing more the last two months than before. It feels good! I haven’t posted in a while, so I thought I’d share a few little snippets. ALL ABOARD THE ANGST TRAIN, WOO WOOOOO!


First it had been his parents.

Ezra, you have to take care of your sister.”

And,“Ezra, you’re her big brother. You have to!”

Then they gone, and Alesha made the demands herself.

“Ezra, you have to help me.”

“Ezra, I can’t do it.”

“Ezra, it’s not my fault.”

It was always one thing after another. He’d hated it. And he’d done it every time.

Until one day he couldn’t anymore.

“Ezra! Ezra, let me in, damnit!”

He leaned forward and covered his ears, as if she were still screaming from outside the apartment door the same as she had twelve years ago. The pounding echoed in his memory, reverberating his heart with every knock. Alesha had given up, eventually, while he’d hidden in his room like a coward. He knew if he opened the door, he’d never be free. So he hadn’t.

Now she had thrust one last responsibility upon him, like a curse. Was Corinne a punishment? That seemed cruel, even for Alesha. Maybe she’d believed in him. Believed that he’d take care of Corinne in spite of their estrangement.

Somehow that felt cruel too.

When it came to Alesha, he never had a choice, even in death. He hated her for it. Part of him wanted to hate Corinne too. But he couldn’t. So, instead, he feared her.

He feared the way Corinne looked just like her.

He feared how she spoke like her too.

But most of all he feared everything she knew about Alesha he didn’t.

He feared anything that might make him regret not opening the door.


Does anyone still remember when I originally said I was going to write a rom-com?

…Yeah, me neither.


“It’s not — it’s — complicated,” Ezra stammered.

He could feel Kimberly searching his face for more answers, ones he didn’t want to give. His feet were glued to the floor, so he could only pray the floor would swallow him whole.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “It’s just…I don’t…” He couldn’t find the words.

“Oh!” Kimberly’s eyes grew wide and she waved her hands up. “Oh, no, don’t apologize! I shouldn’t have pushed. Family,” she said with a laugh, “they can be a real nightmare, can’t they?”

He returned her smile with a smaller one. “Right.”

She pushed hair behind her ear and frowned, looking awkward. In all the time they’d known one another, Kim had never looked anything but confident. Ezra scrunched up into himself. He had done that. He was making her uncomfortable with his problems, even without the details. Every muscle of his body felt tight as if willing him to be smaller.

“Well,” she said. “If you want to talk about it…I’m here.”

“I know,” he said quietly.

And he did.

But he’d never been the type to talk.

She patted him on the arm before she left with a promise to see him at lunch. Ezra could only think of Corinne. The way Corinne yelled and screamed and threw her feelings out into the world as if they couldn’t possibly be contained any longer. Alesha had been the same way. Both felt deeply and were unapologetic. He envied it and hated it.

He wished he could be so brave.

He wished he wasn’t so painfully aware of the consequences.

Ezra instead took a deep breath and headed to his classroom, practicing a smile every step of the way.


Thanks for reading! Hope you are looking forward to getting more of the full thing someday soon! ❤️


Happy Valentine’s Day from the American Girls!!!
First Picture: Samantha Parkington, Melody Ellison, and Rebecca Rubin
Second Picture: Emily Bennett and Nanea Mitchell
Third Picture: Re-Wigged Gwynn Tan and Corinne Tan
Forth Picture: Ballari Patel (Re-Wigged TM #67) and Leeann Huverhouse (TM#23)
Fifth Picture: Marisol Luna, Luciana Vega, and Kanani Akina

Feeling good You can follow me on Instagram : @brunobozon

Feeling good

You can follow me on Instagram : @brunobozon
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Corrine also stopped by Yvonne’s cell. It was a contrast - Corrine in her black fur looking quite be

Corrine also stopped by Yvonne’s cell. It was a contrast - Corrine in her black fur looking quite beautiful, speaking to Yvonne,still chained to her bed by the leash between her legs and feeling the welts rising. Corrine did not speak; Yvonne couldn’t tell if the look on her face was one of pity or horror.

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