

Here we can see a baby python’s survival instinct when there was a predator (king cobra) near it.

HowNOT to pack a king cobra.

So I read this upsetting news about a nasty human who sent a king cobra in only a cardboard box. And the snake escaped the at Cirebon branch of the expedition. Thankfully, the snake was saved by fire dept. team.

So I thought its good to make this to remind you that snake is also a living being. But since my snake plush Albo is somewhere else, I used my Corroserum plush to replace the real king cobra www

Freehandling a king cobra. Can only be applied if the snake have this exact appearance! Don’t do this to the real snake!!!

Snake and pina colada

Snake basking in the sunlight

Bringing my Corroserum plush to local zoo!

King Cobra and Red Panda

He carried me through Mansfield Break rerun. So I gave him headpat.

King cobra feeding time!

I simp for Corroserum, I bring him to contents. MB-EX (CM) edition.

Contains the list of my EX CM runs I uploaded to my channel, compiled the links on my Twitter.

I simp for Corroserum, I bring him to contents. (Mansfield Break Rerun edition)


MB EX CM? Check out my channel!
