#lunar phases


Things To Research As A Celestial Witch


Celestial witches get most of their energies from cosmic and celestial bodies. AKA anything outer space, really :) They’re one of my favorite witches (all witches are my favorite lol) so of course I had to do a masterlist (I had to do it to ‘em).

Also, there are so many correspondences. But as always, you don’t have to research all of them to be considered a Cosmic/Celestial witch.


moon phases

special moons (blood moon, dark moon, etc.) and their magic

significance of each moon phase

moon water

solar water

how to charge items with the moon

crystals correspondence to the moon


zodiac signs

liminal space


how to use astrology with divination

astrology oriented tarot cards

astral projection

how to use celestial energy to ground/center

major constellations

how each celestial body affects you

universal/cosmic energies

 black holes


planetary spells

planetary botanical blends

star magick

planets correspondence to colors

planets correspondence to gods/goddesses

planets correspondence to crystals/stones

planets correspondence to days of the week

planets correspondence to elements

planets correspondence to zodiac signs

planets correspondence to elements

planets correspondence to types of divination

planets correspondence to metals

planets correspondence to intent

different types of cosmic magick (venusian, martian, lunar, etc.)

diy celestial sigils

meteor shower magick

cosmic altars

♡ That naked witch in the woods


Moon Water

Moon water is water that’s been charged by the Moon. Different phases and the position of the moon have different properties/correspondents ex Aquarius Full Moon. You can make your own moon water very easily, the only required supplies are water and a glass container.

  • use any kind of water; creek/stream, rain, even just plain bottled/tap water.
  • place glass container under the moonlight (a windowsill works if you cannot leave the water outside)
  • collect moon water before sunrise ensuring no sunlight touches it

*Optional* you can also add water-safe crystals or herbs to the moon water to charge it with extra magickal properties.

Once you have your moon water there’s a variety of ways you can use it

  • add it to your bath
  • blessings
  • power spells
  • charge/cleanse your crystals/tools
  • water your herbs/plants
  • drink (be sure you used clean water/a clean sealed container)


Beltane Black Moon - April 30th, 2022

The Black Moon is the second New Moon / Dark Moon in a calendar month. Tonight’s Black Moon is the only extra moon event we’re getting in the Northern Hemisphere in 2022, so make the most of it!

Just as Blue Moons are an excellent time to do enhanced Full Moon magic, for wishmaking, abundance, fulfillment, empowerment, and so on, Black Moons are an opportune time for a fresh start. Now is the time to deep clean your life, your space, your habits, and your priorities.

If there’s anything in your life you’ve been looking to rid yourself of, work that magic tonight. Banish whatever is holding you back. Cast bad luck, sickness, sadness, injustice, and pain into the cosmic void and let it be gone. Bind whatever (or whomever) may be preventing you from living your life safely and happily. Rid yourself of unwanted or disruptive energy. Make a commitment to drop (or at least lessen) habits that are impacting your life in a negative way. Re-assess your priorities and circumstances and, if necessary, make a change in your path toward something that serves you better.

If you’ve been meaning to start a new project or endeavor, now is the time to move from planning to doing. If nothing else, make a To-Do list with some short-term and long-term goals you can work toward. Mark your thoughts and actions down in whatever book or journal you may be keeping to record your practice, so that you can look back on it later and see how much has come to fruition.

We’re entering a new cycle and the full flower of spring gives us plenty of energy and possibilities to work with. Plant seeds today that will grow into the rewards you seek for the rest of this year. It may be a hard row to hoe and you’ll need to put in the legwork along with the magic, but you can do it. Make it count!

ADDENDUM: True to form, I’m late for everything. The Black Moon was LAST night, but we’re beginning a new lunar cycle today, so most of the above still applies!

shortforsamantha:Heavily inspired by @teacupsandcauldrons for my lunar phases page in my Grimoire. I


Heavily inspired by @teacupsandcauldrons for my lunar phases page in my Grimoire. I love just being able to flip to a page instead of looking it up online ❤️

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Finally posting some of the things I’ve been painting recently!


Video Clip SS272144 (Phases of the Far Side of the Moon)

Animation showing a time-lapse wide-angle view of the phases of the far side of the Moon, with the Earth rotating behind it. 

The Earth rotates on its own axis in 24 hours. The Moon orbits the spinning Earth in approximately 27.3 days, but because the Moon rotates upon its own axis once during the same period, it always presents the same side to the Earth. 

See More From The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

As the Moon orbits the Earth, the area of its surface lit by the Sun changes, resulting in the lunar phases. The animation was created using data from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

Video above © NASA / Science Source

#astronomy    #science    #videos    #stock footage    #lunar phases    #craters    #science source    


Lunar Phases:

  • New Moon: new beginnings, new relationships, new adventures, positive changes, time to set intentions.
  • Waxing Moon: growth, healing, learning, transformation, creativity.
  • Full Moon: wishes come true, spell work, cleansing crystals, protection, harvest.
  • Waning Moon: letting go, cleansing, release, opening up.


lunar eclipse; aquarius

Full moon lunar eclipse in Aquarius: July 27, 2018 at 4:21pm EDT. An eclipse is almost like a gateway in time through which we transform into the image that is waiting out in the wings for us- but first, we must leave behind some things. Old ways of thinking, old ways of relating, old limiting beliefs about ourselves. Lunar eclipses are associated with relationships, as the full moon represents an opposition between sun and moon. An upgrade in relationships calls for us, something that unites heart (Leo) and mind (Aquarius). Whether it’s in our present relationships, our relationship to ourselves, or to our own lives, we find balance. But it may feel painful as old things arise to be cleared. Venus is trining Pluto, bringing out the shadows of relationships. Beneath the shadow is the promise of intimacy if we can allow ourselves to heal and be vulnerable.

The Sun in leo is conjunct the North node. Questions about destiny and fate may arise - what is our purpose, what does our heart want? But with the moon conjunct retrograde Mars, action may be elusive, as if we’re running forward but in thick mud. Appreciate this time of “inaction,” the soul is creating something new.

Uranus squares both the sun and moon - the tension of breaking free from what binds us unnecessarily. With Saturn trining Uranus, hopefully we find the strength to push through these binds, into our new selves.

Shed, shed, shed, change- until your true self, your dream self, is the only one left.

The full moon is conjunct Mars and Lilith - pay attention to what your erotic self needs, beyond the bounds of convention (Aquarius).

The Phases
Full Moon - cleanse your tools, restore your energy, give thanks, love magicks, beginnings, enhance psychic ability, power, healing, divination, enlightenment, banishing
Blue Moon - divination, focus, achieving goals, wishes
Waning Gibbous - expel negativity, releasing, undo bindings and curses
Third Quarter - Forgiveness, letting go, releasing, reaking bad habits
Waning Crescent - rest, cleansing, balance, success, wisdom, atonement
Dark Moon - banishing, retreat, self reflection, justice, rest, stillness, observation
New Moon - fresh starts, new beginnings, banishing, divination, healing, hope, openness
Black Moon - manifestation, power, wishes
Waxing Crescent - attraction, spells of intention or hope, luck, friendship, growth, wealth
First Quarter - overcoming challenges, action, making decisions, balance
Waxing Gibbous - making adjustments, refining, prosperity, motivation, good health, positivity, success

What are the Blue, Dark, and Black Moons?
A Blue Moon is an “extra” full moon that occurs in the same month. Or, it is what occurs when you get four full moons in one season. A Black Moon is just the opposite, an extra new moon to occur within the same month as another, or when four new moons happen in the same season. It can also refer to a month in which there is no full moon, which can only occur in February, as the lunar cycles run over 29.5 days.
A Dark Moon is what you call the waning crescent just before the new moon and the start of the waxing phase. The duration ranges from 1.5 to 3.5 days.

Full Moons
January - Wolf Moon/Cold Moon/Spirit Moon
February - Snow Moon/Hunger Moon
March - Worm Moon/Sap Moon
April - Pink Moon/Fish Moon/Egg Moon/Sprouting Grass Moon
May - Flower Moon/Milk Moon/Corn Planting Moon
June - Strawberry Moon/Rose Moon/Hot Moon
July - Buck Moon/Thunder Moon
August - Sturgeon Moon/Green Corn Moon
September - Corn Moon/Harvest Moon/Barley Moon
October - Hunter’s Moon/Travel Moon/Dying Moon
November - Beaver Moon/Frost Moon
December - Cold Moon/Long Nights Moon

Why are they named?
They are essentially nicknames that were traditionally used by Native Americans to track the seasons. Used as timing for growing and harvesting crops, keeping track of when certain animals would be around for hunting, and so on. Not all tribes used the same names at for these moons, or even count the same number of seasons. The names for the moons are largely localized to what grows, what animals are around, and how the mild or harsh the weather is in that area.
Some tribes may only use a few names, where others may use the same name at a different time of year. Each tribe had their preferences.
Colonial Americans later adopted some of the Full Moon names from the Native Americans and applied it to their own calendar.

Where is the Harvest Moon???
Well, the Harvest Moon can occur in one of two months, September or October. It is the Full Moon that occurs the closest to the Autumn Equinox. It is named so, because the closer to the equinox, the later the sun sets, thus giving farmers more time to harvest their crops.

What about the Supermoon? This occurs when the (New or Full) Moon is at it’s closest point in orbit to Earth, when it’s at it’s perigee. The Moon appears much larger than normal, and moreso when it’s lower in the horizon when it has just started to rise. This can happen at any point in the year.
(NOTE) - we have 3 full supermoons occuring in a row in 2020… March, April, and May.

image credit thebohomystic.tumblr.com

✨ For Magickal Work:

Because this Moon sign is the most inquisitive in nature, it can be a great help when it comes to magickal efforts that require data retrieval or the attainment of long over-due answers. Its energies also pack a wallop when it comes to any work involving control issues, optimism, self-confidence, and friendship, and can be a real boost to those that relate to legal matters, good luck, and prophetic dreaming.

✨ Mundane Event Planning:

If you’ve thought about going back to school, now is the time to do it; knowledge gleaned from classes taken during this Moon sign will stick with you forever. Since solutions and answers come easily now as well, work on projects that require research or problems that require tact and diplomacy. This Moon isn’t all about work though! It’s also about spontaneity, so it’s great for taking a vacation, throwing an impromptu party, getting together with friends, or forming new relationships! (Due to the pandemic, this would be online or at a safe social distance of course!! Be safe my loves!)

✨ Gardening Tips:

Another barren sign, the Sagittarius Moon is best used for soil cultivation and harvesting. Since its energies also discourage growth, it’s a good time to cut plants back before putting the garden to bed.

Brightest Blessings!

[]  All-Things-Witchcraft

✨ For Magickal Work:

The Scorpio Moon has a raw, pure energy that makes it perfect for efforts involving sex magic. It also lends itself to magickal work involving psyhicism, separation, truth, transformational change, courage, wishes and goal accomplishments. Use it also for blessing and consecrating scrying mirrors, crystal balls, or other divinatory tools.

✨ Mundane Event Planning:

When drastic measures are necessary for personal growth (setting plans in motion for long-range goals comes to mind here), nothing can beat the transformational and separating energies of the Scorpio Moon. For this reason, save any life-altering decision-making such as cross-country moves, career changes, relationship endings, and so forth for this time. It’s also useful for surgical procedures where growth, tumor, or cyst removal are at issue, as well as the commencement of treatment for other health problems. But those aren’t the only things this energy is good for. It’s also great for buying new bed linens and lingerie, and using them to your full advantage!

✨ Gardening Tips:

A very fruitful sign, seeds sown during a Scorpio Moon tend to germinate very quickly. It’s also a good time to prune if you want to encourage the growth of a leaf or flower buds!

Brightest Blessings!

[]  All-Things-Witchcraft


Courtesy of Wiccapedia: a modern-day White witches guide, by Shawn Robbins and Leanna Greenaway 

Full moon- considered a very powerful time of the month. Friday full moons are excellent for casting.

  • protecting property and home
  • Adding vigor to life
  • Anything to do with love
  • Increasing self confidence
  • Advancing in career/work
  • Enhancing psychic/clairvoyance abilities
  • Strengthening friendship and family bonds
  • General good luck

The waxing moon- spells for situational improvement, namely when you’ve been stuck in a rut. 

  • moving forward from depression
  • Getting out of a rut
  • Passing exams and tests
  • Finding lost objects
  • Healing a sick animal
  • Finding a lost pet
  • Nurturing abundant gardens, and the well-being of nature
  • Losing weight or stopping smoking

The waning moon- the perfect time to cast spells for getting rid of negative energies. Become more assertive, strengthen your weak areas, etc

  • Developing inner strength and assertiveness
  • Banishing enemies
  • Stopping arguments
  • Soothing unruly children
  • Calming anxiety
  • Getting out of tricky situations

The new moon- positive energy, and can act as a catalyst for immediate change. Most transitions happen naturally around this time. 

  • Career changes
  • Moving house swiftly and easily
  • Safe and enjoyable travel
  • Increasing cash flow
  • Better health
  • Conceiving 

Notably: The void of the moon. Takes place three days before a new moon, and considered to be the most magickally potent of all the phases. Black magick is commonly practiced during this time. Most spells can, as a result, falter or not work at all. This is a time for experienced members of the craft, if they so choose.

“Both the Moon and silver are sensitive, impressionable and receptive bodies passively reflecting an

“Both the Moon and silver are sensitive, impressionable and receptive bodies passively reflecting and forming colorless images from external sources of light.”

My newest painting, “Silver Chord” reflects my contemplation of the esoteric concept of a silver chord connecting our physical body to our astral body. I didn’t plan this painting from start to finish but let it unfold organically. It took a turn toward lunar light with a halo of sun emanating from the cicada, a representative of the earth element.

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“The Lunar Phase of Evolution”, oil on wood, 12"x12" , SOLD In creating this painting, I f

“The Lunar Phase of Evolution”, oil on wood, 12"x12" , SOLD

In creating this painting, I found the number which speaks to me most vividly. It’s essence is the Trinity multiplied three times. Nine represents the ultimate, perfect expression, the highest achievement in any endeavor. The Greeks referred to nine as “the horizon” as it lies at the edge of a shore before a boundless ocean of numbers that repeat in endless cycles the principles of the first nine digits.

“The Lunar Phase of Evolution” is currently on display at Confluence Gallery in Twisp, WA. Purchase inquiries may be directed to [email protected]

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thehedgewitchemporium:September 9 and 10th lunar phases. I’m going to start photographing the moonthehedgewitchemporium:September 9 and 10th lunar phases. I’m going to start photographing the moon


September 9 and 10th lunar phases. I’m going to start photographing the moon every night around the same time unless it’s covered by clouds. On the night of the New Moon I’m going to start over and try to get the whole cycle.

I REALLY need to get a tripod. My hands shake so bad, which is why these are blurry. I’ve never used a tripod or auto focus. I’ve been so rough on my camera for the past few years that all of my lenses are actually broke, the auto focus and image stability feature don’t work anymore. I just work around it tho, lenses are SOO expensive to replace.

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May Moon Calendar

NOTE! this may vary due to timezone! This is GMT+1

♌ May 08: first quarter in Leo

♏ May 16: full moon in Scorpio, lunar eclipse

♒ May 22: last quarter in Aquarius

♊ May 30: new moon in Gemini


Full moon in ‪#‎Aquarius‬ bringing new everything… & maybe new ‪#‎jewelry‬ as well? ✌ 15%

Full moon in ‪#‎Aquarius‬ bringing new everything… & maybe new ‪#‎jewelry‬ as well? 15% OFF your order with code ‪#‎FULLMOON‬ tonight & good through the early morning

Must be used at time of checkout – not valid on Crowns or Gauntlets – Good on total less S&H charges


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New Years Ritual

This is the personal ritual I’ll be doing this New Year (ie tonight for me in Australia). It’s quite calm and doesn’t use too much energy, since the moon phase is coming out of waning crescent into dark moon, where I’m trying not to use too much magic.

New Years Eve, wake to 4:10pm

Lunar phase: Waning Crescent

  • Pick crystals for the night and give them energy (clear quartz, citrine, amethyst and moonstone for confidence, stress relief, harmony and new beginnings)
  • Write a list of what I’m thankful for in 2021
  • Cleanse myself from negativity with water, candles and incense

New Years Eve, 4:10pm–11:59pm

Lunar phase: Dark Moon

  • Daily tarot card pull
  • Self care face mask, rose quartz beauty roller, lavender body spray
  • Spend time with close friends

New Years Day, 12:00am–4:00am?

Lunar phase: Dark Moon

  • Celebrate the New Year with friends
  • Meditate before sleep

Lunar Phase Meanings and Associations

Southern Hemisphere Edition

New Moon — time used for starting anew, personal growth and setting new intentions

  • Magic: consecrating new tools, cleansing and banishment
  • When: the moon is directly between the sun and earth, so we see the dark side of the moon

Waning Moon — time used for gratitude and banishing negativity

  • Magic: cleansing and banishing rituals
  • When: the sun begins to move further from the moon so we see the first dark crescent until the moon is dark

Full Moon — time used for using power and energy and sealing intentions

  • Magic: cleansing and charging rituals, manifesting and divination
  • When: the sun is opposite the moon so we see the entire light side, two weeks after the new moon, for three days before and three days after

Waxing Moon — time used for gaining power and energy and acting on intentions

  • Magic: love and attraction magic, cleansing and protection rituals
  • When: the sun begins to move closer to the moon so we see the first crescent of light until the moon is almost full

Dark Moon — time used for regaining energy and reflection

  • Magic: no magic is performed, focus on personal matters and self care
  • When: three days before the new moon, the moon cannot be seen in any phase


Here’s the explanation for fellow baby witches

Fun fact: The moon appears upside down from Australia! That means the waning/waxing phases appear opposite to how they would from the southern hemisphere, which is why the emojis seem incorrect (this is an edit because im stupid and didnt realise)

It’s generally accepted in witchcraft that we get our energy and power from the moon. As the moon goes through different phases, so do our abilities. This is why it’s important to pay attention to the moon phases, so we know which forms of magic are best to perform and what time for the highest success rate.

I never did this, and I dont know why, but i regret it. I lost motivation in witchcraft for a while because nothing i seemed to be doing was impacting my life. I had a recent spark that brought me back though, and i regret not paying more attention to this stuff, because i’m a very structured person as it is.

An important note is that this isnt a complete list of all the phases, it’s an overview. there are more detailed versions all over tumblr with crescents, gibbouses and quarters, but this is my current understanding at my current level, and one day i’ll expand it.

Also, other versions have setting new intentions during the waxing phase, whereas i have it in new moon. This is just personal preference because it’s what makes sense to me. If you have questions or corrections, let me know!
