#cory ellison


So, I just started binging the morning show - REALLY late, I know, I know, but it was always on my list, I just never got around to it. Anyway…

I know that there’s already a fanbase for Bradley and Cory, and while I do admit that she is probably the only person Cory seems to be (somewhat) genuine with, that duet with him and Alex was… definitely something. It was just crackling with chemistry and hostility - I swear I was holding my breath the entire time- it was so fucking good!

Also, when Alex looked so shaken at the end and runs away from there, was it just me, or did Cory actually look kind of contrite?

Either way, loving this show! Aniston, Crudup and Carell are the highlights for me. 

I’m just going to say this very clearly.

It is homophobic to expect Bradley to ever forgive Cory for outing her.

That’s all.


My thoughts on episode 5:


I do NOT think that Cory is going to out Bradley, not at all. I think that she is going to leak something to the press and out herself to help Cory and protect Hannah-it gives her control of her own narrative and life, means she’s becoming more comfortable in her own skin, and she’s putting other people’s needs before her own. That is MAJOR growth for the character of Bradley. It came on the tail of that conversation with Laura, and she also told him that she would try to think of something and looked very thoughtful afterwards. If she doesn’t, I still think that it will be someone else and not Cory.

-Cory told her that she’s one of the most truthful people that he knows and that she’s his Jiminy Cricket so he will go with whatever she says. Cory is not stupid. She makes him better, not worse, and he obviously relies on her when he’s unsure of what to do. I also thought Bradley’s offhanded comment about the deal he made with Fred was interesting. I thought she was convinced that SHE got him the job?

Edit: I went back and watched that scene again and she doesn’t seem to be aware of the deal with Fred, she just suggested that he go to the Times, if would he get fired because it isn’t in the network’s best interests.

(Yes I saw the spoilers too but we don’t know the context of their conversation. And let’s be honest Apple did not drop that “accidentally” it was to bait us and stir the pot I could be entirely wrong but him purposely outing her is not at all in line with what we have seen. Also I’m pretty sure that he would come straight out and ask her if he was going to drop that story, because he’s not stupid.

Also, Cory made it clear to Bradley in the flashback that he was better off without the job at UBA , because *ahem* we know why. SO WHY WOULD HE MAKE A DEAL WITH FRED FOR A JOB THAT HE DIDN’T WANT!? It sure seemed like Fred was the one that brought it to the table, and I got the impression that there was more to that scene than we saw. I also loved the lighting of that scene, it was certainly dark and sinister.

Also…Alex this episode

I disagree entirely. Not only that but I have evidence to support my disagreement…

I’ve seen the footage (I was one of the first footage leakers bc I’m Aussie) and I genuinely believe that it was an accident too as it would have spoiled the episode for lay viewers. And the show is under a different name here so it gets different beginning and ending edits making this very plausible.

Anyway onto the actual content. This is not what Bradley wants. In the clips Laura talks about being “outed against your will”, The producers talk about Cory doing “horrible things” and Bradley’s brother and mother berate her for being queer in the first place and call her an embarrassment. No-one would do that to themselves. She hasn’t come out to anyone except Laura, from that to the whole world is not a jump people naturally make. No-one leaks themselves to out themselves especially not someone in the place that Bradley’s in. That’s not empowerment or growth and to say that does offend me, that’s trauma and handing over your own identity to tabloids which is a dangerous play in and of itself. Bradley has said she doesn’t want to use her identity.

And in fact, Bradley also really doesn’t have a problem with putting other people’s needs first, she practically raised her brother and was the main income earner for the household supporting her brother and mother, putting her own identity, wants desires and needs aside to do it. Her coming out story should finally be about her.

  • Cory is the one who has the power and knowledge to leak this and that that site would trust to be an honest leak not to mention his access.
  • We know that her family find out in the press from those clips too. She’d tell her family if she were actually willingly coming out.
  • She also looks shocked in a clip of her holding up the article on her phone.
  • Laura says “it’s wrong what happened” as she leaves Bradley in her dressing room.
  • Bradley say that this is “not about being outed” if someone choses to do it would be “coming out” not “being outed”
  • There is also footage of her and Cory in a scene where she is on the brink of tears and says “I’ve a lot of clarity right now”
  • And a shot of Bradley upset on her couch in her dressing room.

Cory is going to out her. All the evidence says so. This show has established that they’re all out for themselves.

Their relationship this season has been all about trust. He keeps breaking it. It is perfectly in line with what’s happening.. Even down to the fact that he is while having his hands clean in a technical sense still more of the same and purposefully so by the board and Fred. And of course he’s not going to tell her before outing her, because he’s in his own little mind justification that he’s somehow doing the right thing and she would shatter that.

On top of all of that a site that I trust that has been right before leaked a week before ep 5 that Cory would find about them (Laura and Bradley) and use it. And that’s exactly what’s happening.



It’s whatever the hell Billy Crudup DOES with his eyes as Cory…that he’s looking at her as if she’s the whole world cause she is….SHE REALLY IS

