#cosmic witchery



Beltane Black Moon - April 30th, 2022

The Black Moon is the second New Moon / Dark Moon in a calendar month. Tonight’s Black Moon is the only extra moon event we’re getting in the Northern Hemisphere in 2022, so make the most of it!

Just as Blue Moons are an excellent time to do enhanced Full Moon magic, for wishmaking, abundance, fulfillment, empowerment, and so on, Black Moons are an opportune time for a fresh start. Now is the time to deep clean your life, your space, your habits, and your priorities.

If there’s anything in your life you’ve been looking to rid yourself of, work that magic tonight. Banish whatever is holding you back. Cast bad luck, sickness, sadness, injustice, and pain into the cosmic void and let it be gone. Bind whatever (or whomever) may be preventing you from living your life safely and happily. Rid yourself of unwanted or disruptive energy. Make a commitment to drop (or at least lessen) habits that are impacting your life in a negative way. Re-assess your priorities and circumstances and, if necessary, make a change in your path toward something that serves you better.

If you’ve been meaning to start a new project or endeavor, now is the time to move from planning to doing. If nothing else, make a To-Do list with some short-term and long-term goals you can work toward. Mark your thoughts and actions down in whatever book or journal you may be keeping to record your practice, so that you can look back on it later and see how much has come to fruition.

We’re entering a new cycle and the full flower of spring gives us plenty of energy and possibilities to work with. Plant seeds today that will grow into the rewards you seek for the rest of this year. It may be a hard row to hoe and you’ll need to put in the legwork along with the magic, but you can do it. Make it count!

ADDENDUM: True to form, I’m late for everything. The Black Moon was LAST night, but we’re beginning a new lunar cycle today, so most of the above still applies!
