#cosplay feature

Cosplay Repair : @the_cosplay_repair_fairy I pretty much carry on with anything, and I mean anything

Cosplay Repair : @the_cosplay_repair_fairy

I pretty much carry on with anything, and I mean anything, that I think could be useful. I have the basics that anyone would have like needle and thread, super glue, hot glue, safety pins, bobby pins, and the super useful carpet tape. I then have some of the useful things that people might not think of but are still pretty useful such as toothpicks, foam shoe inserts, and zipties. Then you got the real out there things that I don’t really use too often like a pry bar, soldering iron, tampons and even a fire extinguisher, just in case. Pretty much either I have it or someone is gonna ask me for it and I’ll try to get it for the next con.

I started back in 2013. I went to AnimeUSA for a day and didn’t really have any plans so I just came with a bag of duct tape. One of my friends actually made a joke about being a “cosplay repair fairy” and I thought it sounded like fun. I made a sign and helped a few people there. It was actually a lot of fun so I decided to keep doing it and every year since I have just been adding more stuff to my kit until I became what it is today.

I honestly enjoy doing this more than doing other conventional cosplays. For one I like knowing that no matter what con I go to I will have a costume ready and that I only need to update it rather than making a whole new one. More than that though, I really enjoy seeing cosplayers who may have been worried or upset about something in their cosplay going wrong and seeing them get really happy when we can fix it for them. They are always so polite and kind to us and being able to help them out makes any con I go to that much more fun.


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Bobby Hill from King of the Hill : danny_d_cosplaySo it started as a joke cosplay after I cut my hai

Bobby Hill from King of the Hill :danny_d_cosplay

So it started as a joke cosplay after I cut my hair a little too short. Some people joked that I looked like Bobby Hill and so I figured I would cosplay him get a couple of laughs then be done. However, To my amazement not only did it become a hit but the positivity to the cosplay was so welcoming that it has become the main cosplay I will use.

I think the biggest experience I have gained from it is when the unexpected happens to use it and make it your own. You never know, what will appear and sometimes as in my case a simple mistake  has now become my most known  cosplay.

I think my first cosplay I actually did was Noodle from Gorillaz for a high school event but my first actual con cosplay I did was Saitama from One Punch Man. The experience was uplifting in a way, here I am as a chubby cosplayer who people were excited to see as the character. This was also kind of what triggered me to use the cosplay as a way to make issues I didn’t like about myself and make them okay.

Cosplay has become very therapeutic to me. I decided to take issues that I didn’t like about myself and use them in my cosplay. When I came up with the username Danny_d_cosplay I did not like the name Danny, it simply didn’t feel like me and now I don’t think I could be any happier to hear it. I have had issues with weight so I started cosplaying chubbier characters now it’s more normal. So to me cosplay has become something to I couldn’t live without.Here you go, here are the questions with the answers. And I know we talked about what I use the cosplay for so I added that text at the end if you want to use that at all                                      

I have been cosplaying for about 8 years now and I think the biggest change that I have seen is more of the acceptance for it now. I remember when I first started if I mentioned cosplay or conventions people not in the community would give me a weird look. Now when I see cosplayers out in public cosplaying I’ll sometimes hear the strangers around them say “oh it’s like that comic con thing” or even talk about the character the person is cosplaying as.

I think I have cosplayed about 15 characters currently. My favorite cosplays are Bobby Hill, Porco Rosso, Saitama from opm , and the Box Ghost from Danny Phantom

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Spamton from Deltarune : @p4tr1_kI chose Spamton because I just really like the character, I think h

Spamton from Deltarune : @p4tr1_k

I chose Spamton because I just really like the character, I think he’s really well written and Ppamton Neo is pretty badass. I also just really love Deltarune and Undertale, they’re some of my favorite games. I’ll be honest, I don’t really know much about anime, so I just chose to go as a video game character lol

I put it together using mostly Eva foam and hot glue, this is the fist costume I’ve made mostly by myself (with some help from my brother, who’s more experienced of course). There were different millimeter foams I used, but it was most 8mm for the limbs and spikes and stuff (the wings and chest piece were 12 and 10 however). For the color, I just used spray paint. I made almost all of the patterns myself, but the only pattern I didn’t make was to the mask’s. I bought the pattern for that of Etsy.

Probably the most unusual reaction was the amount of people that recognized me lol. Like, I knew the character was popular, but I didn’t think it would receive as much attention as it did due to the fact that there were barely any other deltarune cosplayers there (I thought that there would’ve been a lot since chapter 2 came out not too long ago, but i only saw like 3 at most)

Since this is my first cosplay, it hasn’t really impacted my life, but I will say it did take up a large portion of my time over the last few months, and it felt weird to just come home and have nothing to worry about or do (I have off of school for a week so I really don’t have anything to do). I do plan to do another cosplay next year though. Just not as big as this one was. Maybe Ghetsis from Pokémon.

The thing about cosplaying is that it’s gonna be harder and more time consuming than you think. Even if you go into it thinking that it will be, it’ll still be more than you expected. It might seem stressful, but honestly in the end, the whole process is pretty fun.

As for Spamton, there were a few parts I was unsatisfied with, and I would touch up if I had more time. But overall I’d say it came out pretty good for my first cosplay lol. I’ll probably make some adjustments to the size of the peices and repaint a little, and wear it next year along with Ghetsis. I think it’d be fun to wear a more casual costume like Ghetsis around the con, and spamton for like an hour at a time. But all in all, being a [[BIG SHOT]] for the weekend was pretty cool, and I’m excited for next year!


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