#covid 19 nyc


We are still learning about the omicron variant of the virus that causes COVID-19, but here is a breakdown of what we currently know:

There are no confirmed cases in NYC of the omicron variant, but we may start seeing such cases in the city soon. Delta remains the dominant strain – about 98% of sequenced specimens.

While a lot is still unknown about omicron, early evidence suggests that those who’ve had COVID-19 in the past may be more easily reinfected with omicron.

We strongly recommend everyone — including people who are vaccinated or were previously infected — wear masks in ALL public indoor settings.

Vaccination, masking and testing remain our most important tools in fighting this new potential variant of concern. Vaccines are available for anyone 5 and older, and we recommend boosters for any adult who is fully vaccinated.


New Yorkers: It’s time to talk to your friends and family members about COVID-19 vaccines! If your loved ones are not yet vaccinated, use these tips to listen respectfully and share your story:
1️⃣ Start the conversation.
2️⃣Invite people to share any concerns they may have.
3️⃣Acknowledge any concerns or past negative experiences they bring up.
4️⃣Ask if you can share your story or what you know.
5️⃣Provide scientific information.
6️⃣Share your own experience about getting a vaccine.
7️⃣Find common ground by identifying what is important to them and the priorities you share.
8️⃣Offer assistance to people who want to get vaccinated.

Over 5 million New Yorkers have been vaccinated against COVID-19!

Thank you to everyone who has gotten vaccinated so far. Because of you, we are that much closer to ending this pandemic.

If you still need to get vaccinated, it has never been easier—or more important—to get your COVID-19 vaccine. Remember: The delta variant is more contagious, more likely to cause severe illness, more likely to reinfect someone who already had COVID-19 and more likely to infect young people.

To find a vaccination site near you, visit nyc.gov/vaccinefinder.
