

I belong deeply to you

requiem-on-water: Photographer/Concept/Retoucher: Eva Carollo​ | Model: Catherine Cabò


Photographer/Concept/Retoucher:Eva Carollo​ | Model: Catherine Cabò

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by Margarita Ponomareva

byMargarita Ponomareva

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Custody Battle - Possibilities

The Ritual of Propagation has succeeded, and Aziraphale and Crowley prepare to welcome the newest member of Our Own Side, but the Archangels have other plans. No angel has ever been raised outside of their care, and they have no desire to see that change.

In this chapter, Aziraphale struggles to hold onto his faith in the face of their hopeless situation.

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The tea tasted wrong.

Aziraphale stared at his mug, trying to think what it might be. The temperature was fine, and he hadn’t added any milk that might be spoiled. Did it need sugar? But he didn’t like sugar in his tea.

Another sip. Bitter. Slightly metallic. Probably steeped too long. A mistake he hadn’t made in ages, but today certainly had him doing… and feeling… and thinking… strange things.

He managed to force himself to take one more sip before setting the mug down.

“That’s the most I’ve seen you drink all day,” a warm voice said as arms slid carefully around to embrace him under his wings. “Feeling better?” Crowley pressed a kiss to the top of Aziraphale’s head, a slow trickle of love winding around them.

“I… perhaps.” He pushed the mug away and rested his hands on Crowley’s, tracing the shape of his long fingers. “You… could be right.”

“Usually am.” Aziraphale could hear the grin in his voice. “Don’t have to sound so upset about it.”

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Your Schizophrenia feat. Alyra Minayeva - Going Nowhere

#your schizophrenia    #melancholy    #sadmusic    #ambient    

Your Schizophrenia - Сонная Одурь.

Сонной одури семена,
Чаепитие мертвых в чулане,
И на выцвете октября
Мы свои рассекаем шрамы.
Тьмой черненые потолки
Приютили паучьи храмы.
Спят под веками мотыльки
И саднят красноротые раны.
Снова утро бросает в сон,
И сомнамбулы в складках платья
Прячут ветра унылый стон
И израненные запястья.
Я объятие оброню
Как осенние листья – ветка.
В гематомы, словно в броню,
Облачилась грудная клетка.
Распрощаемся, выйдем вон –
В коридорах запутанных снов
Стынут крики испуганных птиц -
Кобальт сумрачных голосов.
И нам тоже пора сломиться…
Ночь осталась в карманах век.
Боль пронзает стальною спицей:
Отвратительный первый снег -
Как плевок на скорбящие земли,
Черный креп в белой пене слюны…
И так туго затянуты петли,
Что не высвободить головы.
Одурь сонная расцвела
Лихорадочным блеском на лицах.
Нас в могилу осень свела,
Дорогая моя сестрица.

Deadly nightshade’s seeds,
Tea party of ​​the dead in a closet.
At the end of October
We cut our scars.
Ceilings blackened by darkness -
Sheltered spider temples.
Moths sleep under the eyelids
And the red wounds are sore.
Morning puts to sleep
Somnambulists hide wind moaning
And wounded wrists.
I’ll drop an embrace
Like a branch drops autumn leaves.
The rib cage
dressed in hematomas, as if in armor.
We say goodbye and walk away,
In the corridors of twisted dreams
Screams of frightened birds freeze -
Cobalt of gloomy voices.
And it’s time for us to despair too.
The night remained under the eyelids.
Pain pierces like a steel spoke:
Disgusting first snow -
Like a spit on grieving lands
Black crepe in white foam of saliva…
And the nooses are so tight -
We can not be released.
Deadly nightshade bloomed -
Feverish shine on faces.
Autumn brought us to the grave,
My dear sister.

#yourschizophrenia    #sad music    #ambient    #bluehour    #autumn    #melancholy    

Your Schizophrenia - Августовский Сон

#your schizophrenia    #sad music    #ambient    #poetry    #haunted    #nataliadrepina    #melancholy    
 Elira.Wormwood grief settled in her heart. In a restless sleep, she lost herself.A paper cradle kep Elira.Wormwood grief settled in her heart. In a restless sleep, she lost herself.A paper cradle kep Elira.Wormwood grief settled in her heart. In a restless sleep, she lost herself.A paper cradle kep Elira.Wormwood grief settled in her heart. In a restless sleep, she lost herself.A paper cradle kep Elira.Wormwood grief settled in her heart. In a restless sleep, she lost herself.A paper cradle kep Elira.Wormwood grief settled in her heart. In a restless sleep, she lost herself.A paper cradle kep Elira.Wormwood grief settled in her heart. In a restless sleep, she lost herself.A paper cradle kep Elira.Wormwood grief settled in her heart. In a restless sleep, she lost herself.A paper cradle kep Elira.Wormwood grief settled in her heart. In a restless sleep, she lost herself.A paper cradle kep Elira.Wormwood grief settled in her heart. In a restless sleep, she lost herself.A paper cradle kep

Elira.Wormwood grief settled in her heart. In a restless sleep, she lost herself.A paper cradle kept her fragile body, like a withered flower… whileshe is slowly turning to dust …

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 The  veil of sleep had not cleared away, but her bare feet felt wetsoil and trampled grasses&hellip The  veil of sleep had not cleared away, but her bare feet felt wetsoil and trampled grasses&hellip The  veil of sleep had not cleared away, but her bare feet felt wetsoil and trampled grasses&hellip The  veil of sleep had not cleared away, but her bare feet felt wetsoil and trampled grasses&hellip The  veil of sleep had not cleared away, but her bare feet felt wetsoil and trampled grasses&hellip The  veil of sleep had not cleared away, but her bare feet felt wetsoil and trampled grasses&hellip The  veil of sleep had not cleared away, but her bare feet felt wetsoil and trampled grasses&hellip

The  veil of sleep had not cleared away, but her bare feet felt wet
soil and trampled grasses… The braid like a numbed snake wrapped
around the neck, dozing until the wind ruffled it into strands.
an unknown force led her through a shady forest, sometimes diluting
the darkness with flashes of the moon, hidden behind the clouds. And
she slowly walked to the marsh, obeying the voices of the drowned,
that they were looking for a new sister… And soon they would find
her by taking in the cold water embrace.

Пелена сна ещё не спала с глаз, но босые ноги чувствовали под собой
влажную почву, примятые травы… Коса, словно оцепенелая змея,
обвившая шею, дремала, пока ветер не растрепал ее на локоны.
Неведомая сила влекла сквозь тенистый лес, изредка разбавляя тьму
всполохами луны, затаившейся за тучами. И она медленно брела к болоту,
повинуясь голосу утопленниц, что ищут себе новую сестрицу… И вскоре
обретут, приняв в холодные объятия вод.


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 Closing my eyes, I imagine myself there, in the blue Mirror, whichcherishes the scarlet souls and v Closing my eyes, I imagine myself there, in the blue Mirror, whichcherishes the scarlet souls and v Closing my eyes, I imagine myself there, in the blue Mirror, whichcherishes the scarlet souls and v Closing my eyes, I imagine myself there, in the blue Mirror, whichcherishes the scarlet souls and v Closing my eyes, I imagine myself there, in the blue Mirror, whichcherishes the scarlet souls and v Closing my eyes, I imagine myself there, in the blue Mirror, whichcherishes the scarlet souls and v Closing my eyes, I imagine myself there, in the blue Mirror, whichcherishes the scarlet souls and v Closing my eyes, I imagine myself there, in the blue Mirror, whichcherishes the scarlet souls and v Closing my eyes, I imagine myself there, in the blue Mirror, whichcherishes the scarlet souls and v Closing my eyes, I imagine myself there, in the blue Mirror, whichcherishes the scarlet souls and v

Closing my eyes, I imagine myself there, in the blue Mirror, which
cherishes the scarlet souls and velvet darkness. There my heart breaks
with a ripe pomegranate, and its tart juice sprinkling my hands and
face, brings back memories… It has been hundreds of years since I left
the gloomy hall, leaving my weak-willed twin to guard your wounded
soul. I spend my sleepless nights and restless days beside a cold dim
mirror which no longer allows me to return to that fragile world where
I was myself. Maybe I became the involuntary guardian of faded shadows
hiding in the reflection… Or am I the shadow of the past?

Закрыв глаза, я снова представляю себя там, в синем Зазеркалье,
лелеющем багряные души и бархатную тьму. Там мое сердце раскалывается спелым гранатом, и его терпкий сок, окропив мои руки и лицо, воскрешает воспоминания.  Минули сотни лет с тех пор как я покинул сумрачный зал, оставив  моего безвольного двойника охранять твою раненую душу. Бессонные ночи и беспокойные дни я провожу подле холодного тусклого зеркала, которое  больше не позволяет мне вернуться в тот зыбкий мир, где я был собой. Так может это я стал невольным стражником выцветших теней, прячущихся в отражении? Или я и есть та самая тень былого? 

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A selection of powerful pieces by Tomoki Hayasaka

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MelancholyPhotographed by Nikita Rourke (Freiy)


Photographed by Nikita Rourke (Freiy)

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