#corroserum arknights


[Arknights canon × OC] Corroserum × Doctor Alize

My Doctor OC and Corroserum

Here we can see a baby python’s survival instinct when there was a predator (king cobra) near it.

So I read this upsetting news about a nasty human who sent a king cobra in only a cardboard box. And the snake escaped the at Cirebon branch of the expedition. Thankfully, the snake was saved by fire dept. team.

So I thought its good to make this to remind you that snake is also a living being. But since my snake plush Albo is somewhere else, I used my Corroserum plush to replace the real king cobra www

King Cobra and Red Panda

He carried me through Mansfield Break rerun. So I gave him headpat.

King cobra feeding time!

I simp for Corroserum, I bring him to contents. MB-EX (CM) edition.

Contains the list of my EX CM runs I uploaded to my channel, compiled the links on my Twitter.

I simp for Corroserum, I bring him to contents. (Mansfield Break Rerun edition)


MB EX CM? Check out my channel!
