
Monstermania Day 13 - Corpse ⚰

Monstermania Day 13 - Corpse ⚰

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I’m sure you guys are wondering what he looks like, and I think I know exactly how to describe to you guys what he looks like.


bodyache {Corpse Husband}

@bingusmode my beloved requested: hey u … u asked for soft prompt? i wanna… i wanna give u a dialogue prompt ive been working on that i made for myself…. “do you think stars have feelings?” “i’d like to think they do. i think stars fall so in love they like to run into each other and create supernovas.” and then later in the story, with no added context, to see if MC remembers- “hey… i think i might be pulling a star” :’) it’s from a dream i had w corpse and maybe… maybe u can take it and do something good with it too :’)

Summary:You are the best part of a bad past - and then you come back.

A/N: 5202 words.

Warnings:light crime?? like trespassing, also mentions of Corpse getting in a fight. also also mentions/implications of disordered eating.

Corpse claims he doesn’t have friends outside of the internet. When you hear this, you call him dramatic and roll your eyes.

“I don’t have friends, I have you, and we’re not friends, you just keep showing up at my house,” his tone is deadpan as he elaborates, looking up from where you’d placed your phone in front of him. On the screen is his interview in the latest Anthony Padilla video, where he’d explained that it’s not like he has to hide his identity since he doesn’t have anyone to hide it from.

He’s sitting at the kitchen island of his shoebox kitchen, while you level an unimpressed look at him.

“You’re the one who keeps letting me in,” you tell him pointedly, hands on your hips as you look around the kitchen, before ducking down and opening one of his cupboards.

“I’m being polite,” he fires back, snarkily, and you glance up at him, eyebrow raised, a little disbelieving.

“Where’d you put your big soup pot, Mister Nobody-Loves-Me?” You ask instead, and he huffs, dropping his head to the counter in exasperation.

“I don’t want fucking soup.”

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